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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/04/14 in Posts

  1. 11 points
    When I'm looking at a charge of griefing, I'm looking for why something was done; not what was done. Griefing (from my point of view) is any action taken with the primary intention of making trouble for another player. That is it's all about the intention of the action, not the action itself. Thus, to try to make a list of "these actions are considered griefing" is totally missing the point. A player can take take actions that cause you harm without intending to grief you. You may report that as griefing, but I would not take any action before getting a reasonable feeling about why that action was taken by the other player.
  2. 8 points
    With short notice due to a new deadline, we announce our next Mega Server test tomorrow evening Swedish time. The time is selected for being one hour before normal peak time, and we will run it for as long as player count increases which should be somewhere around one to three hours. In order to participate, you do not have to register – just download our standard test client found at http://www.wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient_test.jnlp Since the graphics and sound packs take quite some time to download please do it as soon as possible. The client currently links to our standard test server but will be relinked a while before the test starts. If you come to the old test server during the test, close the client and redownload it. This server is 4 times the size of Independence, so a bit smaller than we had initially hoped. It’s still 16 times our standard servers which is a huge improvement. Just like the last time, Rolf will be experimenting with live streaming on twitch.tv/codeclub Well met! Countdown :
  3. 5 points
    Paid perimeters stop others from deeding and house building in an area you may want to expand your deed into in the future. That is all. You don't own that land, you've simply "reserved" it. If you want to truly own it, then deed it.
  4. 5 points
    Just fence the damn thing and plant potatoes. I mean, if somebody takes the time to put down a low stone wall just to steal some potatoes, hes got to be needing those potatoes way more than you do
  5. 4 points
    Some Players don't want to PvP, because they don't like it, they don't enjoy it, they think it's a stupid gameplay feature that should have never been invented, they think it's mean, nasty, lowbrow, 8 Mile, they don't want to spend weeks getting their deeds just right to see it stomped into woodscraps in hours, because they want.... on and on. For as many reasons as Players want to PvP there are also many reasons why Players won't PvP. Each is personal, each is valid. I personally believe concepts governing morality and ethics in real life also govern our behavior on the Internet, for it's not computers that play games and spend time on FB and Twitter, it's Human Beings that do that, using computers as a tool like a telephone or a letter, or TV. I think some gameplay features we take for granted in MMOs should not be allowed anymore since similar behaviors are not allowed in real life. That means no killing, even if its just pixels, no stealing, no harassment (don't we have that rule ingame already?), etc. But where to draw the line? Who to draw it? I would rather not see a line drawn even though some things I think shouldn't be allowed. Freedom is preferable to Legalism. I won't criticize Players for PvP and such, but I won't ever participate in it, any more than I would take a knife and stab a person in real life. I might be playing a game but the other Players are real life People just as if they were in a room with me. Trust for me in a MMO is very problematic.There is no such thing to me as "roleplay" any more. Who I see in game is the Player, not the character. The character has no morals or ethics, or bad behavior or homicidal tendencies... the Player does. If you grief others ingame you can't blame it on your character, not with me. Want to PvP? Cool. OK. Let's just agree to disagree and don't ask me to join and/or force PvP on me either. In return I won't ask for PvP features to be nerfed or removed, I will just ask they not be added to the Freedom Isles. I play Wurm on Freedom Isles only and if Freedom Isles becomes PvP by my definition of what PvP is, then I will leaving Wurm, for to remain playing with my point of view would be insane... not to mention a real headache.
  6. 4 points
    I don't know what people are ranting and raving in this thread, I had a boat stolen once, the FCC basically said don't steal boats so I did a support ticket, the GM told me that (in a very polite way) I should stop being an idiot and lock my boat then but an anchor on it. I also had my off deed mine broken into but by this time I realized I should have just stopped being a lazy ___ and reinforce my off deed mines. I made a highway once and it was mostly removed, I did a support ticket and even though there was highway rules in place in the FCC the GM couldn't do anything about it without proof that it was a highway. Seriously people the FCC means nothing, it's a complete joke (or was) and the removal of it means just as much as most of my posts in wood scraps. Stop making a big deal about something that means nothing, the actual rules are still in place. Understand there is a difference between the rules and the FCC. I bet most of you never even read it you're just so worked up on the freedom is now gonna be pvp train that you have to come here and doom and gloom with the rest of these people.
  7. 3 points
    The only applicable rule left is this: Game Rules These apply to all servers. "Wurm is a complex game that attracts many different kinds of players with different reasons for playing. The Wurm Rules are written to help keep this game running as smoothly as possible, while allowing players the freedom to play the game in a way they would like without spoiling the experience for others." And that taken from the game rule page says it all. The freedom cluster was designed as a play nice and be considerate server, and for the first cpl years i was on freedom the fcc did an excellent job of enforcing the peace, you either left your neighbors area alone or you dealt with Enki. Then wurm grew and the enclosure rule was added as reinforcment to the fcc, the unintended offshoot of this was it created grey areas so fences sprang up everywhere, because rumor said if it wasnt fenced it was fair game perimeter or not. Now wurm has grown some more and even more fences have been put up and no one is happy. Fcc, and the enclosure rule are both being removed, but the first rule is still standing. So does this mean that if someone rolls up to our deeds and clearcuts our perim, spoiling our day, is that griefing ? How about if they haul off sev k of dirt, is that griefing, because by the definition of the first rule it states that it is.. Reasons given for the new changes were to make it easier on the staff, and frankly i dont see that happening without adding perim terraforming, mining and woodcutting permissions to the deed form. That not only would go a long way toward easing the coming dev load it would avoid much of the conflict before it happened, and provide a good reason to remove many of the fences that will stay without some form of protection besides everyones opinion of what griefing is. A great many players in wurm today still havent read the rules. I could count on one hand the number of times in 5 years i have seen a player deliberatly block anothers path to his deed, but if that is an issue then add a 1 tile kings land to deeds or code in min distance between perims for any new deeds. Mostly what im seeing is a large number of players assuming that perims are going to be free game for griefers, I have seen no announcement from Rolf stating this, nor have i seen any where in the rules that perim is public land to be defaced or destroyed at will. Sure losing something you leave laying loose is expected but deforming the land is not. It has been stated that the enclosure rule is going, not that anyone has the right to ruin anothers day. The recent changes were aimed at non paid for huge enclosures (which by the way has never been defined) but it seems perims have become the culprit, taking the brunt of the targeting. Free enclosures in the wild will be little affected, as they have nothing to lose. They will either replace the fences far faster than one can destroy them or move to another area. I find it hard to believe that the dev team intended to make it possible to leave deeds setting in the middle of a wasteland created by a player who is bored or covets his neighbors perim dirt. Many players are expecting this to happen, with more than a few looking forward to the carnage they can do. Staff clarification or permission changes would be appreciiated to clear this up. Deed owners on freedom need some peace of mind returned to them, so they stay deed owners. We need more reasons to take fences down, not more reasons to put them up.
  8. 3 points
    It's the only thing that makes the forum worth reading. It's not like anyone comes here expecting enlightenment from the devs.
  9. 3 points
    Cool, can I have the warning removed from my account then?
  10. 3 points
    To be fair a lot of the people behind the characters are tools too .
  11. 3 points
    Where do you want to meet up :-? Coz this seems legit. Like how I got my first uranium mine
  12. 3 points
    I don't want to see Wurm becoming a game that's increasingly hostile to newer players. Populated by a small, veteran playerbase who cares only for preserving their advantage at all costs. if anyone has played Eve Online, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Bashing enclosures that you didn't build is griefing, regardless of what rules say. Stealing things that aren't yours, is griefing. Acting out to harm or troll another player for no other reason, is griefing.
  13. 3 points
    Misery Redux As a traveling weaponsmith, from time to time I meet some very interesting people. This one day however... I met a woman that was most evil. It all began when Chiqa sent me a very provocative message, requesting I show up at her home to imp a few things. Seeing as this was my business, the forge was loaded into the knarr and I was on my way. Nothing out of the ordinary, a couple 90ql imps and the job was done in about an hour. Chiqa was very pleased with the work and mentioned she would need more imps the next morning. It was late and she politely offered food, drink, and a bed to sleep for the night, which I graciously accepted. This was my big mistake. On awaking the next morning, I found myself tethered to the bed posts, barely able to move a muscle. I began to yell and scream for help, yet no-one arrived. My hostess did not seem to be around. Fortunately I keep a small carving knife hidden in my sleeve for emergency tool making. I was able to cut through the bindings and escape the room. On wandering around the deed, it was discovered all the exit gates and gate houses were locked tight. I was trapped once again as the hours slowly passed by. Then by some miracle while stumbling around trying to find a way out, a wayward soul happened by the deed. Calling out to the stranger, she came over to where I was caged. Taskmaster was her name, a beautiful lass dressed in black drake. I offered her a free 90ql imp if she would help me escape the prison. Taskmaster hesitated for a slight moment, then agreed. Remembering I had a Farwalker Twig stashed away in a satchel, I passed the Twig through the tall iron gate, then gave instructions on how to use it. A moment later, my heroine returned with the primed Twig. I quickly tapped it on the ground and was magically teleported out of the prison Chiqa had locked me in. I'm not sure if she still lives there or how many others had fallen into her trap, but don't plan on ever going back to find out.
  14. 3 points
    Im actually glad it's not like 16x times the size of Indy 4x is big enough ^^ Hope I get to kill sea serpent this time too!
  15. 3 points
    Ah so you allow snipe bids when they are done privately. Will make a note not to buy from you in the future.
  16. 3 points
    I have a hard time believing that anyone who buys perimeter tiles can seriously manage to convince themselves that they are real deed tiles seeing as they are both cheaper, lack upkeep cost and do not protect structures from decay. Yet we see all these threads sprawling up where people talk about not being able to use perimeters as deed anymore, but let's face it: You were never able to.
  17. 3 points
    Yes... Enclosures made by a village's citizens on the village's perimeter do deserve Legal Enclosures and thus protected status. Why?.... Because Rent (upkeep) is being paid for the deed and includes its' perimeter up to the 5 "free" tiles. Free or not, a perimeter is part of our deed's and as we have paid for the deed and we are paying monthly rent (upkeep), I feel that we do deserve some protection for what we build on what we have rented. On the upside, people who have paid for massive perimeters are yet another source of income for Wurm, income that pays for the servers and the wages of the few paid staff. From a business point of view, I can see why the Dev's and GM team want to put an end to the massive Undeeded land grabs. Massive parts of Wurm are being blocked from generating any income as new players (and old) can not plant a deed in the blocked off areas and make them economically productive. .. so, if someone is willing to make the purchase and pay the monthly rent, they should also get some legal protections that go with renting a property. Food for thought, Cheers! Hughmongus
  18. 3 points
    I think 1 2 and 4 would be really good especially 4. -1 to the rest.
  19. 2 points
    Since we received a lot of feedback requesting that you shouldn't have to purchase premium time in order to create deeds on the upcoming Xanadu server, I asked the team whether they saw many issues with letting non-premiums do that. As it looks right now we couldn't figure out any show stopper really, and it would make it a lot easier for people to settle down and enjoy the game. One reason we have not allowed it before was that when a never-premium mayor account is deleted after three months of inactivity it causes lots of problems if the settlement remains, but other reasons could be deed griefing and hogging resources cheaply. From the feedback and preliminary discussions we had in team that should apparently not be an issue. So basically, the current plan is to allow non-premiums to start a deed. This helps you experienced players place a deed without having to prem up and hand it to your main account once the borders open which is the main thing we want to solve.
  20. 2 points
    The CRnerf on home server is just to much to fight on the home server. I'm all for giving new players and chance against the older players but now all the old accounts are just moving to the home server so they have 0 chance of death in a even fight. To get around this problem I was thinking any account that is less than 6 months prem time should get a crbuff on the home server and after 6 months they get the buff removed because they should have the fighting skill to fight after 6 months and the older player will not be 100% safe any more.
  21. 2 points
    There's a committee now? Nope. There's going to be a fuss with any major change that is going to significantly alter someone's playstyle to something they don't want. The more people that it affects the bigger the fuss. However having a committee does give people someone new to blame for all the changes they don't like. In the end it's just about having people sift through the ideas and presenting stuff to the devs right? Still the same people making the decisions. They just need to put less effort themselves in dealing with the player feedback. A bias in the committee can skew what stuff they report but it's not going to change what the devs are interested in changing. If the devs are interested in fixing PvP and there is a PvE bias in the committee then they're just not going to be presented with all the player ideas and wing it anyway as they've typically done and a similar thing if the bias goes the other way and the devs want to add more PvE content.
  22. 2 points
    He probably has wet pants just thinking how much money he can make off Xanadu, considering how much he made off early trader deeds on Pristine, a 16 times smaller server. Let us hope Rolf finally makes a few good decisions, and removes traders and farmable drake armor from any and all new servers.
  23. 2 points
  24. 2 points
    Played for an hour then wurmpedia, wurmonline.com and client crashed again. Forums still up as usual. I am almost ready to stop playing 2 of 4 accounts...why should I spend over $40 per month when the makers of the game want me to be an employee and do legwork for them such as contacting my isp to resolve some insane issue that the ISP looks at you and says your crazy. The only way for ISP's to take the problem seriously is if wurm does their job and contacts someone higher up within the ISP's who can actually look into the problem and fix it. Having us call entry level call center agents who are reading from a script of known problems is not going to resolve anything but cause more irritation. If its an unknown problem they don't know what to do. From all the stories in this thread of people contacting their ISP's and basically being treated like an idiot/crazy person, really discourages anyone from wanting to try. I explained this problem to several friends and colleges as I work in tech support and they all agreed if you pay $, it is the game makers responsibility to put your money to good use and fix problems......regardless if its an ISP or not. I could understand it being an ISP problem if ALL the wurm sites would go down, and if other internet pages wouldn't work. If your not gonna fix the problem Wurm why not say this is a European game ONLY. Anyone else play at your own risk....... java.net.ConnectException: Operation timed out at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method) at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:339) at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:200) at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:182) at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:392) at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:579) at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:528) at sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(NetworkClient.java:180) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:432) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:527) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.<init>(HttpClient.java:211) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(HttpClient.java:308) at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(HttpClient.java:326) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getNewHttpClient(HttpURLConnection.java:996) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(HttpURLConnection.java:932) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.connect(HttpURLConnection.java:850) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1300) at com.sun.deploy.net.HttpUtils.followRedirects(Unknown Source) at com.sun.deploy.net.BasicHttpRequest.doRequest(Unknown Source) at com.sun.deploy.net.BasicHttpRequest.doGetRequestEX(Unknown Source) at com.sun.deploy.cache.ResourceProviderImpl.checkUpdateAvailable(Unknown Source) at com.sun.deploy.cache.ResourceProviderImpl.isUpdateAvailable(Unknown Source) at com.sun.deploy.cache.ResourceProviderImpl.getResource(Unknown Source) at com.sun.deploy.cache.ResourceProviderImpl.getResource(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.updateFinalLaunchDesc(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareToLaunch(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareToLaunch(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.launch(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main.launchApp(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main.continueInSecureThread(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main.access$000(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main$1.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
  25. 2 points
    You nailed it. It's a waste of development time that is just going to stretch the playerbase thinner. Just another island for everyone to slam traders down on and kill a few more dragons. And "the topping to the cake" is that Rolf cuts deed pricing in half without offering full disbands to his existing players. That means everyone who has an existing deed could have double the deedage for the coin they put in, equal to what those who are just planting are getting. He's not giving you the option to relocate or to restructure... he's giving you the incentive to feed him more coin. This is all just a ploy for money.
  26. 2 points
    I have a plan on how to trap the elusive gumbo yet again. This plan involves peanut butter and feathers. That is all I will say.
  27. 2 points
    Logging started at Nov 5, 2006 [06:02:54] Welcome to Wurm, Noizhead! Wurm has been waiting for you. Make sure to read the introduction. You can bring it back by typing /info in a chat window. [06:02:54] You enter Newtown. [06:02:54] You enter Jenn-Kellon. [06:02:54] 57 other players are online. [06:02:54] Type /help for available commands. [06:02:54] You feel rested.
  28. 2 points
    Silakka will be original forever. It's about the fun, not money, that's how I've always played ^^
  29. 2 points
    Since we have no enclosure rule to help prevent 'random' greifing, let us use tracking more effectivly. 3hrs is a joke when tracking down perps bump it to at least the last 8hrs. people do sleep for more than 3 hrs a day. Was just informed tracking doesnt improve with skill?
  30. 2 points
    -1. Come to Chaos if u want to do HotA
  31. 2 points
    Well if done right with not a lot of water then 4x should be fine for everyone. Although anything less than 16x just seems like a cheap knockoff now, lol
  32. 2 points
    But isn't the problem always that you can't prove the primary intention? Aren't you getting rid of the FCC since you say it isn't enforced anyway? Do you not lack tools to deal with what many player's see as griefing? Isn't the purpose of getting rid of enclosures to lessen the load on GMs from griefing calls? Wouldn't it be smart then to think about the consequences of removing a deterrent to griefing like the FCC, and replacing it with something that actually makes your job easier? Removing it with nothing in its place just means that now instead of pointing noobs to the FCC when exhibiting an "unwanted" behaviour (and most noobs (not intentional griefers) actually stop when you point out unintended consequences when they are written down as "rules"), I now need to put in a support call so you can judge their primary intent? If perimeter is public land, are you going to tell people that some public land is less public, if you want to dig dirt to raise land on your deed? Are you telling me that my neighbours perimeter which is full of dirt is less public than another area? Or is it going to be up to the neighbour to go somewhere else and import more dirt in so he can leave his deed without climbing again. If I dig a moat around someone else's deed, so I can have a passage around it on a boat, is their ability to leave their deed without a boat more important than me getting around it on a boat? Since the FCC was the only thing telling me I shouldn't change a landscape not on my deed, if other neighbours had issues with it, can I just change all giant steppe areas to sand if I want to? And for those who think there really isn't going to be much griefing, since there wasn't much before the rules were put in in the first place, you are not counting on the people who are hellbent on showing you exactly how bad the idea is and actually flood you with griefing complaints.
  33. 2 points
    Maybe Rolf should drop the 20 skill cap for non premiums too just in case someone can't afford premium. Yup, it's all the work of the PvP illuminati. So far I see nothing gamebreaking in what's coming, you can all keep your little fenced areas but they will require more work to be kept intact, deal with it. One thing has stayed true for me in this game: Deed it or lose it. land you have not paid for does not belong to you in any way whatsoever and just having some fences there does not give you any more right over that land than any other player that wants that land. People that play this game for extended periods of time and then whine about content without investing in premium, or complain about "their" land despite not deeding it make me sick. The sense of entitlement kicks up a stench worse than a cesspit. Maybe it's rose-coloured glasses but I remember a lot less whinging when non-paying characters were imprisoned on Golden Valley while the real servers were left for paying customers.
  34. 2 points
    I find it ridiculous that the old players are going to miss the landrush event just because the server isn't going to be connected. Well if the reason for not connecting Xanadu to the main cluster for at least a week is that the devs don't want people bringing over thousands of items at first, then let us use a one way portal there with just the items we have in our inventory, plain and simple. The whole non premiums allowed a deed there doesnt solve much as you still need to buy the silver...
  35. 2 points
    I think what people will happen when the FCC and enclosures are removed is blown out of proportion. I don't remember a huge amount of issue before they were added in the first place.
  36. 2 points
  37. 2 points
    It's not about the size, it's how you use it. Since you fully read the main post I'm sure you saw the "In order to participate, you do not have to register" part. To test out how a smaller server works in performance, probably. Time when most people are online.
  38. 2 points
    The end of home servers, no longer have to constantly check /who to see if anyone has crossed the border, no longer have to deal with boat pvp on server borders or the bugs that come along with crossing servers. A megaserver for Epic would help greatly with kingdom unification
  39. 2 points
  40. 2 points
    Devils advocate: If I decide to expand my perimeter, lets keep it simple and say I type in "6". Now that I pay for a portion of that "free" perimeter, how much and which tiles of that perimeter are under my ownership? If we still follow "deed it or lose it" philosophy anything I pay for should be mine. So even after the pages upon pages of suggestions on this topic the perimeter still holds no value even if I pay for it? Back on topic, I think "yes" to building on perimeter. Even if I don't own it the perimeter is still an entity that would only exist with the presence of my paid for deed.
  41. 2 points
    I think there's more enclosure threads then there are enclosures in game.
  42. 2 points
    Not epic... imo there shouldn't be, and shouldn't have ever been an epic in the first place.
  43. 2 points
    If we all use our deed settings to the best of our ability, lock our boats and lock our carts then nothing is going to be greifed or stolen. I know that if i leave my cart unlocked off deed it may well dis pear along with the contents. I cannot hold anyone else responsible for my inattention to detail. Hmm maybe I will just blame Gumbo, it has to be his fault when I am a bonehead
  44. 2 points
    til then, use the select bar or target bar, whatever it's called, click the crate, right click ship to embark, right click the target/select bar and load. It's how you lead horses on larger ships as well. But yes this really needs looked at.
  45. 1 point
    I really dont mind the other seasons at all but the god awful textures for the snowy season is just terrible. It really starts to hurt the eyes after a while. The ability to turn it off in the options somewhere would be nice or atleast some better textures..I know there isn't much you can do with a snow like texture but they are just...awful, especially rock and grass textures, there is no difference and its confusing. I also realize the ability to turn of a season may be "unrealistic" to some, if that is the case just make better textures
  46. 1 point
    Personally, I find the Twitter messages to be game breaking. Why should another source totally unaware of Wurm be able to tell you that your village is being raided? What's the point of even being online then?
  47. 1 point
    Like Tuanta, I will quote Castile as it accurately portrays my views. I was vehemently anti-merge before, but now actually I think it has been long enough. Also, the main remaining problem I had was that we would have a large (sudden) influx of players with all the trouble that comes with it. If it is at the same time Xanadu opens, I think that impact would be much reduced as people would far rather go storming through a new server than just one they personally might not have been to before.
  48. 1 point
    1) Split PvP and non-PvP code, it's overdue and possibly blocking some good changes, it really isn't as hard as it's made out to be. 2) Warn players of all upcoming changes in due time so they might act accordingly, then maybe people would be more prone to forgive actual mistakes/slip-ups/bugs. 3) Connect Pristine and Release to the rest of the servers in some way - People will keep making excuses no matter how long you wait, it's better to just get it over with even if it hurts a few people. 4) Allow one-direction expansion of deeds, I know a lot of people (including me) who would expand their deeds significantly if this was possible, also possibly resolves some issues people have in crowded areas. (easy money here, Rolf!) 5) Revert the price of premium to the old Price of 10 euro/2 months, would allow more people to pay for premium (also making people a litte less likely to quit, because hey, it isn't all that expensive to stay) - Silver price can stay the same for all I care. 6) More focus on fixing bugs more promtly, this is the only game I've played where relatively minor bugs can stay for months after they popped up despite having been awknowledged by the devs. 7) Perhaps just a little more listening and communicating with the playerbase, a lot of valid issues and minor suggestions/solutions being brought up that seem to be largely ignored. (I get it if some things are in limbo and they can't make a statement on it, but there's still a lot of other valid cases and at least they can bring it up for consideration/discussion within the team.) Might be a tad serious, sorry *cowers*
  49. 1 point
    So those signs on destroyed highways asking the offender to contact a GM immediately were just for funsies? People who go dinged for bashing or otherwise griefing, that was not actually real? This makes no sense and smacks of rewriting history to make bad decisions look reasonable.
  50. 1 point
    Needed this all along, if they are going to remove everything freedom about "freedom" add limited, no raiding or bashing, PvP
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