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Everything posted by Edzwarr

  1. One thing I always thought should happen, and it would be a win for Rolf and a win for players is... Have the Spirit Templar's actually be useful, everyone has complained about on deed decay forever, have it so the Templar is like your deed butler it repairs all items on deed or having it keeps things from decaying. Also have a setting for that it would tend farm fields, which could be turned off and on in settings, so if your unable to play for a couple days fields could be tended. This would make everyone want a spirit Templar which in turn would be more money for Rolf monthly and no decay for us. Just implementing things so this game is more appealing to new people and so it's not Chores Online would go along way. I know even if having one just took take of on deed decay, I'd have one on every deed I own that would be 4 more silver a month for Rolf and one less Chore I would have to do
  2. Tich was going to make this the first bridge on Indy when they came out, but someone who didn't want it deeded the one coast to prevent it. Glad that deed popped. this will save a bunch of travel time heading east from BDI.
  3. Very Nicely done indeed ! I had no idea this project was going on, (I guess I don't leave my deed much). The entrances look awesome, I can't wait to go on an adventure and check this out.
  4. I'll take a Scorpion for 6 Silver. Where is the pick up location, or are you delivering ? Shoot me a PM Thanks
  5. Missions working as intended..... ROFL
  6. Looking good man keep up the good work, I'll have to come out on a hunting adventure and use the Foster Home
  7. Welcome Back, nice Vid Once Wurm gets it's claws in you, you never really quit, we all might take long mental breaks or try other games for a couple months here or there. But I would never give up my toons or deeds here, way to many years invested.
  8. Send the rare studded peices to me please COD Edzwarr
  9. closed

    Send me a full set (shoes and Saddle) of the 90-92 cast range, highest possible ones you have left please. Thanks
  10. Wow man that's dedication Congratz ! I can't even begin to imagine going that far. I just hit 70 and don't want to go any higher cause meditating sux so bad. Very well done in deed
  11. Sermon group

    I wouldn't mind getting in on this as well. I have a Nahjo follower I'm about to priest, just need to get his body stats where I want them. I would even offer up my place "Raider Nation" to host if there is enough interest, it's centrally located in the middle of the server on Black Dog Island.
  12. Awesome guys, but I really wish you would finish things before moving on to the next. One example would be hedges, you guys updated the art on the maple hedges over 2 years ago it looks awesome, but we still have cedar and camellia looking like sponges WTF !?!?
  13. COD the rare knapsack with rare champagne - 2s to me please. Thanks
  14. HOLY CRAP MEAD AND BEER !?!?! I was always hoping for one or the other but both WOW Tich Kicks Arse ! every new update that is over the top she has been involved in... Bridges, permission system now cooking AWESOME JOB !
  15. My buddy Dano and I went to this, and out of all the rifts we have attended so far this location was the worst by far. It actually would have been nice if the rift took out all the fences and pens that were part of the old deed it dropped on. The plateau was like 40 x 40 maybe with 20 slope roads going up to it, and had a bunch of houses and fences everywhere. Plus the aggro range for these mobs is a lot bigger then the area it was spawned on. And to top it off, we only had 10 people attend so it made for a long event, we went through a crap ton of cotton. I like the randomness of these rifts but there should be some sort of terrain checks in place for them to spawn. Like not near buildings or the area should consist of at least 100 x 100 unimpeded area. I was under the impression that the less people you had the lower amount of mobs spawn, not the case. Don't know how many more of these I'll be attending, doesn't seem worth the time and effort. I like the rift events but they need some tweaks.
  16. My chickens are on packed dirt and I feed them corn, tons and tons of it. They lay lots of eggs, but the ratio of eggs hatching is rather low I would say 1 out of every 40 to 50.
  17. Thanks Emoo, and Welcome Back Again, btw you can always name a second deed "Get the Flock off my lawn" I COD'ed you an Egg named Emoo, I thought it was a fitting item Regards, Edzwarr
  18. Since I have 3 deeds I keep them around 200 days, in case I take a break for a few weeks or so.
  19. Welcome Back, my suggestion is... Get the Flock off my lawn !
  20. Yes from my deed on BDI it looks like it's directly on top of Magic Mountain, this should be fun.......
  21. I have had a cover photo for a month or so now, I thought it was added with the new forums and I just didn't notice it till then :). no idea when it was added.
  22. Send one of the rare applewood knapsacks to me please Thanks
  23. First off are those statues of the nymph in the picture made of gold or they just dyed gold color ? Second you guys should seriously consider the ramifications of your actions before you implement things or post about them, changing the domains is one thing but keep above ground and below ground separate please. Just look at what you guys have done in the past,religion and deities are a joke now that we have what 8 gods ?!?! with more on the way and the 2 of the 4 original being obsolete for the most part. Third you should really consider talking to the PVP community about nonpremium alts having full run of characteristics before you go and do something just because a couple of guys talk about it on a pod cast, there are pages upon pages of good stuff in the Suggestions & Ideas section you should consider prior to this dumb idea, I don't even PVP and I realize that's a recipe for disaster. And finally now that I can make more money from killing bred creatures, I'm going to breed a CRAP LOAD OF THEM ! Why don't you guys be more productive and fix broken stuff instead of trying to reinvent the wheel.