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Everything posted by Klaa

  1. Aye even using level one alts to widen one's energy pool, makes the whole random knowledge level and intentionally forgetting to get better to be a bit of a grind despite focusing on mobs I care about.
  2. Goblins building their own villages was one of the original planned features envisioned
  3. Personally better for the taste option.
  4. I'm up for it though the "spells" currently in Wurm are actually clerical in nature. Sorcery is a whole another deal entirely; though, temp one off scrolls of those might be fun, come to think of it. Personally the enchant scrolls should only work for their own followers, or non followers suffer a disadvantage. Kind of reminds me of people buying indulgences from the medieval Catholic church. Also up for more uses to the writing system, and scroll cases.
  5. Aye similar boost to fighting any specific critter; though, this is more of a boost from reading information other players have written and/or doing it hands on. Incidentally encouraging the usage of the game's writing features and excuses for having various forms of books. Could even title them Killing X For Dummies.
  6. Remove all the safeties!!! Let's get wild and crazy!
  7. Last Post Wins

    I really really really really like this song!
  8. Oh yeah the implementation under the hood could be any number of formulas depending on how much of a CR bonus is desired by devs when having 100 percent knowledge of where to best shoot, say a human.
  9. Miss Orange in the kitchen with the rope.
  10. And those that have seen him, don't even know it most of the time Kidding aside... Adding specific players might become unwieldy, database wise. Perhaps a more generic Human, or even kingdom specific since the template kingdoms have specific weapon moves.
  11. Long as there's actual nails that can be stolen. Not a fan of making them myself.
  12. Buoys

    Always up for buoys; though, a distinct lack of barrels in this one.
  13. Here's one suggestion... Clear cutting!
  14. Granted this is greatly inspired by a similar system found in Black Desert Online, and such occurred to me after browsing another suggestion thread. Overall it involves gaining knowledge of how to better kill particular mobs. Implementation could involve a base anatomy knowledge broken down into specific creatures, monsters, and exotics. Knowledge could be transferred by the written word, and be capped at some point requiring actual hands on work. Knowledge lost overtime and/or have a soft cap working off mind stats? Have as various skills such as Forensics, Anantomy, and etc. OR as a completely separate new system: Knowledge. Kind of akin to recipes? Just a rough quickie blah of thoughts on the matter.
  15. Eat their body parts to gain their power! Kind of did that in BL as a tongue in cheek roleplay. Far as gaining knowledge to better fight a creature... Black Desert online kind of has such a system where you can gain varying levels of knowledge about a mob. There's even varying quality levels of knowledge, acquisition boosts, and ways to erase the knowledge for chance at better.
  16. Personally gfx artists are a lazy lot that can use more work, so sounds good here.
  17. Ah but champions can craft like anyone else.
  18. Such behavior would certainly be more believe able for creatures of certain intelligence levels, and if survivors exist. Granted even sheep can learn and pass on info to younger generations. There was a situation involving several sheep who learned to avoid an electric fence. Eventually the fence was either replaced or simply shut off, and the sheep - not noticing - taught their lambs to avoid it.
  19. New players make great slaves free labor. Though on Chaos the spies worked just as well.
  20. Three words: tracking skill overhaul And not just some vague message about an animal going left in certain tiles some hours ago. Although, the short lifespan of tracks is another major gripe. Thinking something like ghost tracks, blood drops, and other types of sign superimposing terrain upon skill usage. Not to mention knowledge of water holes, animal paths, and prey's general habits. Greater radius at higher levels.
  21. Faeries imprisoned inside floating glass jars? Heh faery abuse... Reminds me of vgcats.