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About Tilda

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  1. Not sure why but can't get the discord to work, says unable to accept the invite? (never mind got it to work in the app, was on web browser it didn't work)
  2. Hiya Sid, can I please order 10kg of your raspberry taffy? Thanks in advance, cod anytime.
  3. Thanks!

    Thanks Keenan for all the time and effort you gave for us, very much appreciated. Wishing you all the best and hope you can have a bit more time to play now
  4. Buggy Chickens

    Have had this going on for awhile now and finally decided to report it. First I had a fertile egg that just lay there for months with no changes. In the end I ate it as that was the only action I had to get rid of it. Later I had a fertile egg hatch, and now that chick will not grow up, been this way for maybe a month or so now. Other chickens all age and die normally, so it's just the hatching and chicks that are a problem. PS that egg did take damage up to 80 something and then just stopped there. Also the chick decided to grow up today, maybe someone gave her a kick. Will watch for further problems.
  5. Sorry Bob it's Testament of Hope, ty for adding
  6. A bit late signing up this year, but of course I will try to be there as usual. Please reserve a room, just for Tilda. Will do a little of everything except casting
  7. Oh I was away for awhile so must have missed this. I still see tweets from other servers though and can't find a replacement for discord really but have checked roles to be sure.
  8. Last tweet from the Release twitter feed was April 29. Can we have it back please?