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  1. Because why create an entire section of the forum and tags for when they should be banished to the depths of woodscraps? You're suggesting an entire new sub forum for an activity you strictly state Your own opening statement contradicts itself and similar to said player who is suggesting extreme resource annihilation and landscape altering despite having a public meltdown over resource annihilation you're lobbying for something you are claiming you want to be removed. In reality, what is upsetting you is that you are viewing content that shouldn't be accepted by the community and thus I have pointed you in the correct direction of what should be actioned - deletion and removal from the suggestion forum and action against players that are willfuly doing it. I am not sure where you are losing me on this one buts alright.
  2. Actually I thought of an analogy. Almost all of these suggestions the last few weeks, and this will include almost any future suggestion made through a prompt in AI such as 'Generate me a suggestion for x game' are the equivalent of someone sitting down next to a writer, not even looking at their project and simply stating "Have you thought about adding a twist?" "How about the main characters long lost brother returns then dies drastically?" "What about a love triangle?" without ever once even attempting to understand the context further than knowing its a novel.
  3. I've been so black and white and clear to understand that I am not going to reply to your other message as my point is both extremely sound and easy to understand. I'd rather focus on your continuation here. To create a suggestion, one must enter a prompt. If the prompt they are entering is anything along the thought of 'Please make a suggestion for a game feature for Wurm Online' then yes I have 0 tolerance and would consider that trolling, as the bot has even less understanding of the game than someone that may play it for 2 weeks. I don't even have an analogy but at that point you're posting to post without second thought and thats an issue. If the prompt is anything like my very good example above, then I don't see a reason why it would need to be listed as AI at all as the AI aspect is purely helping them put it in better words. I think really the focus should be shifted away from AI like you seem to be focused on and back onto whether a suggesting is trolling/spam or not - if AI is being used entirely as a tool like ive demonstrated than it bares no ill effects and such a whole forum or thread tag is irrelevant. If AI is being used for the entire suggestion, start to finish, the players prompt involves nothing but 'think of a suggestion' then why are we even giving it the time of day? Make a megathread on woodscraps called 'Things AI suggests to add to crafting sandboxes' and be done with it.
  4. I disagree that Ai suggestions should have their own subforum. I disagree that AI suggestions should have AI on the title. The use of auto-generated suggestions should be considered trolling. I've made my point obvious beyond question too - AI is an acceptable writing tool, they are just giving bad prompts and suggestions, or no prompts at all and its at the point where it is trolling. The use of AI to aid in writing should not be discredited, the use of AI to entirely form a prompt should be - and those should be quickly deleted as the prompts/suggestions obviously are trolling and are aware of the backlash they've received and continued to do so, thus, trolling. I am under the belief that those currently using the AI are doing so as their writing skills are not upto scratch but its really not the AI that is the issue, its the fact that the prompts they give it bare nothing but trolling or misinformation or outlandish suggestions and then they post the BS that comes out of it - whether it was AI or not they are posting BS and should be dealt with.
  5. I can see that, though use of AI to help write something isn't inherently bad and I honestly don't think that its the angle you should be coming at. If the correct prompt is given, Ai can write a perfectly capable and acceptable suggestion. The issue is with the prompt itself - I think we should be focusing on the core issues here; 1. There is an insane amount of spam going on. 2. The proposed changes to systems reference mechanics that the suggester doesn't understand even on a basic level. 3. The suggested changes don't fit within the games theme or play style. 4. Said player is aware of what they are doing and are even suggesting systems now that we are aware would upset themselves, meaning they are suggesting things for either the sake of starting arguments or spamming - i.e trolling.
  6. Being AI is the least of it all, if he wants an AI to word his stuff to aid in his inability to articulate himself thats fine by me. Like my post above said, the issue is that he doesn't even have a clue on what he is proposing changes in almost all of his posts. I am fine with someone incapable of writing a digestible post prompting AI to word it for them, the issue here is that even the prompt being used to generate the text is clearly vacant of thought, experience and being made with no regard for the system its proposing changes to.
  7. At this point in time I don't even know if its AI, its mainly the approach or number of suggestions aren't even the egregious part of this spam - its the clear lack of understanding of inherent and easily digestible game systems that keep having out of pocket and ridiculous suggestions made to them. Out of the last handful of suggestions, the players in question have even suggested features literally promoted in roadmaps or update posts. Its literally spam and trolling. Thats all it is. Staff refusing to punish this player or at least banish the posts to woodscraps is now my actual major concern with this issue. A suggestion to a game mechanic that doesnt even exist or even function in the way the suggestion proposes isn't a suggestion.
  8. I am sorry Darnok but this is the most ridiculous one you've come up with mate, its glaringly obvious you don't play this damn game. How can someone that cried over some ###### marble veins be so happy to "Field, tree, bush or animal, it is turned into a shadow, a dark tree or dark animal, which also disappears after eclipse ends." Why would people want all of their veins they are busting to just fill up suddenly? Do you even understand what the hell stealth is in this game? Or how there is no movement restrictions on the armour you've mentioned? Please for the love of god staff this is getting ###### ridiculous at this point.
  9. I can break a fence like that IRL quicker and easier than in game, come on lad, no immersion
  10. I am very unhappy with this skin, for the actual hat itself almost looks untextured?
  11. Deli had a rework and Greendog does look nicer than it did in 2011 but its just sooooo full of lawn, has a lake on north/south side and mountains east/west which leaves basically 0 room to leave things around it, with majority of the land within Greendog being fenced off for some immortal horses/never expiring crops and lawn for display
  12. Just going to add that none of my like 60g on NFI are rustcoins? Where do I buy these?
  13. Not entirely sure, I feel like they might back pedal, but if it is going to be starter only like Army has suggested, then for sure they should take the influx of carts/wagons and animals that will be left at starters into account. 8x8s with only one starter for sure will be hit by it the most and I am thinking of my poor Greendog that has a tiny, tiny enchanted grass pen out the back of the inn while most of it is lawn :')
  14. Hello, With the upcoming portal system that is going to be available from starters only, I think its time we start to look at designing starter towns to be PORTAL FRIENDLY. In particular, I would like for the design of some of the towns to feature less Lawn/Accessible areas and more enchanted grass/forever grass. As I am primarily playing on Deliverance, Greendog is my main focus. There is more lawn then available enchanted grass in the starter and what grass there is is currently for the most part in a small area that already has about 10 vehicles and 20+ animals in this small 5x3ish space (From when I checked yesterday.)