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  1. Genies

    There should be, but for Golems specifically I'd like Large Mauls to be effective. Staff is already overpowered and you could only tickle a Golem's feet with that or help clean the stuck meat off his teeth. Medium Maul has been meta on both PvP and PvE since the dawn of time so it doesn't need any love either but it could be more logical to have effect on golems in comparison to the tickle stick (staff). Still shouldn't be as much as Large Maul. Monsters already have different armor types that require a different type of attack (different type of weapon) to glance less but I am talking about a massive damage difference with the Golems.
  2. Genies

    I like the minable golems idea. +10000 for the minable simple golems -10000 to overpowered lamp dropping genies with combat mechanics, item mechanics, creature designs and animations that would require 100 times more development than its worth The golems should receive very little damage from all weapons except for large maul. It is about time large maul gets some love as it is one of the worst weapons while requiring the most material to imp.
  3. Genies

    10 years later.... Journal Objective : Walk On Water Status : Completed
  4. That could be a problem if their modern country names and flags are used but I don't think this would be the case. For example, Iberian Peninsula is still the Iberian Peninsula both in 180 BC and 1400 AD. Anatolia is a greek word and it was called Anatolia both in 180 BC and 1400 AD. It is not about civilizations or nations but landmasses. If continents are used instead of smaller landmasses like Darnok suggested, it would be even less of an issue.
  5. Continents would have been great but since large servers are a problem for Wurm Online (even Xanadu size), I think countries with land and sea crossings would be the way to go. If you are thinking Indy or Xanadu size for a whole continent, that's a whole different approach and I think that also works. That way we could get the whole world within few servers.
  6. The idea is to add server wide buffs into the game that are temporary and effect everyone within the server. The buffs would increase in tiny increments based on player activity but only applied once a threshold is reached. For example, killing trolls would give a %10 damage against trolls for 10 hours serverwide, after enough trolls have been killed on the server. The count would reset after the respective buff is applied but if the count is reached again within 2 hours, the buff wouldn't only be renewed to 10 hours but also increased to %20 damage against trolls. If the count is reached after 2 hours has passed, it would renew the %10 damage buff to 10 hours while providing a new 2 hour window again where reaching the required kill count provides %10 extra buff while also renewing the timer. The required ammount wouldn't be so low to make this easy and common. There would be buff on everything except buffs that lower the value of past effort or stocked marketable items. For example, there would be no skillgain buffs or gathering QL buffs. There would be action speed buffs, difficulty decrease buffs, sailing speed buffs etc. For example, people working on shipbuilding could result in a temporary buff to sailing speed. For example, fishing and butchering actions could result in a food buff that makes your food bar drain slower. For example, weaponsmithing and its subskills actions could result in a faster mining and woodcutting buff. For example, alchemy and natural substances actions could result in a wound healing buff. Anyone at anytime can activate or deactivate participation in the buff system (as a recipient) using the profile window ingame. Participating in filling the required number to activate the buff would not be optional but receiving the buff would be optional. The buff would require double the previous ammount each time its bonus is increased. There would be a maximum bonus for each buff and after that is reached, only the duration would be renewed and required ammount would stay the last required ammount since the bonus remains the same and only the duration is renewed. So if %10 requires 2x ammount to increase further, %20 would require 4x, %30 would require 8x, %40 would require 16x, %50 would require 32x. The renew duration would require the last ammount so renewing the duration at %50 would require 32x ammount. Once the duration ends without gettting renewed, it would all start from the beginning with %10 requiring 1x to activate and 1x to renew if the 2 hours window to increase to %20 by reaching 2x has passed. As mentioned before, the 2 hours window would renew each time the 10h duration is renewed by reaching the base value. %20 would require 2x to renew, %30 would require 4x to renew, %40 would require 8x to renew, %50 would require 16x to renew. The whole system would be set up so even %10 is not very common and %50 is extremely rare on any kind of buff.
  7. I'd like to suggest adding new servers (when the decision is taken to add more) as miniature shapes of the real world geography, 1 small part at a time. This won't work (it will but not as nice) without adding land crossings between servers in addition to the crossing by water that we have now, so adding land crossing between servers is part of the suggestion. The servers would be shaped like their real world counterparts with overall land shape, deserts, lakes and mountains. For example, Iberia (Spain) server would look exactly like The Iberian Peninsula but have Indy/Cadence size. The starter towns would be named as the real world historical capitols in those lands, built with the architectural style of the people who lived there. For example, Iberian starter towns would have sandstone buildings while Italian starter towns would have marble buildings. Each server would have its own kingdom design like PMKs do, but designed by the Developers. Since each new server would take a long time to be released, it would give enough time to design the art of the next server's kingdom. This would be a new cluster where only real world geography shaped servers exist. Veins would be found regionally within their accurate locations. One server each year with 1 year isolation or one server every two years with 2 years isolation would be ideal. Small landmasses would be Pristine sized, Medium sized landmasses would be Cadence sized, Large sized landmasses would be divided into Cadence sized province servers. Obviously, this whole idea relies on the game becoming extremely popular to complete the whole world but if that doesn't happen, we will still have a few real world geography shaped servers.
  8. Old forage system please? Not to replace the new but to coexist. +1
  9. You know these filters on search bars on websites? You fill in an exclude filter to exclude the type of results you wish to exclude by ticking the boxes. That's what happens with people when you are making very long and detailed mega overhaul suggestions Darnok. Each radically different (from the Wurm we are used to) feature you suggest within your suggestion topic excludes more people from being supportive or ''okay'' with your idea. You are mostly making mega overhaul suggestions where you want several massive changes within one topic, so you guarantee excluding at least the majority of the people who read your suggestions if not all. You are ticking the exclude boxes with each feature you include in your mega overhaul topics. In your big and daring suggestions there is something for everyone... to not want in the game they've been playing for years.
  10. I was liking this topic until you've started smearing fish oil on my smithing. The farming improvement with materials could be a good thing as long as it is not a requirement but a choice (to improve field above your level or get skill). I think winter mechanics should have been a seperate suggestion.
  11. They would be extremely ineffective as blunt weapons so I think they must have been deformed under soil.
  12. We don't have temperature to begin with. We don't have ''The Long Dark'' survival mechanics. Would it be cool to have them? Yes. Do we have them? No. Are we going to ever have them? Very unlikely.