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Everything posted by elvenwing

  1. -1 plz no, im a woodcutter and just.... no
  2. ill take the rest of your low ql crystal.... also, 8s for 50x? if you can go that low, send those too (51ql crystals)
  3. [10:38:29] The items silently disappear from the spirit mansion. You expect them to arrive in less than thirty minutes.
  4. sorry, did not see that.... ive been very sick
  5. [22:22:30] The items silently disappear from the spirit mansion. You expect them to arrive in less than thirty minutes. sorry, we had a blackout in town, then my passwords got scrambled.... very strange
  6. you mean wood, right? i have one at 35ql, wood, if you're interested
  7. 1.5 for the pickaxe? Is it casted?
  8. but what about mirrors?
  9. Fair Warning

    Maybe dont be in an alliance with people you dpnt trust
  10. Changing how you look isnt anything that will affect in game play.... we're not buying swords and shields specially fitted from codeclub, i cant see any negative side to this (i despise pay to win games, this shop gives no adantage, its just cosmetic)
  11. +1 update makes me fear it will become extinct
  12. +1 havent had to deal with this as im a miner, but it sounds frustrating
  13. +1 to any items used for cartography, maybe to map out the area you live around, or mines/ hunting areas nearby -1 to general in game map enhancements, gotta agree with cecci here, theres a reason you have a compass and the woods are filled with nasties, its part of wurm
  14. Wait.... this is really coming?! Yay!! Im not super concerned about all the cosmetics, i just want my toon to be correct gender. Tyty, now the patient wait.....