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Aeryck last won the day on March 21 2023

Aeryck had the most liked content!

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862 Excellent

1 Follower

About Aeryck

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  1. Make immortal trait hold the Animal at Old, rather than Venerable so that hellhorses could remain hitched. This would drastically improve the value of rare hellhorses and give breeders something to do.
  2. Yup, bash it. You wont be doing anything that anyone who wanted in couldn't do themselves. So you're not exposing the owner to any risk. And since it's not deeded, they don't own the wall. And you aren't doing it maliciously. If you feel really bad about it, rebuild the wall when you leave.
  3. Have a custom enchant for you, please give me a boop when you're around. Thanks!
  4. Hi, I need to order 100 Large Amphoras please.

    1. Playtime


      Forget the order, something came up.

  5. Material doesn't matter. Blade only. 3s.
  6. oh derp, didnt notice the private bid.
  7. I’ll arrange pickup. Thanks for auctioning.
  8. I’ll arrange pickup this evening. Thanks for auctioning!