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Spell tweaks on test

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Kinda don't get how the testing is supposed to work, fireheart/shard of ice do 0 damage, can't get pillars to effect each other unless you go hunted, which makes your pillars hurt everyone (including yourself), but other people cannot hurt you with theirs.


Do a spar, as long as two people are in melee combat range the pillars should affect them

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Might try rep converting one person to bl and see how the damage works then

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3/4 of JKE when they read this thread..

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Might try rep converting one person to bl and see how the damage works then

Being hunted=counts as enemy kingdom to everyone(including yourself)

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This is nice and all but i feel like some spells were left out a little bit. Worm brains to name one

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This is nice and all but i feel like some spells were left out a little bit. Worm brains to name one


Has a cooldown, other singletarget spells were buffed, has the same resistance mechanic. Are you saying it should get increased damage like all the other single targets?

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Heck with that.  95% of time on Chaos/Epic is nowhere near combat.


Maybe on Chaos. Don't speak for Epic if you don't play on it.

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Fungus Trap, Tentacles, Fire Pillar and Ice Pillar now deal double damage

I really, REALLY, don't want pillars to be the old 'fight dependent' variable as they were, they're pretty much perfect how they are right now, don't change them.

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lol whats the point in 50% resistance when you doubled the strength of the cast - what did this even fix

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While on a vehicle or riding you may now only lead one creature which should make battles more interesting according to several sources.


Edited by madnezz
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I was going to also say give a slight cr nerf with leading more then one animal, but who targets the player while they are riding away in fear. It would just hurt pve more. I guess that change should just be on elevation because of how small the map is.

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Apply the archery, leading and other dumb changes to Epic, dont screw everyone else because of Epic.

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of all things why would people want archery to be messed with, especially nerfing it when you wear plate armor, it's the only thing you wear in pvp. This mixing armors and wearing different stuff than plate is really never likely to happen, no matter how hard it's changed or pushed to happen, it's just dumb to not wear it. 

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Fungus Trap, Tentacles, Fire Pillar and Ice Pillar now deal double damage

I really, REALLY, don't want pillars to be the old 'fight dependent' variable as they were, they're pretty much perfect how they are right now, don't change them.

They actually dont!

(other than tentacles that does 30 that ignores armor)

The resistance kicks in before they actually do damage, so despite the fact that they were doubled in strength, half is resisted so its the same.

Edited by Kagrenac
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Apply the archery, leading and other dumb changes to Epic, dont screw everyone else because of Epic.


I don't think anyone on Epic, or at least majority, want the archery/leading changes

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I really like the leading changes, or at least attempting to stop people bringing three horses to a fight. It just looks daft. There are other ways of doing it without hurting non-fighters however and I would like to see those options explored more carefully. Personally I would go for not being able to equip a weapon whilst leading more than one animal but the CR nerf option is good too.

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While on a vehicle or riding you may now only lead one creature which should make battles more interesting according to several sources.


Because the problem with PvP is totally that they can get away and not that they don't want to fight.


Let's make more senseless changes shall we?

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I would prefer to see a CR nerf to people leading more than 1 creature.

Edited by Influenza

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The leading horse thing needs to happen, but not in that way. IMO a better mechanic would be to lose CR per horse led, that way people can still transport horses, but it solves the issue of people using 2-3 backups.




I'm also not too sure about heavier armours hindering your ability to use archery or cast spells; it might not be that big of a problem on Epic but on Chaos as is dragon armour is almost a requirement to get involved in PvP; anything that further makes it a requirement is bad news IMO. From the wording it might actually be that only the 1 heaviest part of your armour effects it; but all that does is screw almost everyone over who uses great helms and it just provides another boost to people who can afford to shell out the cash for summer hats. I don't really see the purpose of it if it's going to impact almost everyone except a small few (I'd be one of those few btw with a crown just sayin)


Archery is already pretty useless for anything other than shooting horses down; I don't think it needs to be further nerfed.

Edited by Gavin
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Actually testing this now however it looks like all armours except cloth have the same nerf penalty; so basically all the change is doing is nerfing archery/spells by 30% for pretty much everyone. What's the point of that?


-edit- Except Studded which appears bugged and totally removes any indication of armour penalty. Not even shown in spelleffects?

Edited by Gavin
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I love that armor variety is finally on the radar now. These changes are a step in the right direction. Thank you, Rolf.

BUT this part of the update does need some tweaking before it's made live, otherwise people will feel like it's nothing more than a flat-out archery nerf. Light armor needs to be much less gimpy, so that there's actually a point in wearing it and taking advantage of the archery bonuses. A few things that come to mind from reading that post:

1. Helmets. You mentioned this issue in the post (so once again, thank you for taking the time to address it), but the reason people only wear great helms and basinets is because no other helmet protects the face. And getting shot in an unarmored body part will always ruin your day, no matter how high or low the headshot damage modifier is. To get around this, I think you should either remove the ability to specifically target the face with archery or make it MUCH more difficult to pull off (turning face shots into more of a "Hail Mary" type of thing, rather than something to rely on).

2. Arrow glance rates and damage reduction. These are ridiculously high for plate and ridiculously low for...well...everything else. It's such a drastic difference that even with the 30% archery penalty, an archer wearing plate will almost certainly outgun an archer wearing any other armor. Lightly-armored people either need a boost to survivability, or they need extra damage output to make up for the dangerous situation they're putting themselves in. Or both. Preferably both.

3. Blocking. When you pair the very high block rate of shields with the glance rates and damage reduction of plate, it becomes next to impossible to take down anyone with archery unless you have an army of people shooting the same target. I don't know how accuracy is calculated, but perhaps the light armor bonus could both increase the chance of your arrow getting past shields and reduce the chance that it glances off armor? This would help establish light armor as an "offensive" role and make up for the significant downsides that this armor has.

4. Melee stuff. Heavy armor wins fights. Period. The extra movement speed alone isn't enough. If lightly-armored melee fighters got a noticeable offensive bonus of some kind, then that'd make light armor just that much more practical.

Anyway, whatever you do, buff light armor to the point where it's viable before you even consider nerfing heavy armor, otherwise you'll have some very unhappy customers. Armor rebalancing is important, and I'd hate to see these things get reverted after a few days and have all of that hard work go to waste.

Edited by Fawkes
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While on a vehicle or riding you may now only lead one creature which should make battles more interesting according to several sources.




Absolutely not.. Whoever suggested this is not a credible source.


This is the worst thing I have read out of this because:

-I can no longer take a breeding pair of horses to a friend or just multiple animals in general.

-I can no longer move my breeding  stock around quickly. Id have to walk around.

-I can no longer go out collecting animals for breeding stock or just for having in general.

-add many more reasons here...


This is a huge step backwards. We were just given the ability to lead 4 animals but now we are being taken to if you want to lead those animals you have to walk...


No no no... and no.


Maybe make it so that if you engage combat it unleads several animals and they run off scared or something only leaving one behind.

Edited by Ruger

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