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Everything posted by Fooligun

  1. 10Ql Steel Shovel 88CoC - 1,3s CoD to Fooli please
  2. While its a shame the staff don't get a holiday over Christmas, I'm glad they were given a swift and uncompromising punishment
  3. It has a drake set that's worth about 100E~ and is where the large price will be from. IMO I would sell the account separate to the gear.
  4. Will you be looking at reworking the combat system in wurm before th release of the challenge server as new animations are being worked on, a numerically balanced system would be nice to have. if it looks overbalanced when a large group use the same set up this might not be the case so working from the numbers and ground up would be nice. E.g. Having a truly functional weapon/armour balanced system with potentially documented balances in how spells/archery/melle will interact on a balnced system.
  5. What is your intention with traders? If you want to change the mechanics of them which is well within your right and ability, could we get a refund of some description which will remove the income you are finding hard to redistribute fairly? Also first.
  6. For those saying they picked this, I can't believe you are that ignorant of the problem. It's not balanced in any respects, the champions of each Kingdom aren't balanced yet alone the limitations that a template for a cluster limits the amount of champions rather than the number of kingdoms. It's first come first serve luck in getting a champion slot are hardly balanced.
  7. A measly sum when also needing the 25+ premium accounts to maintain a pmk? Please.
  8. Atm its very bad, with 3 kingdoms of BL on Chaos, unless you negotiate 1 spot per kingdom, you are pretty much doomed.
  9. Remember when we had Wild?
  10. Dunno if he did it by accident, but said none of this would be added to Chaos if you noticed or not
  11. Unless you see people training weapon smithing every 4 weeks in order to use even medium quality weapons and not do much else? Every month you need to train shield smithing, weapon smithing, chain smithing, fighting, weapon skills, shield skills, fighting sub skills, every month? Just, failure, it'll be people fighting with sticks and shod clubs and that'll last for 2 months before people go "what a waste of my time".
  12. I just agree why? We have an already split pvp community that isn't very big, ADDING MAPS DOES NOT FIX FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS! How about alter the HotA so it connects chaos and epic so players teleport into a zone that everyone gets a big standard 70/70/70 account and gear and they fight, die, have fun what ever and come home with a reward like the moon metals and statues... Not allowing current accounts to the server is just another slap in the face for the players who have played for a long time and find your pay cheque...
  13. If a warning in-game says "do not do this" and you do it, you sort of accept some liability for what happens... Like half of the wurm messages don't look official, heck the quit game message is different every time.
  14. I pay premium for an account and my money is worth exactly the same worth as yours, so I should be able to do anything I want to with it.
  15. Would you deliver to west coast deli? I've not dealt with coal before but clearly you want me than 6s for the lot
  16. That doesn't stop the water aspect where it works underwater...
  17. What might be a bug is the ability to use this in water where as normal building restrictions prevent you?...
  18. Bump! You can store all your goodies from Christmas in this beauty!
  19. I am curious why bridges are being driven as the main focus for development over something such as horse ranches in order to likely reduce server load and increase the effective animal count? I would love to see a Cost vs Benefit analysis of how much time and money has been spent developing bridges when some of the more fundamental aspects of the game are in complete disarray? Such as balancing game mechanics, fixing bugs, a global merchant system, etc etc...
  20. Makes the most sense, we are trying to balance meditation for bl, not worrying about balancing bl and wl abilities on getting food where all wl players can farm and cook but not all bl can?...
  21. That logic is miserable, if a violent group had wurm online on their website is that "good advertising"? It's only good advertising if it is shown to good people, honestly steam would be a very interesting way of advertising if some of the bugs could be flattened..
  22. As someone who posted they brought an account for $800, then ended up with some crappy store credit they had to spend on something else on this site after it turned out the seller was illegitimate and selling stolen goods, this place just reeks of a site that covers the bad sellers. ^ If I wanted to spend $800 on Wurm Online and got ripped off, why the hell would I then invest that $800 in another game? In Wurm, anything value is generally well tracked with a few sour deals largely being due to items/hacked accounts that the GM team resolve typically. Unless you fail to follow the simple account security measures detailed throughout the forums such as changing passwords, linked emails, reset questions and not sharing access to your account I don't think I've ever heard of anything going wrong assuming the rules are followed?
  23. So true! Those who chose to be white light should stay on white light lands of freedom -.- demanding it be removed without a fair fix is just, lol.