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Everything posted by Lynxis

  1. Thanks Rip. Good, smooth transaction. I'm up. Have 1 more gold looking to sell in bulk.
  2. Bump I'll be available for a few more hours to trade now.
  3. Have a few gold I'm trying to sell off. 1E = 1S. You know the drill. I'll go first if you have a good history of buying coins on the forums. Thanks
  4. ..

    I'm the bloke who got scammed because I wanted to use a new matching forum account name with my new character's name and didn't do enough diligence when buying. Either way, Paypal doesn't protect against digital good sales (I never send money as a gift - its against Paypal rules when you are actually buying something) so I will 99% most likely get my money back, it'll just take 2-3 weeks until I see it again and that sucks for me. I've got the guy dead to rights with him saying he delivered the coinage in the Paypal dispute, but then admitting to not actually picking up the COD item i sent to him for the coin yet meaning he never actually delivered - so hopefully the GMs will take care of him. By the way I want that bowl back! It was my noobie pottery bowl dammit! Anyways, I don't think this is actually needed. I was just an idiot and wasn't paying much attention when I bought from him. Over my 2-3 years of playing I've bought probably 5 gold from different people and its all gone smoothly until this so I was a little too trusting, and as lessons come, I'll make sure I know who I'm dealing with next time. I apologize for the rampant raging I was doing in chat if anyone saw that. Overcome with fury. But it would be a cool idea to implement a vendor list where people could upvote for good transactions that went through. The community is so small, that actually trying to game the system with upvotes would be stupid and pointless unless you really are a no lifer that thinks making $5 extra day for 16 hours of work in game is worth it. So plus 1 to that. No to chipping out skills. Doesn't seem to fit the medieval fantasy vibe of Wurm so lets not introduce that. Silly enough, I was actually going to open up a wurm coinage brokering site, had purchased I think, but never got around to doing anything with it and realized I probably didn't want to invest hundeds/thousands in a virtual economy all at once like that.
  5. I live in Thailand. Lookin at one of these just outside my house.
  6. Another 30+ percent, most likely, but only after expenses.
  7. Paypal transaction fees would take around 1/3rd of a 1 Euro payment. From a business stand point, it doesn't make sense and it wouldn't work. -1. Pay your monthly fee and happily support a developer who is doing his best with what little money he is making
  8. Willow, preferably. High QL. Shoot me a PM here. Can receive via mail or delivery to South Exodus.
  9. Clothes weren't around pre-capitols. Unless that was a joke and I missed the sarcasm :-/ Anywho, I've got 5 accounts in Eve with over 300m SP total. A perfect trader (all 5 skills in trading, transport ships, jump freighters and related skills) A perfect scanning alt (5 skills in exploration, hacking, scanning, covert ops, strategic cruisers). Also alt runs t2 salvagers when I run missions for poops and giggles. A few combat ready toons, perfect tengu/golem pilot, perfect PvE droneboat/carrier pilot, near perfect Macharial pilot. I'd love to really get back into it, but I can't find the right group of guys to play with. I haven't actually played for a while, but like to just sit on the accounts and skill them up. I hop back on every now and again for a romp.
  10. What are you expecting on this? I'm looking at especially rare items that you might want to pay euro for: Dragon/Drake Armors, Large Deeds, Accounts, Heck some rare things you might pay silvers for. I'm not economic student and the whole thing is racking my brain. I have no problem paying 3 extra euro a month, I'm just interested in how it will impact things like the above. Can I expect prices in armors to rise due to the cost to play going up, or will it fall, maybe to lower demand? Again, I'm an idiot in this subject, but I would just like to hear some opinions from some of the trends people might be seeing here.
  11. Bumps. Still need both. Delivery, Pickup or Mailing is all cool
  12. Currently in Exo. Want them delivered. Can pick up if not too far. QL 90+ on Dragon Scale. Can pay gold, USD or a combination. 80+ QL and 80+ CoC is probably good enough while I try and skill sheilds. The higher the better. Rare would be neato, too. Thanks!
  13. I think the idea could use some refinement, and it def wouldn't be very noob friendly in how you've stated it (I've been having a hard enough time trying to place a new deed down thanks to all these spawns). I could imagine some larger waves with slower/faster travel and causing slight damage to your ship, but imagine being in your first new rowboat as a noob and having your new boat killed in 5 minutes thanks to RNG. Then you drown. Sailing as is works for me but I'll +1 some of the ideas here.
  14. I'm still a little boggled by how much QQ there is going on from this. Maybe if you have to pay your huge 100 x 100 deed upkeep from buying coins every month this could be an issue, but this MMOs fees are still lower than any other I currently play. I have 5 Eve accounts I pay for every month at $15 a month, Mortal Online is around 12 Euro a month. Every other MMORPG is $12+ a month. I have a hard time understanding how a normal, dedicated player that loves this game could stop affording it over a $4 increase per month. That's less than an hour of flipping burgers at McDonalds to pay for it. If your monthly entertainment budget doesn't have wiggle room of $4, you probably shouldn't be spending your downtime playing this game, me thinks. For the guys with huge deeds and 20 alts, well, you're really the only ones SoL. Suck it up, help Rolf out, and let him get on with development with a tiny bit more money.
  15. And where do you think those Gold coins were previously purchased from? All coins in this game are generated directly from sales to Rolf. So that whole statement is moot. Rolf got money no matter where you bought your coins from.
  16. Seems like lots are leaving the game with the new pricing changes or getting rid of deeds to cover higher costs... Sell them to me! I'm looking for a large, relatively undeveloped coastal deed. I've got about 1.5G to spend on the sale of the land. http://forum.wurmonl...eed-any-serve Deed found. Thanks!
  17. Still buying. Especially looking at exo land.
  18. 7s. Edit: I think I might have missed the final call for this. My bad!
  19. ^ Orrrr maybe there are people still willing to sell?
  20. The electricity it would cost to generate enough to make 1 bitcoin, is more than the value of a bitcoin. The time it takes to generate a bitcoin will grow exponentially over the next few months with the release of new mining tech. 500 user PCs couldn't take on half of a decent miner setup. Inefficient and bad idea. I'd imagine even more frequent crashes as the mining process eats your CPU/GPU power, too.