
Honored Retiree
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Everything posted by Retrograde

  1. You could empty it into another fsb, pick it up then plant it. all securiing does is add the planted flag to an item, it does require the lst owner to do so though.
  2. Bulk and Food storage bins have a volume of 16000, which as far as im aware exceeds the capacity of wagons, that's not a bug.
  3. The colour changing rune is a single use rune, meaning it applies its effect and then disappears. So what this means is it changes the colour, and another rune can be attached. Placing another rune won't change the colour back as it does not rely on a rune being on it for the colour (you'll notice no message about the rune in the first examine) This isn't a bug, just how the colour rune works.
  4. If option b becomes the chosen one, we would obviously want to put this in asap to ensure that it doesnt ruin more work down the line
  5. Changes and Additions: Amphora racks and Pottery Planter racks have been added. Applesauce (and other white sauce flagged recipes) are now edible. Picking planted herbs and spices inside a building is now tied to pickup permissions for the structure. Plant/secure options are now available on a number of items as mentioned in the last patch. Removed the chance to create rare liquids via cooking as moving them around causes issues. Removed 100% damage bonus to True Strike hits. You can now load/unload items which are not empty as well as drag them from one vehicle to another as long as they fit. Epic Changes: legendary titles are now available on Epic for those hitting 100 skill. Epic sermons will now reset prayer counter. The one hour cooldown timer has been removed from epic portal usage. Vesseling will now give skill on Epic. Bug fixes: Bugfix: Fix for +10% gathering rune on a pickaxe. Bugfix: Fix for still condenser overfill. Bugfix: Fixed a bug which allowed you to drag crates into inventory. Bugfix: Fixed an issue where a pottery planter would lose its planted state if planted on the ground empty and a herb or spice was then planted in it. If you planted the pottery planter prior to planting a herb or spice inside it, please examine to ensure that it is indeed secured, as they may have become unplanted. Bugfix: Fixed various recipe examine text and information issues. Bugfix: Looting tomes from uniques now follow deed permission settings. Bugfix: Added a check so racks could only hold what they were designed to hold. Bugfix: Affinity message spamming for low quality food consumption has been removed again as it snuck back in. Bugfix: Fix for new picked crops not taking damage on the ground. Bugfix: Fix for not being able to become a champion of a god when your kingdom is favored. Bugfix: Fixed an issue with sealing which caused unintended results. Bugfix: Fixed lore hints for some recipes which were either wrong or too vague. Bugfix: Fog spiders should no longer spawn on deeds. Bugfix: Honey and wax should no longer take decay in wild hives. Honey will only decay if on the ground. Bugfix: Various spelling and text fixes. Bugfix: You can no longer secure barrels while inside racks as it caused them to fall to the ground. Bugfix: You can properly seal (using create - drink menu) a wine barrel while it's inside a wine rack. Bugfix: Added some items to the decoration list and added a flag for 'decorations' which should decay on deed. Tree stumps and corpses will now decay on deeds with over 30 days upkeep. Range poles, the Rod of Eruption, and Wand of the Seas will now be counted as decoation items. Bugfix: Wax sealing kits now damage when unsealed instead of losing quality. Bugfix: Unfinished wine barrels drop to the ground upon creation and must be continued while on the ground. Bugfix: Removed the repeating rarity line in description for forges and ovens. Bugfix: Missions should now respawn on a timely basis. Client Changes Bugfix: Fixed leading space when renaming pottery planters and trellises. Bugfix: Fixed the flame size on the brass oil lamp. Bugfix: Harvest keybind correctly works for tellises now. Pick keybind added for picking potted herbs and spices Tooltip for planted spices and herbs is now visible from a distance. The distance is dependent upon skill. This is also the same now for harvestable trellises.
  6. just to clarify, it currently is this way, changing it for rarity not to count would invalidate any recipes found via rare+ cookers.
  7. score increases your chances, i recall someone posting a 104 score being told they had 3 rolls for loot because of that. Will nag budda tomorrow about actual details. TL;DR it doesn't max it out at 60
  8. with option B rare+ cookers will still give longer affinities than their non rare counterparts, it just means if you do turn yours rare, or obtain a rare+ one, you do not have to completely start your collection of affinities over again (you just have to do it after this change)
  9. you know, GLSL shaders being disabled will fix that!
  10. Which is why we've raised this, we'd like to avoid it at all costs, but we're also aware that some players may want them, it does seem somewhat backwards to have an oven turn rare be a bad thing. We're happy to have it go either way, and really just want your feedback on whether you're willing to accept the loss in order to make future cooking easier, or whatnot. Bear in mind, this only affects those cooking with a rare+ cooker and container, if you use normal common ovens and such you won't have anything change.
  11. So I have spoken with the dev team about this, and initially it was intended mechanics, with the rarity affecting the type, and also boosting affinity timer length. That said, there has been some good points about wanting rare+ ovens and pans and such, or imping your own rare, obviously longer timers are a bonus there and it seems odd to make getting a supreme oven a downside. This does raise an issue though. If we change it, it means any testing for affinities done with rare+ containers and cookers would be invalid as mentioned above, so we're left with the possibility of it going either way, and would like your feedback. I've moved this to the town square to get more feedback on it, and let players share what they would prefer: a) Keep it as it is, with rarity affecting affinity type, and existing notes remain correct - this means to obtain the same affinity from the same meal the rarity on the cookers and containers will need to be the same. b ) Remove the rarity affecting affinity type (but still affecting length) and invalidate any notes involving rare+utensils, ingredients or cookers.
  12. They have a much higher volume, thus take up more space. for instance, the pottery bowl can hold 9 kgs of water, meaning its volume is 9, 75 / 9 = 8 (plus some) the frying pan can hold 2.5, and 75 / 2.5 = 37 (plus some)
  13. dimmers must be broken, just flicking the lightswitch. Will speak with the devs about any causes for this.
  14. Those are often not patches at all, and are restarts to correct something (sometimes thingss need a restart to work right, pmk's on chaos usually do,, and so on) Sometimes exploits are patched in those hotfixes too, any mechanics changes that go in are listed. Was more commenting on the website > client+forum thing, they are all pulled from the same source completely, sometimes a changelog is missed, or a card isnt created (damn devs *shakes fist*) but that is then edited in to the website and the forum. Going from website to forum via devblog, and appearing on the client launcher is all the exact same though.
  15. Type of cooker does come into effect, it may be that the code considers rarity a different type.
  16. you made your text smaller on purpose, I see that
  17. They are consistent. The city hall is used for weekly news, not for patch notes, I include the patch notes for updates in the past week within the weekly news, but didn't for 1.3 due to the huge size of them, and them already being posted in several places alongside pandalets cooking document. The patch notes are on the website here: and on the forums here: they are also the exact same, as they both pull from the same source (aka, I don't write multiple copies, I write it once and it goes to the client, the website, and the forums).
  18. The patch notes are 100% consistent across all mediums. The process is: The changelogs are posted to the website - this is the bit I do, I take the developer and QA tested changelogs and format them and post them. The client then pulls them from the site automatically, I have no hand in this process, when patch notes are tagged, they are posted to a second page, that page is the client news feed. The devblog bot then posts it directly to the forums by copying the website. (the fats thing can be found in the website post here too: The only other thing I can think of is when the CCFP system was teased some weeks/months prior, it did not include that the fats system would provide that boost. That is due to feedback about the fats not being important for anyone who was not a priest (as it only encouraged favour regeneration at that point.) From there the decision was made to include fats as a boost to sleep bonus, and was listed fully in the change log. Weekly news can be tough, it's a balance between "here's whats coming" and "here's what the devs are working on". While they do sound similar, they can vary greatly. Sometimes plans change along the way, and in the past many things were teased that took months, if not years to wind up in the game. There is always a constant revision process and I do my best to ensure that the information I give is accurate at the time of giving it, but if it changes with the release, that information is provided in the patch notes. TL;DR The weekly news is works in progress, features in development can and will change often prior to release. Please rely on the patch notes for the exact information about what each thing will do, as that is the final information on the update.
  19. Fats – high bar increases favour regeneration also used to reduce sleep bar drain. Website news is where I post, the client notes are then mirrored from that. Literally the same source, and they both had that information.
  20. It was a done deal until we found some issues that it was causing with the way dirt was handled, which is the delay. Wurm Unlimited mods have a lot more freedom when it comes to issues like this, and wurm unlimited servers also have an infinitely smaller item count so you wind up with less issues the much larger wurm online databases encounter. It's a pain, and I cannot wait to see it come in, I will gladly keep you all updated on any news that comes in on it
  21. It's not a simple change, and is still in the works, but there's a few back end bugs that need addressing first, which is why it has been delayed.
  22. You can dig down and have a basement, cave dwellings also have a bonus to fermentation, having a house that exists between both layers is highly unlikely, due to how the layers work (cave and above) automated buildings aren't likely The introduction of bridges and multi stage building did raise ideas about this, but there's a lot to work out prior, and for just one wall it's not exactly "major" Every new wall means something else has to be loaded into memory, and walls use quite a lot of it, more wall types mean bigger performance hits and more lag, which is why we've been limited on introducing wall types. The reason for this is simple, we have no control over what is loaded in one space. Someone may have dozens of buildings loading whereas someone else may have 1, we need to ensure that it all runs smoothly in both situations, thus limitations on wall types (and animal textures too)