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Everything posted by FranktheTank

  1. Chaos should be representative of the "live game", as it is directly connected to the freedom cluster. - 1
  2. That is literally how you get a forum riot of epic proportions. Completely silencing folks in that manner would have been tremendously worse for the entire game than just letting people air their grievances for a short period of time, taking account of what they say and moving on. The moment you start silencing the voice of the community in that way is the moment you lose the community. You also do not know what you are talking about, Sindusk ran a pvp server for a long period of time with almost no issue.
  3. Best way to stop esp is have someone screenshot their client. Gotta close the client to turn esp off. Ban those who are cheating.
  4. Additional dead end skills. Like Thatching, which should not exist.
  5. I know two people from WW2 Online (came from that game) who are still somewhat active Jackburton (Jg2pto or something) Zehive (Zehive)
  6. Somebody just make the guy an addy sickle and rename it already.
  7. Always open to more meditation ideas because I still fail to see the point of having so many available paths and such a fleshed out feature that is almost entirely unused aside from one path that is clearly better than all the others in almost every situation pvp or pve.
  8. Yeah but no one cares. Like literally no one. This is just a personal disagreement.
  9. This is not worthy of a call out thread. This sounds like your own personal little drama; name and shame is meant to be a warning. Legios is very unlikely to run into this situation with someone else, you're just mad.
  10. I had a feeling Keenan was somehow involved in all of this.
  11. Yeah but this situation is totally different. We lost him because of the same inane policy and secrecy that have been the frustration of the vast majority of players for a long time now. Seeing it being a contributing factor to the loss of a dev in my opinion deserves the criticism and pain.
  12. I mean, Sindusk does have a outdated Wurm Unlimited Server that I am sure if updated, would be a great place to play.
  13. On a serious note away from the above picture. I am not surprised in the slightest but this is very clearly a bad thing for the game itself, specifically the PvP community. I do not see PvP servers after that major priest overhaul benefiting from future updates, as the developer vision for that sector of the game is as far sighted as a blind man in a dark basement. I mourn for Epic, which no doubt will continue to serve as a testing ground for future updates, as the only individual who took interest in attempting to revitalize the dead cluster was Sindusk. I have yet to read over his post, but I have a very good feel I already know what it is going to say. Thank you Sindusk for your work, if you want to reopen and refocus on Wyvern I can almost guarantee some folks on it. Cheers and thank you for listening to our concerns. EDIT: Yup, I was right. Aside: I will never understand why the GM team in this game, as well as the Devs are so insanely secretive about everything. I have been complaining about this for years. Sindusk nailed it, and I think Wurm Online has to be one of the only games I know where the GM team is often despised (at least certain members). Be more transparent. I think it is safe for me to say that this comment represents my entire group in relation to the dev/GM team: We are laughing at you.
  14. WTB Oreo's Oreohh's Awakenings addy 2h 5s
  15. I get why you would want this, would be neat actually! But I always have been a fan of keybinding T to target instead.