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Everything posted by Mordraug

  1. Yet instead of making rules to curb the toxic elements, he removes them, and replaces them for "GM will determine intent on the spot, and make his best guess on who's lying. If someone digs up your perimeter to rock, it's theft and it's ok because deed it or lose it, if you go to their perimeter to take dirt back, it may be griefing because you were specifically angry at that person and wanted to give them a bad day". Beta.
  2. Terraforming, house building (despite its lack of true multi story functionality).... those rock on Wurm all in all. Crafting........ crafting window to assemble, improve repair improve repair (cvcv) wait. That's where I sometimes catch myself saying "this game is getting boring". If I'm making bows and decide to switch to blacksmithing.... change tools on my toolbelt, and just like with bows.. cvcv switch tool cvcv switch tool cvcv curse rng cvcv switch tool. If there were some variety in the actual item attributes.... say if tempering added to the swords "resistance (to damage)" value and sharpening to its damage value, imp with iron for accuracy (play with the balance), polishing for resistance too... Sum of those values is total QL, so a 60ql accuracy sword =/= as a 60ql damage sword...... Then we could say "good crafting system". Sharpening helmets, eh.
  3. I noticed something earlier... mare refused to breed, all tiles had grass, her previous foal was a few days old......... long story short, i moved her (from med to wild grass), she grazed inmediately as if she'd been kept that time on packed dirt, then was good to breed. I think it's their grazing mechanism that's a bit out of whack.
  4. Hell Horses

    That's RNG actually, like imping... sometimes you'll imp 0.05 ql, next action with same log will give you 0.2 Taming's the same, I've gotten a hell hound to loyal in a single filet, and had to burn 12 filets on a wolf.
  5. If your laptop's low-end, and Wurm's your only game................. Try Mint 17 with ... XFCE or MATE. Should run way smoother thanks to the absence of windows clutter... WINDOWS: Will Install Needless Data On Whole System
  6. That's it... I'm gonna start renaming all coins I come across to "Offensive Name", "Offensive Comment", "Wild Accusation", "Socially frowned-upon Substance", and "Miley"
  7. +1 , I got the feeling that when ores on Xanadu were re-seeded the RNG used was the rare roll one instead of a normal one. My irons look ok (so far) but the non-irons were under 200 ores too. And don't feel bad, I know "a few" that for some reason get offended when someone mentions a problem they don't have themselves.
  8. On the other hand....... two 8x8km servers, one on north side and one on south side of Xanadu........... Few islands of varying sizes spread in a single uninterrupted ocean........ Well, given the TARDIS technology one can apply to "shortcut" with Exo and Release... would be the Xanadu "shortcut" everyone has been asking for.
  9. "Removing wind" altogether not necessarily, but light breeze, yes.. removal would work... and make wind changes more often.. it's nice to have a week of strong winds and gales, but then a week of light breeze.. that ain't right.
  10. I've dealt with long spates of light breeze before, but since Xanadu opened, I've noticed that light breeze has become the norm. I'm assuming it can't be intentional, so calling it a bug. Today has been AT LEAST 4 hours of light breeze and counting. 6 hours before that when I went to bed was light breeze too. Enough is enough.
  11. +1 And down with 8hr+ light breeze ffs
  12. And the wind "generator" needs overhauling bigtime... 8hours and counting of light breeze.... it's just getting silly. Sometimes, devs, you gotta know the difference between "added difficulty" and "pointless added frustration".
  13. Now I'm gonna have to level Money Laundering..............
  14. >
  15. I still say light breeze should be done away with.
  16. If you meant "80 euros per month" then dang. 80 euros per year for 6 accounts... i pay 120 for one as do most of us. Which just tilted my vote to +1
  17. Join the chorus! Say NO to the very existence of light breeze.
  18. That explains the Miley coins......
  19. Bloody 'ell ............. +20 And while we're at it if you wanna photoshop some more... Arched walls that include a fence type or 3... nothing hard to code or draw as textures are there, and code for "wall" is there in many forms.
  20. I can see devs calling this one a code monster, and myself agreeing with them so... -0.5 +0.5 however to a simple solution......... ELIMINATE LIGHT BREEZE, make winds shift speed and DIRECTION more often. 4+ Wurm days with a light breeze from the south ... eh...... simply put, noooo. This is one time where realism SHOULD be added to Wurm. I can see where making wind more regional might require an engine overhaul as compared to the current global single wind direction, but at very least more frequent direction changes would emulate regional winds decently. As I've said before, "light breeze" was good for 8x8km servers to artificially add some sense of vastness, but with Xanadu it just adds a sense of "there's a dev in charge of manually shifting the winds, and he's a Master Troll" (just a saying ffs, cool it).
  21. Another -1 because if you give "society can do the parenting for me" parents an inch of ground, next thing we'll be replacing spiders with Daisy the Donkey, and PvP with Sarcastaball (much as it would make me laugh, the last part, I'd feel sorry for them next day). >
  22. 5c per tile, pay a GM to make it dirt. 10c to make dirt clay.
  23. IT'S A SANDBOX PEOPLE SHOULD BE FREE TO ROB YOU!!!! Ok lovely.... it's a sandbox, I want to be free to maul them over the head, or put a bounty on their heads, or be allowed to go to THEIR deed and retaliate as i best see fit without being branded a griefer because "he wanted to rob you, you wanted to antagonize him so due to INTENT you're griefing". If you agree with that, we're back on the same page. If not you're defending vile NOOBS (not newbs, noobs) who want to harass people from the safety of their keyboard without any form of consequence, in-game or rl. Tell me who you roll with I'll tell you who you are. As for Kain's argument, I can maraud a few hours in null-sec then fly myself back to low-sec, logoff there, and have my stuff safe so keep the disguised ad hominem in the strawman storage room where it belongs.
  24. Pfffffffffff 50 AH, 4/5 horses have at least one bad trait, several 2 and 3. I bet there i$ some relation to ratio.