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Premium or Sleep bonus for down time

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I am grateful for getting anything after downtime, and I am premium.  However here is an observation relating to what I would appreciate more in a game like Wurm.  I realize you would never be able to please everyone.


Recently there was extensive downtime for the login server and everyone with premium will get an extra day premium, which is worth about 33 Coppers.  We used to get 5 hours sleep bonus which is worth 5 to 10 silvers if you have to purchase sleeping powders.  With only the premium players being refunded a day, it indicates that the non prem players should not be compensated for not being able to play even though they may have paid for deeds.  


I would suggest we get sleep bonus instead of premium time (even it we get an hour or two sleep bonus), as it would benefit all players (not just premium), and also because Wurm is such a grindy game: I believe sleep bonus is worth much more to most players than just an extra day premium.



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I'd rather just get sleeping powders. :P

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Anything sleep bonus related is better as compensation. With my schedule giving me an extra day is a waste as ill probably be working for that day anyway, however sleep bonus i can use to make up for the lost time, as it seems the down time is always during my down time as well -_- 


Just my opinion :) 

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I agree that they need to offer people what works best for them. SB don't work for me.
Better yet, they could fix the problem so its not repeating all the time repeating over and over again.

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The issue there is any compensation is server wide, and enacted on startup. When sb is given players complain of having full sb or the sleep powders vs bonus argument comes up.

As this included a full days worth of play, an extra days bonus is always appreciated

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I would like sleep bonus much more. Grinding a skill faster is much more of a help, then standing 1 day longer at the forge.

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a system that gives everyone 1 "token" that is non tradable which upon use gives a window with options 


1)SB (5hrs?)

2)prem time(1day +/-)

3) SB powder (5 +/-)


Each player can have up to 5 tokens at once. could be an item or could be similar to how referals work. (STILL NOT TRADABLE TOKEN)

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a system that gives everyone 1 "token" that is non tradable which upon use gives a window with options 


1)SB (5hrs?)

2)prem time(1day +/-)

3) SB powder (5 +/-)


Each player can have up to 5 tokens at once. could be an item or could be similar to how referals work. (STILL NOT TRADABLE TOKEN)



I like it but 3).. unless its special non tradable sleep powder.

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2 Silver.  I can buy SP or apply it to my Premium or deed upkeep.   Currency devaluation be damned.


CC/Rolf don't like to give out Silver?   Well then, keep the servers up!



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Honestly, I've heard this conversation started sooooo many times.  I just wish the servers were a bit more reliable.

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Anything sleep bonus related is better as compensation. With my schedule giving me an extra day is a waste as ill probably be working for that day anyway, however sleep bonus i can use to make up for the lost time, as it seems the down time is always during my down time as well -_-


Just my opinion :)

Sleep bonus as compensation is a cheap cop-out. It only benefits people who have most of their sleep used up (i.e., people who play every day), and has no real dollar value. We are investing actual money to play the game (those of us that are cash-shop premiums), and for the service to be constantly down, the sleep bonus as compensation is a bit of a joke. I really could care less over getting it. We should be getting time added to our accounts, based on the rapidly adding up piles of time we can't login, in addition to the time being added in the form of upkeep on our deeds. If we're paying for 28 days, we should get 28 days, not 26.

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If we are going to get sleep bonus for downtime, 5 hours cap will not be nearly enough for the bonus i am getting.

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i want my premium time i pay for. if it has to be sb  at least make it tradable powders so i can get my money back some how

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2 Silver.  I can buy SP or apply it to my Premium or deed upkeep.   Currency devaluation be damned.


CC/Rolf don't like to give out Silver?   Well then, keep the servers up!




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Indy RoS..


If any other server has RoS and we get a crash, then there is SB.

But since Indy has bigger playercount and RoS was rly close, they gave us prem


And im sure SB is worth a lot more for everyone :)

Some wait for months for the 5h sb reward and get excited again.

Edited by silakka

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