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Xanadu's low mob count, AWSOME!

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Thank you Wurm for reducing the mob count on Xanadu (all be it temporary). My adventuring here has reminded me how much fun Wurm is without mobs all over the place. imo, people who think (or telling/ imposed ones own will upon others) killing players over and over or forcing people to do undesirable fighting don't have clue. Fighting should be available for those who enjoy that, but optional for those who don't. Yea, crank up the fun factor to the max!


From the looks of the creature count graphs it looks current status is 36k aggressive, 10k peaceful. If 200k is the true final total we should see 100k aggressive, 100k peaceful at some point.  But even at these levels I don't expect to see the kind of mob densities I experience on Deli.

Edited by joedobo
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How will exploring be fun, once you know every peace of land, tile by tile?

Negatives in the game, make it fun... Even when one believes otherwise.

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very good since there's only low skilled charachters at the moment.

Hope more aggros come around when it's connected to freedom

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How will exploring be fun, once you know every peace of land, tile by tile?

Negatives in the game, make it fun... Even when one believes otherwise.

Oh, look one of those people who think they have the right to tell other how to play. One who thinks they are some how so smart they know what is best for other players.


I been playing this game for a long time, have many high level skills, lots of ingame play time. I don't see the fun in fighting things. All I'm saying is options are good because it lets players of different mindset have fun.

[08:44:34] You entered through the portal to Wurm on day of the Wurm, week 4 of the starfall of Omens, 992. That's 2036 days, 16 hours and 17 minutes ago.
[08:44:34] You have played 728 days, 0 hours and 58 minutes.
Qex has a portal entered date a couple years earlier than this.
Edited by joedobo

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Excuse me, but aren't you telling everyone how it should be played by demanding low mob count?


I believe mob count is down due to all new players, and will rise to proper levels in time though.

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I already ran into a few areas with 30 plus agro mobs in a 40 by 40 area.

Good thing it wasent a good place I wanted to deed.

Not that I plan to on Xanadu , unless Rolf makes it I can sell to Xan and back to Inde , bypassing going to Deli first .


Someone posted a good map setup for that already.

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Excuse me, but aren't you telling everyone how it should be played by demanding low mob count?


I believe mob count is down due to all new players, and will rise to proper levels in time though.

Nope. learn to read. I'm thanking Wurm for the temporary reduction in mob count. I"m expressing my opinion that giving player an option to not fight things is good move.

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Fighting should be available for those who enjoy that, but optional for those who don't. 



Issue is, it is not. Theres no hunting server and for example inde has horrible hunting in most places of the map aswell.

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I dont even want to go to Xanadu, and I already like the temporary low mob count.

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There is exploration in this game?  Exploration implies finding something new...  Last i recall every tree, every ore, every plant or herb is the exact same everywhere on the map.  Running 5 hours to some remote place results in the exact same features as where you started, just organized slightly different.  It's not so much exploration as just traveling to different places on the map.

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I love mobs personally, fighting is quite enjoyable as a change of pace.


But if someone enjoys staring at those trees/rocks let em. Don't see why exploration means anti fighting though, I explore while I hunt.

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After launch  for a few hours there were only a few bulls , horses , pigs and a pheasant in the area I was in, a few hours later rats were all over the place (was good hunting), today huge spiders, wolves and bears.


And this is close to a starter spawn deed.


Wurm randomness will change things, just give it time.

Edited by zorako

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Issue is, it is not. Theres no hunting server and for example inde has horrible hunting in most places of the map aswell.

From what I understand Mob densities on Xan will be similar to Inde.


There are many undesirable things about Wurm when we start looking at the creature cap system. Everyone has thier own ideas how to improve it.


1. make it easier to find lairs of specific type.

2. reduce/eliminate the occurrence of mixing of mob difficulties. Trolls don't hang out with rats.

3. Barn (not a averaging bsb) which shifts feeding and care responsibilities onto a single object, the barn. Animals in barn have specifics archived and removed from the creature cap pool. Barn's use client side resources to move animals around the barn to make it look alive and immersive. This significantly reduces animal processing chores from many animals to a single barn. The single barn gets a server side simultaneous math algorithm (animals count, food levels, tile count, cleanliness) once a day.

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Oh, look one of those people who think they have the right to tell other how to play. One who thinks they are some how so smart they know what is best for other players.


I been playing this game for a long time, have many high level skills, lots of ingame play time. I don't see the fun in fighting things. All I'm saying is options are good because it lets players of different mindset have fun.

[08:44:34] You entered through the portal to Wurm on day of the Wurm, week 4 of the starfall of Omens, 992. That's 2036 days, 16 hours and 17 minutes ago.

[08:44:34] You have played 728 days, 0 hours and 58 minutes.


Qex has a portal entered date a couple years earlier than this.





Instead of attacking me, (Next time, I'll bite back), I didn't tell you how to play, I will NEVER tell you how to play, unless what you're suggesting changes how I play.


I'm all for a no-mob server, because they will be at a disadvantage that I could live with, but I don't want to see Xanadu become that (though it's already going to have a low mob count likely due to how big it is) what I am saying is that sometimes what people want gone, don't realize it's something they "like"


And, you have been playing a very long time, So my question is: how do mobs even effect you then?  even without training what so ever, you should not be effected by any mob in the slightest. More less to a annoying level.   you should be able to practically afk anywhere for 30 minutes, come back and see a champ troll, 4 scorpions, 2 hell hounds, ect ect dead around you.  Unless, you only wear cloth/no gear/no weapon.......which I can understand if that's your style, then yah, it could be a bit annoying.



So next time, before you think i'm telling you how to play, Use your head - How would be "telling" you how to play help anyone on this game?


Overall, if you want a no mob server, Suggest it - again.  A few people want it,  so get a thread going, keep it bumped, and maybe one day you will see it. 

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Instead of attacking me, (Next time, I'll bite back), I didn't tell you how to play, I will NEVER tell you how to play, unless what you're suggesting changes how I play.



How will exploring be fun, once you know every peace of land, tile by tile?

Negatives in the game, make it fun... Even when one believes otherwise.


So in other words you think you know what is best for other players even those other players may believe otherwise. Your own words and they are not taken out of context.


I'm not attack you. I'm simply pointing out the facts.  Hypothetically if your post had said something like the follow we wouldn't be having this conversation now ..." I enjoy hunting, it adds a lot of fun factor to Wurm. If its true that Xan has such poor mob density I'm disappointed and likely won't be going there anytime soon".


OH, and I have 80 fs and normally use a 70-ish ql LT 2H-sword and only put plate armor on if needed. I can ignore most mobs but that doesn't change the fact of what I most enjoy or don't enjoy.



ps..."Next time, I'll bite back"...This won't turn out well for you. If you don't like what I have to say add me to ignore and don't post in my threads.

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I have to agree. Turning down the aggro mobs for the land rush event was brillant. I don't know how anyone would have gotten anywhere if it had been at normal rates. I do want them to be raise to normal pretty soon though. 

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I also think that turning down the mob count for the period of initial settling was a great stroke. The entire land of Xanadu is currently populated with newbies that can't kill anything. Granted, some mobs are fun, so that our new players learn how to avoid them and run from them, but I found enough to train that side of Wurm too. Overall, though, the low aggressive mob count is great. I got into places I never would with a new character and was able to appreciate the beauty of so many places.


What also works is the fact that I ran into a decent number of non aggressive mobs... cows, bulls, bison, pigs, dogs and even a horse or two. Those are needed for new players to start their deeds and those are available.


Overall, good job on low aggro counts. When they are raised to normal, there should be some guards and higher level players to take care of them.

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If you need protection then they should have let the characters with skills into that cashrush event.

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I have to agree. Turning down the aggro mobs for the land rush event was brillant. I don't know how anyone would have gotten anywhere if it had been at normal rates. I do want them to be raise to normal pretty soon though. 


honestly I don´t know what are you people talking about, since I spawned on Linton and there is a scorpion spawn right in the perimeter, so the damn town is surrounded by scorpions and going out of the village is just a run for your life experience. I even counted at least 2 champion scorpions.

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Actually its not low mob count just that they are all grouped up, currently my deed has over 60+ spiders just outside it from one lair

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Sounds like lairs spit out mobs like crazy. I walked around for a couple hours and saw less than 10 red's (mostly brown bears).  The steppe I found was really cool as it was loaded with horses and bison.


If you look at Xan's creature server graphs its clear the count is low at the moment. Unfortunately, I don't think it will stay this way for long.


I remember reading an news where they said 200k creatures. Guessing they just took indy's values and multiplied it by four since Xan is four times larger than Inde. Its not a huge leap to predict long term we'll see creature situations similar to Inde.


If we see a lot of active deeds on Xan the domestic pool will be in trouble. Wurm's domestic "farm animals" system just isn't optimal for all players to try out breeding. This is a long term prediction chock full of speculation.

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Yes, the low aggro count on Xanadu was very noticeable to me as well. I spent many, many hours running out from all the Starter Towns looking for a special place to place a deed and was rarely assaulted by these pests. If this low count was intended, it was a considerate move to help the only newbie accounts to get around and place their deeds. Unfortunately already today I see newer more significant aggros such as spiders and crocs spawning around my local area. The good safer less annoying aggro infestations will no doubt be short lived, unfortunately. 



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I think stuff just hasnt spread out, cause I went through a field of 30+ lava spiders, then ran through a forest of trolls every other tile, then there was desert covered with so many scorpions you couldnt see the sand, and then the open flower fields with trolls prancing around as far as the eye could see.  Don't forget the goblin forest to the west and wolf island in the south.  The mobs are here ,they are just densly packed at the moment.

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The aggro count players are seeing today was not what it was on opening day, so don't confuse the two by stating that what you see today was yesterday. Because that was yesterday and yesterday's gone. *sings*


Wrong? Nope, just gone, like the song.


Happy Trails


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