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Garis last won the day on October 30 2012

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  1. This is new...

    Baconsomething?! Is that you?
  2. So what you're saying, Sunsvortex, is that every lavender hedge should be renamed in the database to "boxwood hedge", and have the old graphics applied. All lavender sprouts in the database should be renamed to boxwood sprouts. And a NEW sprout for creating lavender hedges should be added that uses this new graphic. Then, people who prefer the new lavender would be able to start gathering lavender sprouts to make them, and those who preferred the old low boxwood style hedges could keep them. Is that about it?
  3. No, it's like buying an animal labeled "Gorilla" one day, but you took it home because it looked like a cat. And you treated it like a cat, and had expectations that it would continue to look like a cat. Then one day, it started looking like a gorilla.
  4. For those interested in playing around with this on their own in Graphviz, here's the rendering program and the raw data: Graphviz: file (opens in Graphviz): digraph G { rankdir=LR overlap=none node[shape=box,style=rounded] "miner" [style=filled fillcolor=#779CAB] "digger" [style=filled fillcolor=#779CAB] "logger" [style=filled fillcolor=#779CAB] "farmer" [style=filled fillcolor=#779CAB] "hunter" [style=filled fillcolor=#779CAB] "herbalist" [style=filled fillcolor=#779CAB] "alchemist" [style=filled fillcolor=#4D7448] "apothecary" [style=filled fillcolor=#4D7448] "weaponsmith" [style=filled fillcolor=#9A4949] "armorer" [style=filled fillcolor=#9A4949] "shieldwright" [style=filled fillcolor=#9A4949] "leatherworker" [style=filled fillcolor=#9A4949] "tailor" [style=filled fillcolor=#9A4949] "bowyer" [style=filled fillcolor=#9A4949] "fletcher" [style=filled fillcolor=#9A4949] "miner" -> "mason" "miner" -> "stonecutter" "stonecutter" -> "mason" "logger" -> "coaler" "farmer" -> "FOOD" "digger" -> "coaler" "digger" -> "potter" "digger" -> "mason" "digger" -> "SMELTER" "hunter" -> "FOOD" "farmer" -> "butcher" "hunter" -> "butcher" "butcher" -> "leatherworker" "butcher" -> "FOOD" "miner" -> "SMELTER" "farmer" -> "apothecary" "butcher" -> "apothecary" "herbalist" -> "apothecary" "herbalist" -> "FOOD" "SMELTER" -> "alchemist" "coaler" -> "alchemist" "alchemist" -> "leatherworker" "farmer" -> "roper" "roper" -> "bowyer" "roper" -> "shipwright" "farmer" -> "tailor" "tailor" -> "shipwright" "cooper" -> "brewer" "potter" -> "brewer" "logger" -> "carver" "logger" -> "sawyer" "sawyer" -> "LUMBER" "carver" -> "LUMBER" "LUMBER" [style=filled fillcolor=grey] "LUMBER" -> "shipwright" "LUMBER" -> "cooper" "LUMBER" -> "wainwright" "LUMBER" -> "fletcher" "LUMBER" -> "bowyer" "SMELTER" [style=filled fillcolor=grey] "SMELTER" -> "blacksmith" "blacksmith" -> "cooper" "blacksmith" -> "wainwright" "blacksmith" -> "shipwright" "FOOD" [style=filled fillcolor=grey] "FOOD" -> brewer "FOOD" -> cook "FOOD" -> baker "STEEL" [style=filled fillcolor=grey] "alchemist" -> "STEEL" "STEEL" -> "weaponsmith" "STEEL" -> "armorer" "STEEL" -> "shieldwright" "STEEL" -> "fletcher" subgraph cluster_1 { style=dashed; "miner" "herbalist" "digger" "farmer" "hunter" "logger" } subgraph cluster_2 { style=dashed; "cooper" "wainwright" "shipwright" } subgraph cluster_3 { style=dashed; "weaponsmith" "armorer" "shieldwright" "fletcher" "bowyer" } subgraph cluster_4 { style=dashed; "sawyer" "carver" } subgraph cluster_5 { style=dashed; "tailor" "leatherworker" } subgraph cluster_6 { style=dashed; "stonecutter" "mason" } } Making a new link is as simple as adding a line: "digger" -> "potter"Save and you're done.
  5. This is all extremely good feedback! My news deed's sort of long and narrow (14x48) and on a really steep hillside, so there's a lot of difficult travel time from one side to the next. I'm getting ground down to a nub hauling the cart up and down the mountain to pick up raw materials, so initially situating the raw material storage facilities as close as possible to the construction sites seems like it'd have the biggest reduction in overall transportation time until I'm done landscaping. What I've been doing, with the single storage area down by my cottage, is just killing me. I'd love to come visit your village sometime and have a look at the layout I initially had all of the different tool type dependencies mapped as well, but the graph basically turns into a giant blob with everything connected to the poor blacksmith, armorer, etc. So I pruned back and marked all of the "equipment builders" red, and focused on the flow of raw materials to more refined materials, and I just assume that everyone needs stuff from the blacksmith, carpenter, etc. Basically any node marked in red is an "outfitter" that make the tools, weapons, armor, etc. I really appreciate your feedback, Ruger! I think this is a very salient point. Although I know it's "suboptimal", having a bin of "meh" quality crafting materials (such as different plank and shaft types for a fine carpenter shop) to use for item creation, and then high quality materials (logs in this case) for imping would probably suffice. I do like the idea of separating quality by wood type, though--very clever You raise an excellent point. This is especially true when players are first getting started. Back in my first village that's exactly what happened, too. Then, one by one, players stopped logging in, and I had a deed full of abandoned personal houses that I was paying upkeep for. These days, I vastly prefer alliances of smaller deed owners than a shared village.
  6. I see what you did there. -1 to this idea, though. Edit: constructive suggestion: Just make the success chance of creating the concrete based on the quality of the mortar instead of the lye.
  7. Haha, why not? I "won" wurm when I had a 1x1 house with a bed, a well, and a fishing pole. Everything else is for glory.
  8. I spend a lot of time thinking about village designs, road designs, and minimizing transportation. To me, a well built community (whether it be a single village or an alliance of specialists) is an interconnected machine for processing raw materials into finished products. In the past I've worked with a "hub and spoke" design, with one central warehouse where I keep ALL THE THINGS. But, I'm beginning to branch out from that and explore the possibility of creating lots of little specialized buildings for iteratively processing materials. So, for example, instead of hanging out in my warehouse and grinding fletching, I'll have a quaint little fletchery overlooking the sea, and it'll be periodically supplied with everything required to just focus on fletching. I personally find this idea very charming, as it would allow me to have a friend who's an excellent fletcher come stay with me for a while and give them access to that building without putting them in my central warehouse where every single thing I own is stored. I'm using some network graphing software to research skill dependency networks in order to plan an effective building layout. I thought I'd share a snapshot of that research. It is by no means exhaustive, but I thought it looked kind of cool and you guys might find it interesting. The "alchemist" and "apothecary" roles are obviously the same skill set, but it made for a much cleaner graph if I separated them into two locations and roles based on which materials they were working with. I'd probably make two small little workshops for those different roles on either end of the village center. The red colored nodes all make things that a hunter/soldier would use. And obviously all of the gatherers need their own tools, but I didn't want to clutter up the graph with back edges. The grey boxes are locations for intermediate storage. I also added these to clean up and simplify edges around certain nodes such as the blacksmith and alchemist. As a final note, brewing is the ultimate pinnacle of technology, it would seem. I had a good hearty laugh when I saw this. EDIT: Cleaned up some edges that made no sense, like mason to alchemist.
  9. It's also a good idea to periodically check the damage on your mooring anchor. They do decay over time.
  10. I crossed over the Great Southern Highway on Indy two days ago, going south from FM. I was absolutely astonished by how beautiful it was. That's what I was going to post as well. In particular, there's this one "slice" of stone that juts up like a curved knife on the eastern side of the road on the way back down as you're traveling south. I thought that once curved slice of mountain was just beautiful, and the decision to leave it there was inspired.
  11. I think there are two conversations happening here: What the developers can do to influence the financial economy of Wurm. What the players can do to influence the physical economy of Wurm. Assuming I understand them, I agree with Brash's comments about playability and usability being more important areas of development than financial tweaks at this time. Recent history has proven that CCAB cares a lot about that as well. When I left Wurm, it was because I physically could no longer play it. I was getting repetitive stress injuries from navigating the menus all day, from dragging items to inventory and then into secondary piles. Recent gameplay changes have helped a lot with this. The game should be challenging, but not punishing. Wurm is very challenging, and probably a little more punishing than it ought to be. For an engaging explanation of the distinction, see The financial changes that happened this fall not only go a long way toward making the game more egalitarian in the way that silver flows through the economy, but perhaps more importantly, it gives the developers many more options, flexibility, and control over how they can control financial liquidity in the game. Having more levers to pull will really let them fine tune things and make changes when they deem them appropriate. So, I really think the game's financial economy is on solid footing right now. I hope they continue to refine and address usability issues so they don't literally cripple their player base. As a player who recently came back to a vastly different game than the one I left 2 years ago, I am inclined to let CCAB keep do what they're doing. I'm MUCH more interested in the second part of this conversation, about what we can do as a player community to influence and grow the physical economy of Wurm. Turning dirt, rocks, and plants into highly skilled and capable player characters is something that the players have to do for ourselves. Obsessing over who gets which silver misses this entire part of the game. And I contend that we lose more players to attrition for lack of attention to "world and community usability" than to UI usability issues. "World usability" is something that civic-minded and experienced players can focus more attention on. WE ARE ALL DEVELOPERS when it comes to the world and our communities. Dragging a cart up a 24 slope winding road through an olive forest, then learning that there's no coastal road so you can't make your delivery without backtracking and getting lost in the thickets while bears and spiders gnaw on your face, as you try to walk around a mountain, is a really strong disincentive for new players. To the degree that new players are "taxed" by their lack of skill and funneled into unskilled labor until they can afford premium and raise their skills, they are doubly taxed by the difficulty of transporting things. It's time intensive, gives no skill, and nobody pays for it. Transportation tax inhibits physical economic development. It limits and slows the ability of a server to support a large and dense population. It keeps players from accomplishing their goals. Time spent in transport is at best difficult and at worst brutally punishing and disheartening for new players. I strongly encourage more players, especially those who are civic-minded and capable, to find ways to profit not only themselves in terms of enormous skill and material gain, but their entire local server community, by the construction and refinement of their server's local transportation infrastructure. Traditionally, transportation tax was itself the largest inhibitor of highway and infrastructure development. You had to pay this brutal tax in order to build the roads, with constant trips back and forth through rugged country to the nearest port, or risk wasting and losing the materials recovered during construction. With the addition of wagons and crates, it has never been easier and more materially profitable to build infrastructure. Good roads and harbors are the lifeblood of communities. They foster commerce by bringing people together and empowering them to focus their time and energy on valuable pursuits instead of the toil of travel.
  12. Huge thanks to Xallo and Alyeska for inviting me to this event, and helping me get my weapon imped and ready for the fight. And thanks to WKM for tanking! Great neighbors make all the difference in the world, and I'm happier every day that I came back to Indy.
  13. Correct me if I am misunderstanding something, but the pictures you show above have a sample size of about 10 each. 50 olives, sure, but 10 different harvest results for each. This is not a statistically significant sample size, and I'm afraid none of us can draw any conclusions from it. It might be better if you picked from 1000 trees (that's 31^2 roughly) with each, maybe gathering up the data over time. Good luck, I will be very interested to see what your results are. Also, for what it's worth, the low quality olives (q1) are great for leveling brewing, because they drop the success chance a bit.
  14. I saw this as well, just a little too late. Frustrating.