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Everything posted by Oblivionnreaver

  1. Looking for 100k+ of each, pm me what you got and price edit: got veggies filled
  2. its a bit more than just effecting enjoyment, winter in wurm causes me physical pain if i don't mess around with my monitor settings, i wouldn't mind it being as long as it used to be if it was possible to turn it off client side
  3. not an auction and 1g isn't even close to what i'd find acceptable
  4. thing 4 sal very shine pm offers before i put it on an addy LMS or something
  5. theres already freedom banners and wagons though heres a sneak peek for you
  6. the trade got closed when the rules changed no longer allowing the trade ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. Cod all seryll and nails to Storelot ty
  8. If they're already finding them all with only a few spawns, giving more spawns will just give them more loot and lead to the devaluation of end game items because they're overabundant (they already are even with the current spawns) Making them public only excludes people who enjoy the smaller fights against boss mobs, those with older computers that can't handle 200+ in local and people that prefer to stick with smaller groups of friends instead of dozens of random strangers. It's a bandaid fix that lowers down the game to the same generic ###### you see in every other mmo "go do this quest for the 100th time to get your exalted reputation and your shiny armor/mount/whatever". It also incentives spamming alts for loot, as with the current average of around 150-250 people at a public dragon slaying, you're looking at around that many drake/dragon slayings to get a set. Each server spawns a unique around every 21 days or something iirc so thats about a unique every 3 days or something if you exclude xanadu because xanadu has a bunch of unfound uniques that are messing up spawns. So like, a dragon every 8 days on average, times 150-250, that's many years of going to public slayings on a single account for a scale set. I'd like to say i'd benefit from it since i keep a whole bunch of accounts prem, barely search for uniques anymore and have no problem taking a knarr of alts for imbues, but i'd rather keep the much more enjoyable small private slayings ty.
  9. theres no secret to how the 'monopolies' work, theyre just large groups of friends that work together to look for them and share their finds with each other. these are communities within the game and acting like they're only out to control the market and don't simply enjoy killing uniques is a bit weird. put in the effort to look for uniques, join a group of people that do, or make your own group with friends. don't be expecting free top tier gear while putting in no effort.
  10. if you need a journal to get people to go to a rift that sounds like rifts aren't enjoyable and people are avoiding them 😅
  11. can reinforce it with a beam in a few seconds even in pvp with people mining the tile
  12. Strongwall takes an absurd amount of time to cast per tile and has no need for channeling which often gets it left to a dedicated strongwall alt to do. Having the cast time reduced by channeling (or some other priest based skill like the overall religion skill) down to something like 60 seconds at 100 would be nice.
  13. how many of those things are time locked, require you to travel to other servers for 7/8 of their possible spawns, require a group to do, are borderline impossible on chaos and epic due to low participation with same spawn rates as freedom servers, and take hours per 1% of the goal assuming you're not cheesing the hell out of them don't like rifts isn't even the biggest contender for reasons why 100 rifts sucks
  14. If you share your account with 2 friends in other timezones and summon there with priest, tag 20 points (tagging still works you're not doing it right if you're not getting points) then summon back to boat you can do the goal in a few months with like 5 minutes spent per rift. that's only part of the problem and doing 100 rifts isn't long time commitment to the game, its long time commitment to RIFTS. majority of the goals let you choose what you want to do they don't force you to do one thing, and the ones that do are usually the ones people complain about (fishing, archeology, cast a rite, 70 prayer, rifts). for the improve tool/weapon/armor, they don't give you one item to imp, you can choose any from that group, the meditation path one isn't "get level 4/9 in knowledge, its 4/9 in any of them, you can choose your skill to get 99 in, you don't have to kill a certain unique, or a certain mob, or do a certain type of mission, you can choose any from that group. with rifts, you have to do the time locked rifts, you can't do rift camps, you can't go to jackal and do the camps there, there's no choice. Pretty much all the goals bar like 10 of them are things that you're going to eventually do over time not grind out, but If you don't like rifts you're either going to spend over an IRL week of time to getting this one goal done and burn out or give up on the journal completely. Comparing time spent in one goal vs another isn't a fair comparison when one is just normally playing the game and the other is time actively spent on one activity that you have to go out of your way for.
  15. riding a HH and going onto a tile thats 25-40 slope seems to throw me off the horse about half the time, happens much less for normal horses but still happens.
  16. if you have JS you can imp unicorn shoes, rings and necklaces for enchants, make runes, and make fishing parts for cash. if the only reason for it being sold is that people aren't knowledgeable enough to know there's a much better alternative that's pretty scummy. Updates should have 0 concern about the market. It's already in the game per retro's comment so idk why we're still here and the thread can probably be locked.
  17. Just tested it on the test server and it's changing CR as intended. CR doesn't do as much as you think it does, you'd need hundreds of duels to spot the -2 CR without random noise impacting the results enough, unless you're fighting something that has way more CR than you (champions, uniques) 89fs acc vs 1fs acc, CHANCE in this case is the result of the CR vs CR check if it's at the same second as a swing.
  18. any reason why this isn't on chaos?
  19. Rifts take about 3 hours when you factor in travelling and whatnot for other servers, maybe up to 4 if you're travelling across xan and back. Considering that people generally work for 8 hours, sleep for 8 hours, commute from place to place, work out, socialize, all that stuff, 3 hours for a single point out of 100 is a bit much. "not meant to be done in a few months" and "one journal goal out of 10 takes years" are two different things. in an afternoon of hunting on cele it's rare to even find one rift camp, but if someone wants to spend as much effort as it used to take to find uniques to find 1/100 of a journal goal all the power to them
  20. Buying smoke from sol, offering 4 gold. Offering a finders fee if you find me someone that sells me one too
  21. retro appears to be not here to make a snarky comment so i'll be filling in for him today So the problem boils down to "progress in these systems are timegated compared to any other goal and I don't like it"? no need to thank me, and remember, rifts suck
  22. it takes me about 5 minutes to make the 90 75ish ql cordage rope it takes to max out village sacc bonus from 0, JS for rare bonus is a long dead meme.
  23. bruh its literally blowing on food how is there an argument and giant walls of text about it finnn go outside you need some fresh air