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Everything posted by Sabriel

  1. [23:55:34] The concrete would only flow away. This should be looked at. Make it consistent with surface mining, so slopes could go up to 3x mining skill. It would make things so much easier for many projects.
  2. When cast on grass lawn it should turn into mycelium lawn. That doesn't happen and grass lawn is unaffected. Favor is properly used up. Easily reproducible by casting fungus spell on grass lawn.
  3. They are representatives of fighting gods, thats what they do.
  4. Only god alone should allow priest to craft. Add new option to altars, similar to sacrifice, that freeze priesthood for 1 RL hour. During this hour you can't do any priestly stuff, not even praying or sacrificing. You could do everything that commoners can do. Cooldown 72h, perhaps more. 1 hour per every other day would not break game or pvp, forget about any serious grinding. I would priest up my main if I have a prospect of imping armor/weapons/tools if required or (re)build an odd fence or wall.
  5. I wonder if those hats can be upgraded to use luminescent material, like gnome hats. That would be even more cool.
  6. Someone with long white beard (ingame) wear cloth jacket and post screen shot.
  7. You are so wrong on this
  8. This will be shot down of course. Option for priest to craft would be nice but not like this, something more restricted would be more appropriate.
  9. Current sermon group. We expect more people to come tomorrow.
  10. Unfortunately no, some mag priest pops in from time to time but no sermons.
  11. Current Vynora sermon group. We need more people!
  12. There is a reason why they add confirmations in Vista, also there is a reason why they add option to turn it off. Finally there is the reason why I suggested expansion of /toggle command .
  13. I just accidentally poured my high CoC water to the ground. Yes I know I should be more careful. Also game should be more polite in this respect and actually ask "Are you sure you want to destroy this potentially expensive, high quality whatever?". No one want to be forced into something that might inconvenience him so let us choose and configure which actions should have confirmation dialogs. Implement command /toggle confirm <action> Candidates for actions are: pour drop destroy enchant suggest more... Default value for all confirmations should be Off Thats it.
  14. I'm part of Vynora group now, only one other priest is on atm. Hope more people will log in soon
  15. Rare leather glove + iron rivets = regular studded leather glove just so you know.
  16. Currently ql of shard is ignored, no matter if you use 1ql or 99ql shard, it still repairs 10 dmg. Each shard "should" repair 10 + (ql / 10) dmg so ql 100 shard repairs 20 dmg, ql 44.6 repairs 14.46 dmg and so on. Same goes for bricks and iron fences / house walls / tall stone walls. This will make it easier for defenders on wild so this could be applied only to freedom type servers.
  17. Do deed guards actually prune old trees located on deed? Theres checkbox in permission matrix so I assume yes, but does it work?
  18. Better reinforce you mines, some really long tunnels will pop up during weekend.
  19. This may be implemented as part of Path of Knowledge when clicked on any tile, not just token.
  20. Whitelighters really should not be able to use black spells and vice versa. When Libilla grants spells like CoC, WoA... they should be marked as black upon casting so in hands of followers of white gods it'll have no effect. If WLer equips weapon enchanted by RT or some other black combat spell, it should explode immediately, cousing damage to wielder, or there should be high chance, say 70%, of explosion on every swing with such weapon. Same goes for whitelight spells on blacklighters so no FA for paleskins.