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Everything posted by Maozorz

  1. Definitely. There should be one in game so that when someone logs in, they can read the letter than you have sent them. The current mail system isn't really good for this, and this would have been very helpful on many occasions.
  2. This is the most ultimate suggestion post I have seen so far!
  3. Continuum

    2-D super awesome gameplay space game. Been playing this game for YEARS. No other game online like it, it's amazing. It's the polar opposite to Wurm in that it's about pure hand-eye co-ordination and speed of thought. This game is eternal, simple yet incredible and still burns to this day as just all round good. Also know as 'Trench wars' or 'Subspace'. If you've never played it before, do so. EDIT; This isn't an FPS, think multiplayer asteroids minus the asteroids, plus bases, different ships with their own abilities/speeds/whatnot and power-ups, etc.
  4. Yeah, there should be this option and for people to have the freedom to do so. Of course, as was suggested at a high level of skill/favour.
  5. I'm not sure if the game mechanics would allow this but it would be extra cool and really go well with the whole vibe of Wurm. When you're doing non-combat related things and you don't need to be holding your sword and shield (for example) in your hands, you can 'sheath' them, put the sword into it's sheath and the shield onto your back, so your hands look free yet you are still wearing your weapons. Perhaps this could take time so people would have to think about being ready when it came to dangerous situations or surprise attacks.
  6. So can a doughnut-shaped building have a second floor if the second floor is also doughnut shaped? So it would be 2 levels of a 4x4 doughnut.
  7. Yep, I checked above and all around, no dice =(
  8. I was going into a mine shaft going down with a single horse and large cart, I ran into the wall a bit and the large cart and horse disappeared through the wall, kicking me off into the mine. I logged in later and the cart had reappeared but was sticking into the wall so the one horse was completely immersed/non visible inside it. I tried to ride the cart but it just kicked me off, so I couldn't do anything but unhitch the horse, which made the horse disappear and now I can't see it, it's been about an hour since this happened and the horse is still stuck/gone. I can drag the cart away and about, but there's no way of getting to/looking at the horse, even if I press myself against the wall - I can't look through it at any point.
  9. In a doughnut shaped house with only one floor, say 4x4 with a 2x2 inner 'garden', do things in the 'garden' (so it would be open air) decay at the same rate as they would do outside completely, or do they decay as if they were indoors? And would this change if a complete 4x4 was put on top?
  10. I noticed these from a distance at night and thought something cool was going on, only to realise it was a model bug. The lights change and appear/disappear depending on how close you are to the walls, and vary from red to white.
  11. Either Pristine or Release, they are the newest servers as as such have more arable land and space for you and your compadre's seclusion. Also, Release is the lesser populated and was released 6 days after Pristine and as such has a smaller economy - could be a negative or a positive for your money-making depending on the angle you take. And when you do come back to Epic, join Mol-Rehan.
  12. And then can you build a second floor which is a complete 4x4 on top?
  13. No spirit guard picture. /> As well as the post above this one, I have seen other pictures here and there that need updating on the wiki.
  14. Can you make a doughnut-shaped house, say 4x4 so there is a 2x2 space in the middle, then make a complete 4x4 second floor on top of it so the 2x2 open space were closed from the top?
  15. This particular new hot steaming batch of lag is also on Epic, blast it to the very lowest depths of hell! ROAR
  16. Most definitely, this makes a lot of sense and is very needed. +1
  17. Most definitely, this is one of the suggestions I hear a lot in game. Having just one model looks quite bland when you see it enough, sure it's cool that the collossus is all massive and whatnot, but there is absolutely no variation beyond that apart from the glow from a rare one. This is needed mothercluckers! +999
  18. I'm really angry and upset that you went and posted a simple suggestion. If people don't completely agree with every single thing you say obviously you shouldn't post it at all. /sarc
  19. About the beds thing, that would be really cool but I think maybe a 'spirit' or something else should be in the bed, because otherwise PvP would look silly when someone breaks into your house and you're invincible just because you've fallen asleep lol. +1 to bedsin it up.
  20. That building is evil. I'm not even sure what feng shui is but I'm sure this is the opposite of good lol.
  21. What? *Logs in* EDIT: Definitely yes, my character has knees does he not?
  22. Yes, most definitely. A big drum should pop up on screen blocking out your view and making you drop your coffee on your laptop lol. Just kidding with the second sentence. +10
  23. I had never thought about this. People would have to think about roof spikes etc, adding an extra awesome dynamic to Wurm.
  24. If this is not a worthy suggestion I do not know what is. Sitting the hell down! I see plenty of chairs and places to sit down, chilled times to be had here and there but NO DAMN SITTING! I know Wurm is a levelling game but I have seen many times where there are a bunch of people STANDING NEXT TO CHAIRS HAVING A CHILLED CONVERSATION and it DRIVES ME CRAZY. /rant PS: Please?.
  25. It's extra awesome to find out about the little touches of slightly intricate realism here and there.