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Everything posted by Myriad

  1. The big ships!

    People would build different models for sheer vanity, which would be great. More variety is always better IMO.
  2. If you're interested in a subject, yes, it does matter that much. I'm not knowledgable on sailing ships, but just wait until Rolf introduces submarines, he better get it right or I'll chew his ear off ;D
  3. Sounds like a bad run - my gardening is a lot higher and sometimes I manage to fail 3-4 times in a row, too. Haven't noticed anything bizarre in the last while, I'm keeping a 3x4 pen with 4 horses in grass, so have to replant daily.
  4. Hard as ship building is, the ship building market seems to have crashed, there's plenty of ships out there. I don't think it needs making easier than it is.
  5. Is clay deeding a huge issue? In 5 years of playing Wurm, I personally haven't ever been in a situation where I couldn't get a boatload of clay in a Wurm day (I make it a point to gather resources by daylight, to avoid critter attacks and getting lost). Which to me is acceptable. Could be that the problem is becoming worse of course, I have no way of knowing.

    Can you drive hitched carts through them??
  7. Whilst digging, I foraged tiles I stumbled across. Got 4. You folk are just greedy ;D
  8. Agree, but indeed sprout picking would be my exception to the rule. Replanting trees must be facilitated as much as possible IMO. +1
  9. Mining! Then stone brick making! Welcome
  10. I saw it as well. No biggie for me to be honest.
  11. Spend it -> no problem
  12. PvP

    Accidents happen, have happened and will happen. I hope Rolf will err on the side of caution with this.
  13. PvP

    As a PvE player, I get a bit nervous reading that. Yes, I see why PvP would profit. But there's ample opportunity in it for griefers to abuse such a change on the Freedom servers, if such a change isn't implemented with the utmost care. I for one will be very peeved if this is implemented, then fixed a week later, giving bedwetters a huge window of opportunity to mess things up, for a reason that has nothing at all to do with my playing environment. See changes to taming over the years. Always made to tune PvP, always to the detriment of PvE.
  14. I wouldn't ever suggest a focus-stealing option. Better to create a new tab that displays all messages you opt in to.
  15. What Gowrst said. Ideally, the number of skills and products that can be produced should be way, way more than one single player could ever hope to get skilled enough at to be a competitor in the market. Afterthought: this could even be done by specialising in sub-sub-skills. Leatherworker - unicorn hide armours, for example.
  16. And how much of a market is there left? Everyone wants kick-butt swords. Well, that market is closed because there's people out there who make awesome swords. Same goes for all the other obvious must have items. The answer would probably be: more skills! So there's more items to make, more demand for them, a market that can not completely be covered by the few ultimate crafters. As people have said: the current market is bad except for perishable goods and those don't bring in the kind of money many would deem worth the effort.
  17. It's shiny white, contrasts wonderfully with the black horses you gave me
  18. *gets out the whip* Both! Prettier!! Moarrr!! ;D
  19. I made a pen for my horses. As I was about to add the last fence, a unicorn wandered inside the pen. Welcome to the fold ;D Only, what does one do with a unicorn? Do people buy them?
  20. An old favorite of mine.;topicseen#msg334891 +1
  21. As a RL atheist, I find this one very funny. ;D I don't get involved in magic/religion in Wurm, other than to ask for it to be toned down, but if this particular thing is implemented, for the love of reason, do not call it atheism ;D