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Everything posted by quasiwud

  1. looking to buy 2k high ql wemp fiber delivered to 23x 19y on deliverance minimum 85 ql. thanks
  2. totally my bad if you were well intended. im sorry
  3. ill add that i found that getting perimeter skills in smithing up (i.e. locksmithing; jewelry smithing; etc.) helps when stuck at exp. levels any time you wanna talk catch me in game or messege in the forums
  4. i earned my way here it was a lot of work but very attainable
  5. this is someone i would'nt make a deal with lol
  6. Slow Connection

    i think it is great the ammount of effort rolf has put into keeping the community informed during a hard situstion. shows commitment to his user base; and i think that is GREAT!! thanks rolf
  7. not happy about this at all. days i cant play now and my time is running out. this will be all the time i have this week. 25% of the premium time i paid for this month for nothing
  8. Game Hickup

    kinda blows that i have this for my only unlimited game time
  9. i only have soo much time to play. the rest of my time is rl. sucks when you get no play time
  10. seriously i have a shop to keep and until i can finish my current project i cant make any money. guess ill be forced to pay in to compensate for a couple days of work lost
  11. 1 hour logging in 12 seconds playing so far tonight. i thought this morning was bad at least i can see my local area at water level lol
  12. i want the rare small anvil pm price and terms please
  13. that sounds like a well thought out process
  14. you dont by chance have a rare very high ql ( over 90) whetstone? if you ever do i will happily negotiate a generous price for it thanks quasi
  15. sold please mail c.o.d. thank you ill take 10
  16. filled. close wtb 5-10 90+ ql whetstones any sellers? and price please
  17. lmao!! you got it nyte. how can i say no to my best customer