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Miniroll last won the day on January 31 2015

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544 Excellent

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  1. Maybe I just want one to go with my 3 rare sets of shoes
  2. You can walk through the firewall btw. might want to add that. Do note casting these spells with armour on is ###### frustratingly painful... Where did you get the difficulties from? edit: Black tome for female summons a wraith as well.
  3. Bacon

    Hold on a minute whilst I smoke some bacon.
  4. I love watching idiots hurt themselves. I don't know what it is, maybe its really mean, maybe its just natural selection, who knows.
  5. Remove the words chaos, as the title states its elevation only, don't combine the two.
  6. Its unfortunate that poison doesnt add damage, it just has a very low chance effect to poof someone after the first healing tick.
  7. I don't really have much to say, but yeahhhhh. It can only go one of two ways, broken or OP, very unlikely it will be balanced.
  8. Both leatherworking pots cod togiodi please ty
  9. Interesting weapon. I would buy it, but I think i'm a bit overstocked on weapons atm >.>
  10. No, this isnt LiF. I don't want to give enemies a 24 hour notice before raiding a deed. The element of surprise is the best.
  11. So sad to see this go, shame.