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About Anson

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  1. When i start the engine it keeps running and running, counting log files from all characters i even don't have checked in the settings, and when i click "stop engine" the whole assistant is doing nothing anymore. Also i cannot start the meditation tracker for some reason. yesterday it worked but not actually. Can it be i have to wait a while ?
  2. I have lost interest and faith into this game also.
  3. Now all working again. Seems the "error" was just a serverdown ? I would give a glass of milk for a message saying so.
  4. Additionally now every 30 seconds are popping up 3-5 popups with the upper stated sentence. What you doing with my computer ?
  5. MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: socket
  6. looks great so far, i don't have the right methods for land surveying;) Now if you enter the name of the Steppe, "Aelfred's Steppe" it would be complete. Thanks
  7. Here is the picture, the lightgreen is the Steppes as it is actually, tried to be as exact as possible. The roads and all other things exist, removed nothing just transforming.
  8. Hi there, at my deed and around is growing a steppes. It is the quadrants 32x, 14y 33x, 14y 32x, 13y 33x, 13y I'd like to name it "Aelfred", if that not working, "Aelfred's Steppes". It will continue to grow
  9. I love guys like Rasu. They whine about Nazi and racism but love using their methods. Ah well i know what shitheads are in this community, i think i mentioned in chat. Really, if i was Rolf, i would deny taking money from you guys, instead i would give you the strong advice to buy you a good, thick rope for the money. @Vroomfondel, rixk: Don't break your head with my problems. If i need help i go the the people helping me, it's just the normal and logical thing. So all i need is someone willing to do the mend, the rest i do care for. When i want someone to get out to me, i tell my location. If i need your both advice, i will ask you. That simple. Imagine what for i opened this thread and all 00-flies hanging around in here again, holy. Oh i nearly forgot: if someone has a priest willing to do 1 or 2 mends for me, send me a pm please. In here to much jerks doing shittalk about everything but the topic.
  10. Has someone his priest out and some favor left to give me mending on my 2 best tools ? they pretty worn out actually. I'm ingame with Aelfred or answer here pls.
  11. Ok, thanks for the information. I heared that this did not work from the start had to do with the 2d-thing of wurm, similar to how mining works. So below surface things are still 2d ? 3d-mining would be a dream.
  12. Now Game is working again, no clue why. Thanks.
  13. Actually i saw the news about the summer update, and my question is, is it possible now (with all those new great things) to have f.e. a bsb and on the floor above another one, or do i still have to leave the floors above the ground floor nearly empty because of this ? This was the reason i lost interest to go on paying so would be good to know if this has changed now. Thanks.
  14. "Malformed reply from SOCKS server" or : " MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: socket i got my socks on me and i don't know why every few weeks problems occur with the clientstart. Have Java on 7, drivers new, yesterday the game worked, today it doesn't, changed nothing.