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any smart guy that could help me? (serious only please)

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i got a pretty new computer from school, a laptop with Intel Pentium M 1,6 ghz 2gb ram windows xp.

alright to problem.

the computer is admin locked and i dont got password to it, so i cant install anything to it, anyone know how to go around the admin system?. to install things.


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Tried accessing it via safe mode?

bash f8 when booting up.

Some people password lock this too :C

If you can get in from there, you can change the password of the admin account and change the settings on your own account.

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well i think it's locked that i cant go into safe mode, tried it at school once but it just went past it, or the guy who tested it is a noob and didnt know wich button to use xD

but well ill see if it works, maybe some more good tip?

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Reinstall windows is your other option, i used to search long and hard to find a way around this when i was at school and there wasn't another way which didn't involve keylogging and such.

There may be password resetting software about though, but i never did trust them.

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It depends on what is locked, are you talking about the operating system ie XP/Vista or the Bios?

The Bios lock is usually easy to get around.. There is usually a jumper on the motherboard that will allow you to wipe any bios settings (I.e take it back to factory default) This is usually found near the battery on the motherboard.

The operating system is a little more difficult, I too would suggest hirens boot cd (and I am an IT Pro) This will at least get you the local administrator account password, so you can get the pc setup the way you need it.

If you need a little more help, post back and I'm sure we can help.

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I'm not sure if it gonna work in Vista, but you can try.

Go start -> run... -> control userpasswords2. check administrator and press reset password button in the  bottom.

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I'm not sure if it gonna work in Vista, but you can try.

Go start -> run... -> control userpasswords2. check administrator and press reset password button in the  bottom.

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try this: start -> run... -> cmd

then type:


NET USER (user name goes here)[sPACE]*[ENTER] ->example: net user administrator *

type new password (you won't see anything you type, not even ****)[ENTER]

type new password again [ENTER]

there you go

lemme kno if it worked or not  :)

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try this: start -> run... -> cmd

then type:


NET USER (user name goes here)[sPACE]*[ENTER] ->example: net user administrator *

type new password (you won't see anything you type, not even ****)[ENTER]

type new password again [ENTER]

there you go

lemme kno if it worked or not  :)

If that works I will cry :'(

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