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Posts posted by konsul


    In the game, the speed of carts and wagons does not differ in any way from the speed in the fields. Meanwhile, if a playable character enters the road, then his speed increases. I think it's easy for modders to make a mod so that both carts and wagons travel faster along the road. Make me such a mod for a reward) I need this in order for the players to have an incentive to drive on the roads, otherwise now driving on the road is pointless

  2. Now in the game if you kill a bull, you get 1.5 kg of meat. It’s ridiculous. Chicken, not a bull)) Maybe there is a mod that increases the weight of the mayas? If not, which method is responsible for this?

  3. Cuddles Thank you very much. Those who make mods, it became clear what to do,but I do not know how to make a mod . I did a mod for men of war, Arma, but Wurm for me is not clear at all. The most important thing is to write a file .class


    Everything can be found in the grass. If you turn off the Foraging, players will begin to plant gardens and sell products of the garden. I am looking for a specialist who can make such a mod. Ready to pay a fee

  5. Can they also edit the player’s inventory?


    Removed digtoground from the server. But the Starter Gear mod is not working


    #Format: Item-[internal id]=(templateId),(quality),(amount),(isStarter)
    # internal id - This is just an internal index for debugging purposes. If your config is incorrect, it will reference this value.
    # templateId - The ID for the item you want to create. Reference ItemList.java to find the template ID for the items you want.
    # quality - The quality you want the item to spawn in. Floating point values accepted.
    # amount - It will give this many of the item to the player.
    # isStarter - Whether or not it can be improved. When true, item cannot be repaired. When false, acts as if created normally.

    #Recommend keeping the mirror as-is.

    #Some example configs past the defaults:
    # 1 mallet, 10ql
    # 5 small iron nails, 10ql

    #Template ID Reference Paste:
    # http://pastebin.com/teC3pYsD

    #If true, will print debug messages and log heavily.