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About Groady

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  1. I get the same error as well and it prevents my server from shuttiong down via the normal method of pressing the shutdown button. All animals are still young and none of my 20 animals have aged. Has this worked for anyone at all? IMO the lable [bUGFIX] should be removed from the title pending bugfix for the bugfix and further investigation.
  2. Maybe i'm wrong about it. I played a good measure of WO and always got rares by improving. Maybe I was just lucky there so i'm a spoiled brat:)
  3. That is completely normal and has nothing to do with this bug. WU sure is neat though isnt it. keep on foraging!
  4. I'm really not sure wether this is server or client issue with WU but there seems to be a problem with rare items. Rare items can be gotten by collection example: mining rock shards. Rare items can be gotten by assembly example: attaching a handle to a sickle blade. However a rare item cannot be made by improving an items with a sucessful inspired moment. 'Imping' has always been a way to get rare tools but it just doesn't happen on my single player game. I've never gotten one from imping. I've watched successful imps fail to 'rare' an item like 8 times now. It's frustrating but not exactly game breaking. Thought I'd let you guys know about it anyway. Thanks for WU, it's great fun even with the few bugs it has:P
  5. Nothing has changed at the end of all these people, except what the devs have pushed out, We cant get on. At this point its been an entire day, a day that I have paid for, a day that I have not recieved. I realize just saying that will most likely inspire some heated emotional responses but that is a cold hard fact. I'm old and don't like being robbed of one of the few remaining days of my life not to mention the fiscal loss...