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Everything posted by Lycanthropic

  1. The server itself ungratsed us. Yeah, I was waiting for all the "degrats" to appear in freedom chat... XD
  2. BAM, New Brohalla gets disbanded, server freezes again
  3. Must be a new record, havent had one this big since I started playing EDIT: gotta love the quote on my connection screen: "This looks really bugged" - Rolf ;D
  4. At least GV is running smoothly now : Playing with some of my old GV alts to kill the time untill my prem char on freedom comes back to live. Town square seems to give some good replies how to handle it hardware-wise, perhaps it's time to start looking into that a bit more? ( ) EDIT: GV shutting down in 600 seconds XD damn
  5. Does this little part mean that perhaps an option will come for old GV-players to move for free with full inventory? (or will there also be a wipe of inventory when this "new way" will be built in?) Edit: Seems like I was typing my reply one you edited Enki, so no way what so-ever for current GV players to move to freedom with inventory, unless we pay at the old portals?