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Hull planks changing wood type when dropped in bsb

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I'm making hull planks using only one type of wood so they don't make a stack in the bsb. I dragged a bunch of cedarwood planks into the bin, and suddenly there were a couple of willow and walnut hull planks in there too.


First I thought I had some kind of brain glitch and managed to saw the wrong logs but had only cedarwood in my inventory. The crate I took the logs from also only has cedarwood in it. I made more cedarwood hull planks and it happened again.


I'm absolutely certain I only had cedarwood logs in my inventory and cedarwood hull planks in the bsb, so something's not right here.

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It is possible this BSB had some old partial planks in there, which is possible if it's been used for holding shipbuilding mats before.  The partials may have been due to decay at some point in the BSBs history, or dropped in along with mats collected from other containers in the past.


From my experience, as I understand it, hull planks in a BSB fall into these categories:


Old partial planks which *may* be invisible in the BSB until a stack is formed

Single planks sorted according to kind, which are actually a number of whole and/or partial planks between one and two

Multiple planks sorted according to kind, including partials


When you put a lot of cedarwood planks in the BSB, you created a new multiple planks category, which seems to have attracted all the old partials.


Don't take my word for it though.  Take these mini stacks of willow and walnut hull planks out and check all their weights so see if any are partial ones. 


I get the same thing when I fill an old BSB with mats and the volume comes to more than it should.  I have one BSB with 2000 bricks in it.  It's not really 2000 bricks, the max for a BSB is 1999 - one is a partial brick.


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I’ve never made hull planks out of those wood types before.


After posting this I also made a bunch of shafts using cedarwood logs taken from the same crate, and in the stack of shafts in my inventory one was oakenwood. All the logs were definitely cedarwood and just one single shaft randomly came out as oak.

So the hull planks may have actually changed wood type on creation instead of when they were put in the bin, but since I didn’t notice until I put them in there we can’t know for sure.


I don’t know how to replicate this but I still have plenty of parts to make so I’ll continue to keep a close eye on the wood types and will report back if it keeps happening.

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