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Guest Mekin

A New Beginning

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A New Beginning

Part 1

The Beggining

He sat along the shore of the Golden Valley lake, the gentle breeze rustling the tree leaves and his hair. The small village lay at the top of the cliff above him with the traders market and some other building he had yet to find out. The small farming huts lining up the path to the cliff making a village of sorts, community you could say. He spotted a bear across the lake, he did not scream or run for the guards, nor did he come near it. The animals, especially the bears, we're always aggresive. Especially in Golden Valley. He simply lied on the shores and stared at the skys for a long time. At night he decided he would start living, the bartender would only give him food and water while he was below age. Soon he would be of age, and the bartender would no longer give him food and water. He had to go strike out a living, hoping to find a way into a village and possibly a town. Today, is the beginning.

End of A New Beginning part 1.

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I love it :) cool intro reminsd me of the book 'of mice and men'

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Part 2

The Horde

    It was a sunny day in Golden Valley. Walking along a grimy cobblestone highway, he heard shouts coming ahead. He decided that he should not run into this, but instead creep along the side under the shade of the trees. As he was creeping along the shadows of the trees it soon became loud and it was quite obvious it was more then 2 people or animals fighting. As he got into view of it, it was not creatures, but a group of men fighting one dark faced, bloody, demonic person. It seemed like it was near-immortal, it was butchering its attackers one by one, blood by blood. He tried to run, but his body was froze in fear. As it finished off the remaining men he had barely began to walk along when a determined, hearty, young warrior leaped upon him and impaled a sword through the butcher'ers skull. He closed his eyes and rolled into a ball as he though he was next, but instead the man did not kill him, but helped him up.

"Who.. Who are you?"

" A friend" The warrior said, " Now let's go before more come."

" Agreed".

After half an hour of jogging and an hour of walking, he asked the warrior, " Who was that demonic man?".

  " A minion of the Horde of The Summoned."

" Who are the Horde?".

" A race of demonic people, look a bit like crusaders. I don't know their full history but everyone except them and some other figures hate them, as far as I know." As they walked along he feel he had just experienced his first encounter with the horde, hoping there would be no more encounters.

    After more walking, and finally the reach of the lake, they parted ways and thanked eachother for the information and experience. As he walked along the now clear cobblestone street, he couldn't help but wonder when a time of reckoning of all the kingdoms would come. The Jenn-Kellons. The Mol Rehans. And the Horde. It was going to be a clash beyond the recognition of the gods. As he leaned on the wall of a wooden fishing hut, he slid down and drifted off to a deep sleep. The beautiful lake of Golden Valley disappearing in his eyes.

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As Part 2 might be a little bad, i was playing wurm when i was typing. I should be able to make the Part 3 quite well though.

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Part 3


It was time, he was starving and thirsty. In a hour the bartender would deny him any more food or water. He groaned and turned over on the sandy beach of Golden Valley's lake. He stood up and gazed up at the stars, glittering before his eyes. Then, all of a sudden,

He blacked out.

He woke in a bed, feeling a throbbing headache in his skull. He reached for his temple but a swift hand pulled it away. " you don't want to touch that head, especially now." said the mystery stranger. Mekin turned his head on its side and saw a man dressed in full cloth and was wearing a quite bloody,white apron. He smiled warmly and pulled a load of feathers out of a crate, and stuffed them into several pieces of square cloth sown together and leaving a narrow but long opening on one side. The man propped Mekin up and put the feather-stuffed bag at the headboard of Mekin's bed. He then slowly let Mekin down onto the fluffy pillow. Mekin asked, " Where am I? Who are you?". The man in the apron replied, " I'm a surgeon for Glitterdale's Altar of Vynora's hospital, name's Timothy Keldus by the way. You were found bleeding at the head a few hours ago, you're lucky we were able to get you here and operate in time. Otherwise you'd be dead. Dead and gone, friend.". Mekin was truly shocked at this and stared at the high hay ceiling. A cloth curtain was drawn around his bed in a square shape. The surgeon was sitting on an oak chair, resting one arm on the arm of the chair. " You should be ready to check out soon, we have alot of patients since that incident with a horde guard broken loose and you seem to be doing quite fine." said the surgeon. " Why was I bleeding at the temple?" Asked Mekin, " Well judging from the wound it seems like someone threw a dagger at you, but it simply scraped the front of your temple as you turned. We tried searching in the water for the dagger but we couldn't find a thing, the assasin must've taken it and ran away. You're head should be fine to touch now, so you can check out now." said the surgeon. Mekin nodded slowly to surgeon Timothy Keldus, as he walked out and drew the curtain. Helping Mekin up afterwards. " See ya around." said the surgeon. " And to you as well." Said Mekin. He walked to the door and signed his name in the large papyrus checkbook, and walked out into the dawn of Glitterdale's beauty. Buying a piece of ham with his last copper along the way at the traders market. He walked off into the dawn.

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Please read and comment all you readers out there :D

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Part 4

The Attack

    On a sunny day, walking out of glitterdale. Mekin heard some shouts up above, he decided to investigate. He headed along Amnesty Road down the northern side of glitterdale to walk about the countryside. Eventually the shouting grew quite audible, so he began to walk more slowly. Sticking to the side of the road as he rose himself to his heighest height to peer above the bumps and houses of the countryside. Then, he finally saw it. A mob of Mol-Rehans we're firing catapults at massive towering walls, bearing burnt, ripped banners of the Jenn-Kellon kingdom. Mekin peered on both sides of the mob and noticed that to their right there was a gate, and there was a even bigger mob of infantry and archers gathering at it. In a sudden moment, the gate opened, and a faraway voice yelled, "CHARGE!!!! For the mighty motherland of Jenn-Kellon!". The mob of Mol-Rehans immediatly stopped their catapults and all at once yelt a mighty battle yell, spreading throughout the valleys. At that point they had already taken heavy casualties and looked uncertain. Mekin just stood there, rooted to the ground of shock. What was happening? Why were they doing this? The Mol-Rehans and Jenn-Kellons sure hated eachother, but it wasn't enough to start fights here, in Golden Valley. Then, in a moment of thought,

    He ran.

  The remnants of the Mol-Rehan mob were fleeing as well, apparently they hadn't thought out the battle plan well enough. As Mekin ran thought the dirt road, dust kicking up to his eyes. Spitting, coughing, he finally keeled over and skidded across the rough dirt. Crashing his head into a few large rocks along the way. The Mol-Rehan mob finally had reached his point where he keeled over, and one of them pulled him to his knees and jumpstarted him. He would thank him later, it was a time of life or death now. After a while the Jenn-Kellons finally retreated back to their city, unknown. Though Mekin and the mob still ran for their lives, fearing for them greatly. Once they had reached glitterdale, he skidded into the lower part of the hill. Unconcious

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Part 5


    It was a rainy, grimy day in Golden Valley. It was the starfall of the bear and taverns were in full swing with beer, and wine to serve all 'round. After walking along some road for an hour or two he headed into a small,dirty, wooden tavern. Above the tavern door there was a crudely made, and nailed, sign that read 'The Bloody Boar'. On both sides of the door were windows, but other then that there were just walls. He opened the door, it creaked mightily, and was very hard to push. After what seemed like an eternity of pushing open and closing, he was finally inside. He noticed he had popped a nail off the door in the process, but it was in ramshackles anyway, with grime and chips of wood missing here and there. At the back of the bar was a oven, and a few kegs of something. Beer most likely. In front of the oven was a bar with a ugly,angry looking man that looked like he was the bartender. On both left and right sides of the tavern were 2 long dining tables with 6 stolls to a table. 3 on one side of the table and 3 on the other side of the table. He walked across the hard dirt floor and set himself next to another bar-goer, and ordered a mug of beer wich the bartender swiftly slammed on the countertop. "Now whad'ya gonne give for it if yer ain't givin money? A few planks or nails would do. Round here we got loads 'o maple trees." Mekin nodded to the bartender and handed him some small nails, he felt it was customary since he had popped one or two of the door in his entrance.

After a while of sipping his beer he looked over to the man next to him and said, " So, where do you come from?" The stranger replied, " My name's Evus Oakshire. I come from a large, large city called Majesty's Peak. It's a city wich i'm the ambassador for. I'm going to Glitterdale to make a non-agression agreement, I do hope they accept." Mekin slowly nodded to the man and said, " I am looking for a home and some work. Got any houses up in that city? I do quite well in building things, and making nails. Good sawyer too." The ambassador studied Mekin for a moment and said, " Well, I suppose so. Now you aren't going to start out as a rich noble but will have to do with a small shack. Although you will accumulate coins from us. Here, take this map of Golden Valley. I've got quite a few villages and citys marked on here, most namely Majesty's Peak." Mekin nodded to the man and thanked him for the map, and walked out into the sunset. Heading for Majesty's Peak.

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Part 5

The Trek

  His eyes opened, and he looked up. He was in a leather tent with a hardly packed dirt floor. A fly whizzed above him, he slapped it. After a while of tossing and turning he stood up, stretched, and yawned, bumping into the tent ceiling in the process. It was too arid and hot tonight for him to go to sleep. He brushed his shirt and pants off and opened the tent flap and stood outside to find he was standing in a dense forest, up ahead he saw a trail that lead to a river, wich was in viewing distance. He stumbled clumsily on the path until he reached the river, and filled his jar with water. He went back to his tent on the trail, but only stumbled slightly this time. The tent needed packing up, so he rolled the tent pieces up and placed them inside his rather large leather backpack. After wich he started up the mountain trail to the city.

  The trail lead up the mountain, in a zig-zag path. Farther up the trail he could see cobblestone, a clear sign of civilization. After lugging his cart up the path he saw a sign, he peered intently at it and was just able to make out the large letters printed across it, ' Follow the path, and you shall reach the haven of Majestie's Peak'. He took it he was getting close, after an hour of trekking it started to get cold. Very cold. He simply dismissed it as mountain cold and continued up the path, but it only got colder. His hand was starting to grow numb, up ahead he saw the faint height of quite tall walls. He exerted a deal of his energy, determined not to die. When he reached the palisade gate, he was brought into the guards post where a fire was sitting under a high hay roof. Eventually he was warmed up and thanked the guard for the fire, and went out to get his cart. He walked up to a clerk sitting behind a desk in a quarantine zone of sorts. " Hello, I would like to become a citizen in Majestie's Peak." Said Mekin. The clerk responded, " You can become a citizen. Here, take these 2 keys. They leads to the Poor District and the Legal District. Key number one for the Poor District, and key number 2 for the Legal District. He thanked the clerk and unlocked the large palisade gate, into the ramshackle smoky poor district.

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Part 6

The End

    Mekin was standing in a wide open plain. Far to the north a line of oaken trees stand, untouched by civilization. It was daytime, in the beauty of this a blood-red dragon flew over him and circled. It landed in front of him, then... It spoke, deep in it's lung a reverberating voice yelled across the plain " Hello one named Mekin. This is naught but a dream, nor a reality. It is the land we all come through at one point in time, young or old. This is the time from wich you have came here and shall soon go. I have little time to tell you much, much information. Soon after this dimension you shall 'wake up'. You will think you have woken from a dream, but you will have not. You will simply be going into the last stages." Mekin was confused. What was this place? Why was this dragon talking, and not attacking and killing him, at that. In dreams things didn't talk. He pinched himself, it hurt.  " When I 'wake up'.. How... How do I truly wake up to reality?" asked Mekin. The dragon spoke, " You will find that you do not need to try to wake up, nor can you actually do it out of will. The time will come when you are fit to truly wake up, and I sense that time, is very near." Mekin thought about what was happening for what seemed like an infinite time. Then, the dragon spoke one last time. " Goodbye Mekin. In the end you will meet me again, but that time will not come for a few more long years. So long, one named Mekin." Mekin tried to speak but he could not. The land was fading away, and so was the friendly dragon. A few seconds later he awoke to find the poor district in ruins, fire spreading everywhere. He shouted out, " WHATS HAPPENING!" His voice was greeted by the roar of three-thousand warriors, " For Jenn-Kellon!", " For Mol-Rehan!", " For Libila!". Then huge boulders flew above the walls and crash the palisade gate opening to the noble district. He rushed to the palisade and climbed over the bolder and slid off onto the other side. Then, he looked down and saw a sword. He looked up and saw the face of a Jenn-Kellon warrior. Then, he awoke.

    He sat along the shore of the Golden Valley lake, the gentle breeze rustling the tree leaves and his hair. The small village lay at the top of the cliff above him with the traders market and some other building he had yet to find out. The small farming huts lining up the path to the cliff making a village of sorts, community you could say. He spotted a bear across the lake, he did not scream or run for the guards, nor did he come near it. The animals, especially the bears, we're always aggresive. Especially in Golden Valley. He simply lied on the shores and stared at the skys for a long time. At night he decided he would start living, the bartender would only give him food and water while he was below age. Soon he would be of age, and the bartender would no longer give him food and water. He had to go strike out a living, hoping to find a way into a village and possibly a town. Today, is the beginning. He knew the future, and deciding to take a different path. He would become a loner, and be one of the neutrals. He did not want to be involved in massive matters. He wanted to make his own difference, his own way.

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Well i'm done on the story. Comment and see if it's at least O.K.

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