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About Jetter

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  1. I've been wandering around for a bit and am now looking to mess around with building stuff. I'd like to set up shop in some uninhabited location with easy access to water and building materials, but I also don't want to set up shop in a place where I'd be annoying any neighbors by wantonly messing with everything in sight and I'm not sure where a good place for that would be. I'm otherwise not too picky about location - I'll happily go off into the wilderness or resettle the ruins of a dead town or anything as long as it's in line with what I said above. I'm not opposed to joining a town, but I do want to at least try setting everything up from starting equipment to basic shelter and survival on my own before I join up with others. I like to think I can navigate fairly well, so if you can point a location out on the map that's probably all I'd need.