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Posts posted by WyLd

  1. Ive been grinding up my fine carpentry and masonry to build some of the fancy/cool looking decorations you can put in your house
    well ive noticed that quite often the open fireplace i built seems to become invisible but is still able to be interacted with, as with tables and chairs but not so often

    Just thought i should let people know this is a thing unless it was already known


  2. ^
    its similar to my idea of letting a GM know that a ship has been abandoned, since they can look up a players info and when they were last online

    I tried to use the salvage rule while it was still in the game on exodus, but i was denied ownership of the boats because the players have been on with i think it was the past 2-3 months

    Its not like the rule made it unfair to the owners of the ships or anything, im just confused as to why it was removed in the first place

  3. I for one think the salvage rule should be reindicted, even on the epic cluster, especially if the owner no longer plays (ex.logged off for over a year) anything that player owns that another comes across should be able to easily get access to that said item, its not like the player is still trying to make it so said item is not being stolen anymore

    Its just a personal opinion of mine that could help the waters of wurm have less clutter of abandoned ships, or the lands having abandoned homes that are incredibly difficult to access/remove

    Just putting that out there

  4. Luckily The server time stopped after the first day of downtime so your animals should be fine

    and usually what i need done is easily done, when there are more than just one person working on them...... oh well i play solo gotta do everything on my own

  5. well hopefully we only have a few more hours left of downtime then we can finally play wurm again

    Ive thought up alot of things that i needed done during the downtime and now the wait is killing me because i want to get them done ASAP, and since im a solo player, thats gonna take some time gathering what i need.....

  6. Yeah new posts are pointless at this point as this one seems to be most popular of them all so they're just linking the rest here. 

    that infact is not the reason

    the reason all post are being linked here is because its an official post by Rolf, not just someone who is asking "wth, why can i get on"

    Sorry to all of you if im coming off as an ass, im just a bit tired and somewhat annoyed i could not finish getting what i needed done tonight done

  7. Wtf, why was my post removed?

    If you made an entire new post, it was removed due to many of the same topics being created, ofc all centering around the mass server downtime, so instead of letting the forums get clustered with post all about the same topic, the GM's lock and link this post in that one to prevent them from becoming a nusiance to people who would still regularly use the forums

    Its like a clean up really

  8. many of us spend  here. i dont want sleep bonus or excuses. i want service just like i get from any other service i buy. if my cell phone service blows chunks i call and gripe and it gets fixed. if ur product isnt ready for market dont sell it.

    Thing is, Wurm is not the thing having the issue atm

    Its the server providers for wurm, totally not related in wurm stability at all, if it were say a serious bug in the game that did not allow us to play then yes your statement would make sense but as of right now, the problem has nothing to do with wurms code

  9. God i feel like this is the only thing i post about here......

    Anyway im having some sort of network issue when i try to connect to the game, just wondering if its something up with me or anyone else, all the server appear to be online and atleast 20 or so people on them (expect golden valley, still up only like 6 people though)