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  3. Newest child Swamson has arrived. Please present gifts.
  4. Even then, you don't call something 'newest' after a certain point in time. Suppose you have 8 children, and at least 5 of them make it to adulthood, you're not going to list their names as Hamphrey Geary Jourdain Elewis Winslette Charnabelle Tarney Newest Child: Swamson
  5. Things Newbies have now, and we did not. A decently filled-out wiki A useful tutorial A crafting window Information from older players that isn't full of myth and inaccurate info Donkeys, and rideable cows at 20 (.1?) ML The ability to buy silver shop items from the website instead of having to go to a trader NPC priests in starter towns Bridges to walk over water between zones how did that work for player retention? And new players attraction? You need to show results to keep doing their life easier, and the results are simply not there.
  6. Today
  7. There is probably a place for silly, novelty wearables in the game. Yellow potions have been around forever. When people show up to a community event they sometimes want their toons to stand out, compensating for Wurm's otherwise poor toon customization options. But I agree with Emi, maybe that kind of stuff maybe should be silver store cosmetic buyables. I've always preferred the decorative furniture options over the weapon or clothing skins, personally.
  8. Big Gobbo's Grotto should be gone. Been for a while but still saw it on the map.
  9. It is kinda whimsical. But I agree that I wouldn't like for future skins to go this route.
  10. I wonder if that means a new server or the merge is on the horizon.
  11. If those existed in Wurm's better days, there would be more player retention. Wurm started to die after Wurm Unlimited got released and has been slowly dying ever since with a little bump here and there with new cluster and such. It is not fair to make comparisons between now and its peak. All those things you listed are net positives and wouldn't have turned away any player who decided to stick around back then if they were available at that time. Let's be honest about this. Wurm is only difficult for a very short time in the beginning and then becomes super easy. Vets have it easy, new players have it hard. A lot of new players quit because of confusion and lack of direction. Wurm is an extremely easy game for an experienced player and simply drowning the new players in confusion, lack of direction and lack of basic utility won't make the game any harder than it is for anyone else but for the person who just logged in for the first time. That doesn't make the game harder for the great majority of the playerbase and doesn't make it any harder for you , unless you are able to reset your memory and start playing the game from your first day over and over again. This suggestion only works when it is a slow vehicle that you can just run up to and hop on from anywhere. It is worse than afk driving on your hunt/travel wagon, worse than your boat at slow wind speed, worse than one milisecond teleport from one edge of the server to the other. It doesn't make the game any easier than it already is. It provides a new utility that is not already there, but new utility doesn't equal to easier game. It just means more options. I've already mentioned how it would enrich the new player experience and also the social interaction in this game. So far, disagreements to it have been from a point of strawmanning the suggestion and this leads me to believe that this utility would be a net positive to the game.
  12. Has anyone seen if it could be used on the ground as a nest ? Attached to the hat .
  13. With today's patch the outdated text was removed from the portal map on the tutorial server:
  14. Things that Newbies have now, and we did not. 24 hours light 24 hours food bonus food in inventory 24 hours aggro creatures range. 2 months at the price of one. 2 months and 5 silver at a great discounted price. Canoes to build right away and go happily sailing how did that work for player retention? And new players attraction. You need to show results to keep doing their life easier, and the results are simply not there.
  15. I think the skin is fine personally, but I also think the cute/fun skins shouldn't be part of the monthly ones; just put those on the shop.
  16. I've forwarded your feedback and you have been heard. Future skins will be more serious.
  17. Is there an ETA for the server portals? I’m curious because the PVP side of the game would love to start planning and many are extremely excited.
  18. I looked at it. Hmn. Uh. Ok. Yep.
  19. Someone mentioned in chat before down time it may be Rabbit slipper's . Not far off style wise .
  20. Couldn't agree more. Take a look on the monthly skin catalogue since the beginning on the wurmpedia.. Don't have to be Einstein smart to see that it really derailed and became a joke lately.. Bird hats, teddy bear backpacks, bucket helms, santa beards... oh well... to add on this, maybe scrap this monthly skin idea in general, and instead work on skins in bulk. People want character customisation options for years.. They want selection of skins to choose from for all helm types, for all weapon types, for all armor types, for horse saddles, for large carts, for anything it would allow them to customise the looks of their in-game character in the open.. Make it happen, put skins permanently in the silver shop to buy. Thank me later for increased wurm proffits
  21. Well, to me, and I think most people, 'main' means the toon you play most of the time I know people who 'have' toons on SFI - but they don't play them often if at all. Their 'main' is now NFI.
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