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How about removing the environment-only birds and replace them with tamable Falcons?  Those with high AH and taming skills could tame and breed them.  Taming could be used to transfer ownership.  They could be "led" with a rope and leading them would place them on your left arm.  Would have to stop leading them to fight.  Left arm would have to have leather sleeve to lead the falcon.  But sitting on your arm, you could right click on a creature --> Falcon attack.  They could be used for hunting, or even pvp if they are strong enough.  Traits could be bred to make them fairly fierce fighters - maybe as strong as a bear given they would be hard to hit.


Imagine a crew of PVP'ers sending their falcons to harass guards... lol that would be so neat.

Edited by Eyesgood

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Rather have my miniature giant space hamster...


Go for the eyes, Boo!

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I prefer these birds.

They fly in to your face at mountains and developed skills after years to swim



+1 to falcons or new birds actually ;)

purely to make archery more fun.

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Falcons and buzzards. Buzzards would clean the corpses up.

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Oh how I would LOVE to see tamable birds of prey and the skill of falconry. I wouldn't remove the environmental bid effects, however. Let those remain as well! They add to the visual aspect of the game.


Now, I realize that adding falconry and birds of prey to the game would be no small feat for the developers. I can already see quite a few challenges here. But if there was a way to make it happen, I think many Wurmians would rejoice.

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