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Sour Grapes: An Appeal for HotS Wine

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Hello All,


As a Man who always PvPs with a glass of homemade wine in hand, I decided it was time to create a brand of wine from the fine soil around Dragon Spine Mountain. I even settled on a name: Dragon Spine Cabernet Sauvignon, or DSC for short.


As Many of you know, mycelium does not allow for the harvesting of grapes. This unfortunate circumstance has created a dilemma for me. Either I can use a thorn bush to give myself wounds to very slowly absorb mycelium around my vineyard, which, considering the delay to absorb multiple tiles is not practical. I could also plant my vineyard far away from DSC but this too has it's challenges. First, the soil used would hardly be from DSC at this point, which sort of defeats the purpose, and second, from a more practical point of view, the journey would be lengthy to maintain and protect the fields.


My appeal to you is this: Allow members of HotS the same access to this skill set. For all the work the team puts in to creating and balancing skills, it seems silly to cut off an entire Kingdom from being able to use one. Further, I cannot think of a single instance of a skill that members of the WL Kingdoms have the same level of difficulty accessing. (A case could be made for the Path of Hate, however this is not a full skill, and BL has challenges accessing the Path of Love, so I feel this is a separate type of discussion).


I would argue that no Kingdom should have unequal access to the skills of the game. While one mgiht make the case that as a nature skill, BL should have a harder time with it, but I can think of no counter example that affects the WL Kingdoms and I don't think it would be wise to hinder the WL kingdoms access to skills, due to the non PvP servers.


As a means to show that this issue affects both me personally and the WL kingdoms, I have attached a picture of my homemade wine operation, with an amulet of Fo.


Thank you,





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