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The naked mermaid

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So, what do you guys think of what seems to be the ugliest naked mermaid ever...


fyi. It's from the independence in-game map.

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All I know is I tried to report it in CA Help and they thought I was trolling lol.

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probably because u dont report things to CA help?


And th face could be prettier xD

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Ive always reported stuff to CA Help and they have given me someone to talk to. :P

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no one will probably see it much i don't think the maps are that big of a deal since everyone had it nerfed down to nothing. 

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I was hoping the maps would show you where you were. Even if it meant you had to add stuff on your own you could track where youve been or where your going.


So far they are bugged too.  My allies put a bunch of stuff on and some can see some of it and some cant and we all have it under the ally notations.

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New Poll:  How long till someone creates a deed called "The Naked Mermaid" :D



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Seen uglier on actual older maps.


EDIT: In addition I vaguely recal jacking a ship by that name.

Edited by Klaa

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not the best subject matter looks like she only has bump

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I was hoping the maps would show you where you were.

Please no. I don't want a GPS tyvm.

I have an honest question. I see a dot there. Is that a nipple, or is that a pixel?

Edited by Ganken

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I was hoping the maps would show you where you were. Even if it meant you had to add stuff on your own you could track where youve been or where your going.


So far they are bugged too.  My allies put a bunch of stuff on and some can see some of it and some cant and we all have it under the ally notations.

 sorry but it is a map not a gps....just saying  :mellow:

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I don't get why a crude drawing is considered inappropriate by anyone. It's really not offensive at all.

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Mmhmm aside from the extreme violence (hey I like your boots... stabbity stabbity), glorifying the violence (this chicken is kicking my asss!), oh yeah animal abuse, cannibalism (tastes like chicken), and yadda yadda.


OMG... poorly-scrawled, nekkid BOOBIES! Call the police! Oh their fragile little minds! Organize a fundraiser! :P

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Can't see both nips. He might just have a partial shirt on or something. It is a dude, isn't it?

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Sort of looks like Rolf in past years Halloween costume contest.

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WHAT! This is outrageous! How dare someone...


Oh what it's clearly a naked merman not mermaid, nipples are totally OK now.

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Looks like a few paintings I have seen in a museum. I'm more interested in why you have that cat in the microwave.

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Looks like a few paintings I have seen in a museum. I'm more interested in why you have that cat in the microwave.

Keeping it warm and toasty ofc...

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Yeah i dont think its a problem personally. 


Her elbows are alos showing  ooooh!


Look at that fin?!?! TIsk Tisk...

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