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Toll Houses

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Basically implement the ability to add a Toll to doors. Just as you add a price to sleep in a bed. Thus allowing people to Tax each other when entering into other peoples villages/ alliances. 


They pay the tax they can enter. Maybe good for setting up on main roads of a kingdom for the kingdom to tax players.


just a normal housing plan but they would have to block the whole road or people just go around hehe

Edited by Zcyre1

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Sounds like a good idea in theory, gatehouses for large project highways and such. But I think at least on freedom it would open up too many opportunities for griefing

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horrible idea :(

how would newbies or other witout money pass the road then ?

I see your LocationAffliction so maybe its something for epic then but atleast nothing for freedom servers imho

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Sounds like a good idea in theory, gatehouses for large project highways and such. But I think at least on freedom it would open up too many opportunities for griefing


The way the community rules are written, using a toll booth to restrict access to a highway would be illegal.   

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make them illegal to put on main roads and I lilke the idea. Freedom rules = no blocking main roads.

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Came in here to advocate for housing for trolls. 

I like the idea, but I don't think it'd work well in a game like Wurm, where most people are not carrying money with them. On something like Eve, or any game where people always have access to money, sure, but Wurm... eh.

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Step 1 : Find someone's undeeded home
Step 2 : Wall it in with a toll gate
Step 3 : Plant a sign saying "5 copper every time you leave your home please"
Step 4 : Collect tears

No thanks!  -1

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-1 it will lead to people fencing off long strips of land, for the sole purpose of obstructing passage.


If that can be placed only inside a deed, and it has an upkeep, like spirit templars (but maybe cheaper), but I still see it as bringing a lot more potential to cause grief than bringing something positive to the game.

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-1. I  see this as a not so great idea on many levels. the fir being I pay for my deeds and premium. 

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Honestly, I see no greifing possibilities if this is done right. People can already build a locked gate anywhere, so what difference is a toll booth? Maybe it should have an NPC of some sort, that costs money to buy from a trader (like merchant contract). Maybe you could place one of these NPCs in any building, and from the NPC you can hire doors, so this could be used for inns and toll gates.


It could be allowed on toll entrances to towns or for innkeepers. On freedom, there could be rules against blocking highways. Placing these toll NPCs should only be possible on a deed, and if the deed disbands the toll taker poofs. On PvP servers, it should be possible to pick toll doors like any other.





You can already do this, stop being lazy and man your tollbooth!


Merchants should probably be removed then. Stop being lazy, an man those market stalls on your own time!! :D

Edited by Ganken

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