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Cant load crates into Corbita

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When I try to load the crates into my Corbita I keep getting the message that im too far from them.  I tried relocating the boat but the problem is that if u put the boat any closer to the crates you cant see them anymore.  This needs to be fixed as it defeats the purpose of being able to load items into big boats.

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We should be able to load from 2-3tiles, it becomes really challenging with bigger ships when you can only load while commanding it.

Edited by silakka

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I had the same issue trying to use a cog, it's quite ridiculous. If it's not improved it makes knarr the only viable ship (even more than before).


As I see it there's two workarounds right now, both are really bad:


- create a very high dock and load/unload crates there. You still need to sail ridiculously close to the edge, but it should be possible to both load + target crates if you do that and make sure the crates are right on the edge of the tile.


- Enable the "select bar" in options, then target the crate while standing on the ground, embark ship, right click select bar and select "load". Then disembark + rinse and repeat for everything else that needs to be loaded.

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I agree - both loading and unloading from ships need at least 1 more tile range, probably 2. I haven't tried with a caravel yet, but I can imagine it must be horrible.

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there is a painful way to do it...


raise a tile in your port high enough to be able to load from that tile

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- Enable the "select bar" in options, then target the crate while standing on the ground, embark ship, right click select bar and select "load". Then disembark + rinse and repeat for everything else that needs to be loaded



Well that works at least for the time being but changes must be done to make this more optimal.

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