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SOME way to name bison/animals!

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Either random names like horses, or a "naming iron", a version of the branding iron that you Rename what you want the bisons name to be, then brand the bison, and it gets whatever name you renamed the iron as. then name it different for the next bison, etc.

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suggested many times and always +1

when i got 10 bisons all named Aged Bison.. it gets real confusing.

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Either random names like horses, or a "naming iron", a version of the branding iron that you Rename what you want the bisons name to be, then brand the bison, and it gets whatever name you renamed the iron as. then name it different for the next bison, etc.

I suggested something simmilar to this on my thread for village permissions.


Expanded Branding:

I've had these ideas throughout a few threads about several distinct issues, but i'll cover them here.


So branding was a awesome addition to village settings, but imo it can be taken further on, here's some suggestions:


  • Naming animals: Either add a equipable item (nametag or something) that when reamed and equiped on an animal (head or torso) will add a title to that animal. Title should be visible when examining offspring for breeding purposes (knowing who are the parents of a certain calf for example so you don't cross breed). Or add a option to name un-named animals (not horses) when branding. Pop up window with input box saying "You have branded venerable fat cow to your deed, do you wish to name it?". The name would be added as a title-like thing (So in this case Venerable fat cow [bessie]) and would show on examine of their offspring.

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