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Account: Sowrecked (avg)

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Gentle on the path of love

[12:41:22] You have premium time until 7 Mar 2014 08:23:55 GMT

[12:41:49] Sowrecked has played 30 days, 13 hours and 1 minutes and received 0 warnings. Sowrecked has never been warned before.


Account comes with full plate set with weapons, tons of tools some enchanted, two stone buildings where a deed can be placed i just had to disband due to upkeep its on an island in a lake, has a few horses and stuff in the bsbs.+fireworks+2potions that change u into animals


PM with offers of usd paypal verified only. I will handle responses below in pm.





Skills dumped at Feb 20, 2014


Religion: 0.0
   Alignment: 1.6435786
   Faith: 13.911002
   Favor: 13.911002
Skills: 0.0
   Paving: 5.1821184
   Prospecting: 2.0
   Religion: 1.5826249
      Prayer: 2.7928457
   Healing: 6.5843587
      First aid: 15.040586
   War machines: 1.2809609
      Catapults: 1.6482666
   Climbing: 2.8495917
   Shields: 5.391186
      Large wooden shield: 6.238795
      Medium wooden shield: 1.2031413
   Axes: 18.001966
      Large axe: 29.204561
      Hatchet: 6.190751
   Knives: 18.351961
      Butchering knife: 1.0
      Carving knife: 28.142153
   Woodcutting: 10.96606
   Carpentry: 68.797104
      Fine carpentry: 8.37657
      Ship building: 50.04211
      Fletching: 12.460826
      Bowyery: 50.06138
   Nature: 6.391402
      Meditating: 15.466615
      Farming: 8.723605
      Botanizing: 1.908618
      Animal taming: 2.989933
      Foraging: 1.8221539
   Cooking: 1.0
      Hot food cooking: 2.0
   Fighting: 44.415043
      Shield bashing: 1.2673826
      Taunting: 1.0
      Normal fighting: 24.541796
      Defensive fighting: 2.6932774
      Aggressive fighting: 1.0
      Weaponless fighting: 20.003635
   Alchemy: 1.1429099
      Natural substances: 1.7005737
   Miscellaneous items: 52.751762
      Stone chisel: 2.2259793
      Hammer: 39.221302
      Repairing: 38.66417
      Saw: 5.3572826
      Pickaxe: 60.029625
      Rake: 5.485793
      Shovel: 48.416927
   Firemaking: 6.9833837
   Digging: 70.01644
   Mining: 58.06102
   Smithing: 32.973316
      Jewelry smithing: 1.1715518
      Locksmithing: 2.119376
      Blacksmithing: 70.74795
      Armour smithing: 20.478752
         Shield smithing: 50.012432
         Chain armour smithing: 1.0
         Plate armour smithing: 1.0
      Weapon smithing: 17.98689
         Blades smithing: 4.9052196
         Weapon heads smithing: 1.9817266
   Ropemaking: 1.0
   Masonry: 14.192701
      Stone cutting: 6.0153975
   Tailoring: 1.2820493
      Leatherworking: 1.0
      Cloth tailoring: 2.069162
Characteristics: 0.0
   Soul: 18.125788
      Soul strength: 22.556637
      Soul depth: 20.06839
   Mind: 24.849043
      Mind speed: 20.15738
      Mind logic: 29.531363
   Body: 29.765615
      Body stamina: 24.904348
      Body strength: 27.491364
      Body control: 26.068268

Edited by Sowrecked

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Posted · Hidden by Shrimpiie, February 20, 2014 - Removed - Trolling
Hidden by Shrimpiie, February 20, 2014 - Removed - Trolling

I'd be willing to do 200e, PM me

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