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Wurm on BBC

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would be nice if they got the servers up soon it might generate some new players. 

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Haha this is great. My girlfriend is a producer for a local news show maybe I can have her write a story about it for this evening. (top 50 market too, hey Johan wtb some ad time? :P)

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Maybe they should write a new tutorial real fast?  :P  (Sorry, had to take a poke at the tutorial threads. But the old was more Wurmish)

Not only on BBC but they linked the game homepage. Article is here. Now, I should not be making light but then, maybe I should. Because if I don't the attacker wins, eh? I see this happening...



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Maybe they should write a new tutorial real fast?  :P  (Sorry, had to take a poke at the tutorial threads. But the old was more Wurmish)

Not only on BBC but they linked the game homepage. Article is here. Now, I should not be making light but then, maybe I should. Because if I don't the attacker wins, eh? I see this happening...



People should have improved their carts more, also supreme horse gear is OP.

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To be honest, if they are attracted by the news story, but cant wait a few hours or so for the game to come back on-line, I really don't think they are 'Wurm Material', if you know what I mean.


This is not really a venue for the 'instant gratification' crowd.


Just sayin'


However, a hearty and warm Wurm welcome to all our new 'Wurmians'!  Welcome to the party!


If you are new, you may wish to take in a YouTube tutorial or two, while you wait.  It will be time well invested.

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Nice! :)  there will be people who come to see things so try and help them ok! :D

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Ah well, silver linings n all that. All those new subs might end up covering the "bounty".

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there are like 15 websites that pick up story about wurm ddos... 5 of them are quoting or linking to the post where Ink called the ddoser asshat :P .

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there are like 15 websites that pick up story about wurm ddos... 5 of them are quoting or linking to the post where Ink called the ddoser asshat :P .

He/she is an asshat.  Although with all the publicity Wurm is getting now because of the DDoS, I almost want to thank the DDoSer.  Could you imagine how that poor sap is feeling right now, "Yeah, shut down Wurm, that'll teach them for banning me...wait...they're getting more players because of the publicity....hmm.../wrists"

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Does/is anyone capable/know how many times people have clicked the Lin from those sites to come to wurm online? I'm curious to know how many people.

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Perhaps someone should make a new thread pointing to Factional Fight videos.  Would have to keep it bumped i guess.

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Someone figure out a way to put my giant killing video on Youtube without it losing quality or doing any weird after-effects crap. I have no idea how to use any of this stuff.


pristine goblin slaying was a massacre, that'll look good.


...shame we cant rename the goblin "wurm DDoSer"

Edited by JDBooker

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Gratz to the Wurm PR team if it was you that did it!

(and if it wasn't you, learn from this!)


Offering this bounty was a very good move any way, even if the chance it will ever have to be payed goes close to zero.


I'm impressed by the professionalism this crisis has be met with, and I hope our new provider will do a better job compared to the old.


Thx to the whole team for your work!


Have fun!

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The irony when Wurm's most successful media coverage is accidental :P

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If wurm is back, does that mean rolf paid the DDOSer the 10k dollars he asked for?

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No, it means Wurm has moved to another location. The DDOSer can try again to attack the new place but I imagine this new place has better protection against it than the old.


Anyway, great work Wurm team :) The new servers seems very nice so far!

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If the servers are really as good as rumored, then this free 5h sb might be our last sb we'll see :o

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