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Returning player looking for a home [close]

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Edit: Found a nice place, thread can be closed


I'm looking to get back into the game with the new update and I've decided to try joining a village for a change.


About myself

I've been playing Wurm on and off since somewhere in 2009, for almost all that time i've played solo. Played for a few weeks on GV then moved to Indy (which was just Freedom back then), once new servers started opening I moved first to Deli and after a while to Celebration. I had a short trip to Epic that didn't last long.


Pretty much every time that i played i got bored after a few months, when i'm mostly established and the grind starts to get to me. That's the main reason i'd like to try joining a village - hopefully other players to play with will keep me interested.


I've been an active MMO player for many years, i've started in UO back in 97-ish and played pretty much every serious MMO that came out since then. The games i've played for most time are probably WoW (on and off since launch to a few months ago, planning to get back into it at some point), UO (~4 years) and Eve (~2 years)


In real life I'm a software developer working on things that are either not interesting enough to talk about, or too interesting to be able to talk about :P


I live in Israel and play around EU evening-night mostly. I'm almost 30 years old. I speak English, Hebrew and Russian.


My characters

The skill levels are from memory, i haven't played in a while and can't log in to check due to the DDOS nonsense.

My main is Bdew - has pretty decent skills, 70-ish blacksmithing and mining, 60-ish masonry, carpentry, farming. Some descent level of every other skill needed to be self sufficient.

I have a Vy priest alt (Xivs) with 70ish faith and 50-ish channeling. She likes blowing up items (floor looms included).

I also have a few other unskilled alts that i use for all kinds of odd tasks.


What i'm looking for in a village

  • Main Freedom cluster - preferably on Deli/Exo/Cele
  • A decently sized and active community
  • Not too focused on voice comms (I prefer communicating using the ingame chat)
  • Location near the sea, not connected with cave canals - (I have multiple ships and like sailing a lot, cave canals are a PITA with bigger ships)
  • Not being too mad if i take a prolonged break once in a while and kicking me out right away :P

Edited by bdew

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If you want giving Exodus a go, my village would be more than accommodating, minus it being in one of the newer servers.


Thanks for the offer, Exodus is new enough to be acceptable :P


I'll probably take a few days to get my bearings and collect the leftovers (if any) of my old stuff before i'll be making any decision.

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Oh also to add, though my post count isn't high.  I am far from noob, so you wouldn't have to worry about that.  My top skills are mining, digging, masonry each reaching close to 80.  Other notable skills are farming, meditating, tailoring, carpentry (fine carpentry)


Also do you have other smithing skills along blacksmithing?

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Oh also to add, though my post count isn't high.  I am far from noob, so you wouldn't have to worry about that.  My top skills are mining, digging, masonry each reaching close to 80.  Other notable skills are farming, meditating, tailoring, carpentry (fine carpentry)


Also do you have other smithing skills along blacksmithing?


Nope, i kinda wanted to get into CAS but didn't get around to. PAS and WS are for crazy people :P


And to clarify i have nothing against newer players either.

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I have some free space on cele, deed name is TSP, located at y11 x12. Shown as goobertown on map.

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You are also welcome at Black Pearl (23/44), just south of Skeleton Desert on South Exodus. Contact me or Beka ingame.

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I've got a small place on Deliverance called Echelon, It's been me living here for the last two years but I really wouldn't mind more people moving in (I know you said you're looking for something decently sized with a community, most of the community revolves around the alliance since I'm the only one here.)



(Marked in red, we're north-west)

The coast isn't far away and we have an alliance with Tristan.


We have clay nearby, tar, copper, tin, zinc, slate can be found through a mine in the mountain beside us, we've got marble and my mine is absolutely full of iron.


Other resources nearby would be the naturally occurring olive forests aswell as forests plentiful of cedar and pine.


I don't mind prolonged breaks as I do quite the same aswell.

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Nope, i kinda wanted to get into CAS but didn't get around to. PAS and WS are for crazy people :P


And to clarify i have nothing against newer players either.


I am actually working on plate smithing after I get all these wagons and crates sorted out

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