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First big wurm project?

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I started playing just before the V1.1 update, so now that 1.2 has rolled around it's gotten me thinking about the early days of my play, and my first big projects.


I'd have say mine was flatraising a small terraced area, and gaining another 3x10 row of tiles. Might not sound like much, but starting from 20 digging, it was certainly an effort.


What was the first big project you undertook and how did it turn out?

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I did a ~35x70 farm in the last beta. Could be seen clearly from the mapdump  :D  Several hours to farm. Since then not much.

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digging farms out of the mountainside started at 14 digging and had 40 by the time i was finished but added about 150 farming tiles for me to use :3

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Build up my giant as much as I could before shipping off to Independence. Finally sold it though :P

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I've never really stuck with a big project. I've had many deeds, but I just can't commit to any of them it seems. (without getting bored after a while).


So I just become a mag priest and it solved all my problems!

Edited by Mattown

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Outside of puddling around on my deed, 1st big project was helping with a mine canal & colossus. Kept me out of mischief for a little while :wub:

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I first started my deed back in Feb 2013, and did a bit of terraforming, mining etc then around August 2013 I decided to demolish everything and start from scratch. I still haven't finished, some demolition and surface-mining still to do.


Deed is a 37x37, and instead of it being a couple small houses, a field, and 80% rock on the side of a mountain,it is now a 3 terraced deed with everything I need on it;  first terrace is 2 dirt above water level, 2nd is 86 above that, and 3rd is 120 above that - all flat-raised and/or surface mined down to the same levels. The surface mining took the longest - did terrace 1 and 2 over roughly 2 -3 months. 3rd terrace isn't completed yet - still have roughly 25x3 tiles x 30 dirt height to remove, then I can finish laying the paths and fences / hedges / etc.

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My first major undertaking brought my digging skill from 1 to 82. I made a bunch of terraces out of the side of a mountain and flatraised (not leveled) a 300-tile dock out of the water. :)

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My first "big wurm project" was making it from Greendog to my village.  I died like...8 times on the way there. :D


(( my Wurm withdrawl enters the 18th hour..the itching has began.))

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Breeding bears on GV. and building pens for those bears, and feeding them every day, and taming them...

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I had a few projects when I started that I thought were big, but they only took a night or two, so they don't really count. This is my first big project worth acknowledging as such:

About 3 weeks to a month into the game, I moved, to somewhere that I wanted to set up a deed, and decided to turn this:


Into this:


Unfortunately, the first image is after I'd already done a few days of digging and surface mining, it was a bit higher and more round, and almost fully covered in dirt, with a small platform on top.

I did it alone with only some alts, and in a 3 week period running some heavy mining shifts, sometimes 5-6 hours a day.

For anyone curious, I surface mined roughly 24,000 rock shards, smithed all my own tools, and as a newish player, only had 35~ mining to start with.

Edited by Arronicus

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For anyone curious, I surface mined roughly 24,000 rock shards, smithed all my own tools, and as a newish player, only had 35~ mining to start with.


And how's that insanity working out for you?

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Like a lot of new players, I guess my 1st project that I was proud of anyway, was building my house. It was just a 3x2 at a village called Nolita on Indy. Then you didn't need a roof. I used a 1ql hammer and someone named Lugan made my nails. Each plank took 30 seconds.


I was proud of it though. It was my house.

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And how's that insanity working out for you?

Quite well, thankyou! But finishing was a weird feeling. I was so excited to finish, but once I did, I hardly felt like playing for almost two days. It was just like, well, now what...

Now, once the servers come back up, I have a LOT of dirt to move. 

Edited by Arronicus

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Back on JKH when I was part of Phoenix Enterprises village playing Qex the village collaborated to put a 3 lane dirt road through the middle of a lake over to NewTown. I The total dirt we moved I think was at least 50k, maybe 80k. Its been like 6 years so I don't remember the exact figure. The lake was rather deep (300+ in some spots) so it took a lot of dirt. Granted we had a lot of help and where paying workers (well Lando was paying) for help.


Now days I put considerably more effort into finding things that can be converted with the least effort possible. Its an interesting 180 from my newbie days of loving digging to now where I dislike it.

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My first major project was on Release near Sloping Sands - 3 story stone house with balconies and a bell tower on a carved out hillside with very low digging and masonry skills. The house still stands although I have since moved and redeeded (thank you Foxy for always keeping it repaired!). I am not sure what use it is being put to these days. I should get with Foxy and ask! I still love that house.

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My first surfacemine.

It wasnt more than 2.5k rocks I think. Ive surfacemined up to 22k rocks now in indy + celebration :)

But dirt raising took its time, I also flatrised to 270 slope that 2x2 base and fenced most of that platform when it was done.





Sold that deed for 85s, it fell down after 2months, and now after 1 year there's a deed called Beatlu wood I think.

NE deliverance.

99.95 digging and still not gonna stop terraforming :)

that's just 2% of what ive done in Cele + Indy.

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Some 3 years ago, back when the mining timer was 40 sec, I mined most of the tunnel connecting the ocean and what later was to become my home. I think I got my mining almost to 50 this way.

It was so fun, back then I was just like an ancient philosopher - carrying everything that was mine with me, in my trusty large cart. I think I remember meeting Felthanne, and he loaded me up on 50ql iron and some cotton, and also with tales how they planted the forests on NE indy by hand. From which I took my first impression of "man, the community here is so awesome".

So I went down to the ocean, mined out a tile of the cliff, put a rock mine door behind my back, and only emerged out of the cave to fish and to drink water. Some time later I emerged high up on the tundra and there's when the real fun begins: we needed an entrance to the mine other than on the cliff with 100+ slope. By then, a few friends joined me, and so we were digging into indy's 300 dirt deep soil. I was the only premium guy then, out of 5 people, and these 5 people were digging for 8 hours straight before we even hit rock. With the 60 slope max (I think I only hit 30 digging somewhere near the end) we had to dig out to some serious area to make the 300 deep possible.

After that, making a 20 slope road to the cave entrance was even more work, but I ended up doing that by myself, and it wasn't that hard due to me having gained some digging skill by then.


Then we went inactive and returned about 1.5 years ago, only to find some guys settled there in the meantime and did A LOT of damage to my beautiful tunnel, and then disappeared. Probably because they didn't figure out the tunnel went all the way to the ocean, due to caveins. From them we inherited a few bulk bins worth of shards and the need to rework the tunnel, which I did, but by then I had some mining skill and a pickaxe, so it was just plain old mining, nothing exciting because of noobness.


We're still using the cave entrance and the tunnel, the entrance is visible to the left on the screenie.



Thanks for reading the tale about indy 44x6y, the home of Asdf and friends, then Mine All Mine, and then Castel Gandolfo, which it is today :)

Edited by asdf

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My first medium scale project: The Boulevard


A beautified boulevard route for my old town, and current alliance city: Roanoke.


This was back when I was still new to the game, I first joined Roanoke because I had made friends with it's then owner, Manowarfan, and it's current owner, Damnyankee. They took up root on a partially flattened area a little south-west of Norrljus, and I helped them clear the forest a bit. Unfortunately the landscape was extremely hilly, and connecting Roanoke to the water was a bit of a pain. I took it upon myself to do a massive terraforming project to level out the hillside, and make it as beautiful as possible. It wasn't met very well at first, we actually had people dropping iron bowls titled, "stupid hobos" and "fix the highway" - because I had temporarily dug into the highway to make this boulevard. Eventually once it was completed, I went back over the highway and fixed it up. Unfortunately because of all the insults left behind, I got scolded by Manowarfan. That's when I decided to make the move out into the ocean to make my very own island - a large terraforming project that would never end. My kind of project.


Here is a three angled view of the Boulevard:



My first large scale project: Phoenicaea Island


Phoenicaea Island is my current residence, and is a large 100% man-made island.


After leaving Roanoke, I had made friends with my current Alliance leader Eadwulf, and current Alliance member Sorrow. Eadwulf gave me permission to use his shoreline as a base of operations, while Sorrow was wonderful enough to let me borrow his Corbita for a month to get myself started on the pathway to creation. Using only a very limited number of rafts, and a very terrible digging skill, I worked tirelessly to expand on the boulevard region, flat-raising and leveling, (without bothering the highway so those hobo-haters can't whine) while skimming the dirt for my island.


I intentionally wanted to start off small, only about 11 x 11 with a 5 wide perimeter, thus 256 tiles.


The island looked like this at it's infancy stage:





The problem was, as my digging skill was getting better - and I was getting better tools, I decided to expand on operations. I made my very first Knarr after two weeks of shipbuilding horror, and proceeded to fill it to the brim with rafts. Now I was in a position to do some real terraforming damage. I looked to the defunct Moonlight Citadel. Nobody had lived there for six months, and the locales (Eadwulf and Minishane) didn't have much to say about it. So I completely scarred the entire coastline of 120 -> 280 slopeline into a flat underwater placeholder. (I re-raised that placeholder, and gave it to my alliance member Niki, who planted Holmestrand over it)


That dirt allowed me to expand exceptionally quickly and before I knew it, those 256 tiles I intended to fill in at first, were in the 1000 region.


The island looked like this at during it's adolescence:





I've learned to create additional projects along the coastline and inland areas without pissing off the neighbours - or scarring the landscape. Because of this, I've managed to create dozens of small (highway flattening/beautification) to gargantuan scale projects (an alliance canal mine and underground docks network) that have netted me profits in dirt and stone shards - which I then used to invest into the island.


Now Phoenicaea is 3000 tiles large. I've used over 300,000 dirt, 160,000 stone bricks and 90,000 mortar (I actually lost count of mortar) on this island so far, and I plan to expand on it westward into the ocean some more - so I can bug Berris in local chat.


Here is how Phoenicaea looks now:



I keep the island free to the public, and that iron bar/gated area you see to the right of the island is actually the Newbie Island spawn point. I've done a bit of changes to the interior of the castle walls, removed a lot of buildings to make room for new players to come in and adopt plots of land to make their own. There is a publicly accessible trader, all three god altars, and a mailbox with an enchantment of about 80 inside. The only inaccessible part is the main interior of the Citadel building (Which is hard to see due to the trees in the way).


Citadel Interior:






If you're on the lookout for the trader, you can find him inside of the large windowed and arch-way topped building in the center of the docks.


Central Dock Interior:



Edited by Dairuka

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