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Angus Smithing (BS/WS), Strongwall Services, 5-Speed Horses.

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  • I have a merchant Set up at Harvestgain market (Just North of Rainbow bridge on Deliverance).
  • I am willing to travel for an additional 10c per item for improving at your place, if you provide me with a forge to work with.
  • Bulk Deals available, negotiations via PM Doctorangus.




QL90 – 2s

QL85 - 1s

QL80 - 70c

QL70 – 40c

QL60 - 30c


Large Anvil** 1.5x Pricing.




QL83 - 1s

QL80 - 80c

QL75 - 60c

QL70 - 50c 

QL60 – 35c

QL50 – 20c




   1 tile only: 75c

   3 tiles: 2s25c (if I have to bring favor), 1.5s if you provide the favor.

   5 tiles: 3s50c (if I have to bring favor), 2.5s if you provide the favor.


NOTE:  You must have a Magranon altar close by if it is more than one cast.  If you do not provide one, I can create a low quality silver altar for an additional 25c.



                                                  Five-Speed Horses:


  PM Doctorangus for available steeds.  45c per horse.

Edited by DoctorAngus

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Highly recommend, Hardest working WS I know on deli :)


*Also, if you go to his deed, park the horses in the blue flowers! he loves that! /evil grin*

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Isn't this supposed to be in merchant ads?


Anyways, good luck with the sales!

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Isn't this supposed to be in merchant ads?


Anyways, good luck with the sales!



I guess your right.  It started as a Looking for work, but it looks more like a merchant ad now.


If any forum mods could move it there, I'd appreciate it.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Very Hard worker..really awesome guy, highly recommended!!  one of the funniest too.

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