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wasted premium time

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A day worth of premium added

February 4, 2014by Rolf

  • A day worth of premium was awarded to those who were premium today due to downtime during the weekend


is this my free premium day?  yay!  glad im just wasting one that i have already wasted and gotten back to waste again  yay!

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WTF are you talking about?



The server will be oflline ~1 day, so you get 1 day of prem. Stop whining nub.

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It's really sad that some people just have to destroy things for others. DDOS on an indy game like Wurm is just about as lame as you can get...


This is not Rolf's fault at all, and please don't complain without having all the facts first.

Edited by Torgrim

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  • Expect Wurm to be offline at least until noon 19 Feb CET

    • Most probably our hosting company will not put us back online until earliest noon tomorrow Swedish time when we have had possibility to discuss what to do. They are busy investigating and probably explaining the situation to their other customers at the moment so we don’t have a lot of communication. They are hard to reach so we don’t know if the attack persists and there is nothing we can do but wait and investigate our options at this stage.
    • We will compensate for lost premium time.


Learn to read...

Edited by vill

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maybe time for a new server host?  really i have never heard of a game failing so often.  this is a bit ridiculous

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maybe time for a new server host?  really i have never heard of a game failing so often.  this is a bit ridiculous

And look what they posted hours before the DDOS even started:


New more robust and powerful servers in Germany is currently being tested for running Wurm.

This would result in higher performance, stability and support for more simultaneous players.

Edited by Serpentarius

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maybe time for a new server host?  really i have never heard of a game failing so often.  this is a bit ridiculous

If you had read the latest forum posts, they have already announced they're planning to move to different servers. I know we're all frustrated with the downtime but stop making statements out of thin air.


EDIT: Serpentarius you were faster ^^

Edited by KingOfAwesomnia

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maybe time for a new server host?  really i have never heard of a game failing so often.  this is a bit ridiculous

DDOS attacks aren't simple to defend against and it's not always just a matter of hosting quality. Even premium networks like CloudFlare sometimes can't manage to keep a site stable under an attack. Though according to the news Rolf is considering a host switch down to Germany anyhow.

Edited by EliasTheCrimson

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Quasiwud, stop posting for a little while and go read the other threads in the forum.  You are making a fool of yourself with your rants.

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