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Look backward/over shoulder

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This may be minor (and perhaps already possible and I am just ignorant of it) but I would love to be able to look right/left and (especially) backward with a keypress, while not changing movement direction.



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There is a keybind, but it's not bound by default. Wurmpedia search Keybinds when you can.



Edited by Tehangel2

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We have the GLANCE_LEFT and GLANCE_RIGHT keybinds. I think they're supposed to be bound to Q and E respectively by default.

Maybe looking back should happen when both Q and E and pressed simultaneously.

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Wait, this moves just your head (or just your view?) without moving your entire body?

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Think it moves your entire body but I could be wrong here.

Wait, this moves just your head (or just your view?) without moving your entire body?

It only turns the view. You can run north while looking west/east.

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It only turns the view. You can run north while looking west/east.




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Is there a way to bind movement and panning to the mouse (cheap 3-button with scroller)?

In a perfect world I would like movements on the mouse ie- middle button to auto-move forward, left-click/drag for direction changes, right-click/drag for panning view. guess I really need to read the keybinging pages a bit more thoroughly.

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Is there a way to bind movement and panning to the mouse (cheap 3-button with scroller)?

In a perfect world I would like movements on the mouse ie- middle button to auto-move forward, left-click/drag for direction changes, right-click/drag for panning view. guess I really need to read the keybinging pages a bit more thoroughly.

I didn't think you could pan your view without actually turning, but rebinding auto-move forward to your mouse button is quite simple. bind mouse2 AUTORUN    should work.

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