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Servers offline from a DDOS attack.

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Copy of announcement :


Launch day DDOS – game offline

February 18, 2014 by Rolf


Shortly after todays update we were the target of a DDOS attack and our hosting provider had to pull us off the grid for now. We will be back as soon as possible but things are out of our hands since their other customers are affected. As we wrote in a previous news post we are planning on changing hosting anyways which should improve things for the future. We can offer 10 000 Euro for any tips or evidence leading to a conviction of the person responsible for this attack.


Note from IRC


Rolf   it's the hosting company who decides when we get back on

Rolf   first the attack has to stop



Update see :


Copy of announcement :


Expect Wurm to be offline at least until noon 19 Feb CET

February 18, 2014 by Rolf


Most probably our hosting company will not put us back online until earliest noon tomorrow Swedish time when we have had possibility to discuss what to do. They are busy investigating and probably explaining the situation to their other customers at the moment so we don’t have a lot of communication. They are hard to reach so we don’t know if the attack persists and there is nothing we can do but wait and investigate our options at this stage.

We will compensate for lost premium time.


Update see :


Copy of Facebook posting :


Following up on yesterdays DDOS attack on our servers.

As we have previously announced on our forums, we where already looking into migrating the hosting of Wurm to more secure and robust servers.
It would also mean an overall performance boost compared to our current set up.
This event shows it is none to soon so as we would still experience downtime during a migration, we will go forward with this immediately.


Update see :


Copy of announcement :


Server move


February 19, 2014 by Rolf


Since we do not know how, when or under which circumstances our current hosting company want to bring our servers back online we are working on retrieving the data from those servers and put on the new planned hosting. We have the new hosting prepared but it will take a while to set it up.

The game will not be back online within the next 8 hours but we’ll do our best to keep going until they are. We’ll know more at around 20.00 hrs CET today.


Update see :



Summary of announcement :


... we are confident that Wurm shall be running on the new servers within a day.


No premium time will be lost and the game whilst down is frozen in time so your deeds are safe.


Though still unclear regarding status of a rollback, we have backups on the data from just after the attack and from earlier in the day.



The following tweet has been sent out from some/all servers ... The server is shutting down in 1 seconds. Reason: Move restart

e.g. Deli :

(That's the old servers being shut down for the last time .... <plays Taps> )


We can now happily announce that


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This sucks =(




btw can Sass claim the reward if she says I did it o.o lol

Edited by Ryamu

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well this really sucks cause i just paid for premium on 2 accounts, Which in turn we all lose out on prem, this really blows

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well this really sucks cause i just paid for premium on 2 accounts, Which in turn we all lose out on prem, this really blows


I'm sure the lost time will be covered by the management.

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Premium won't be effected, just RL time, as the game's offline in advance means it was frozen to prevent any time loss too

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well this really sucks cause i just paid for premium on 2 accounts, Which in turn we all lose out on prem, this really blows


Nobody loses premium.


Besides, I believe the servers are suppose to be back up soon.

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this very Suck :( why poeple do dis :(




and to make wurm look bad

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But that's a pain in the day would be hella busy with my customers wanting carts/crates/boat haulers lol and it's gonna be pretty backed up due to morons DDOSing the one time we were all waiting for.

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and to make wurm look bad


Well they fail on making Wurm look bad....just makes it more publicly known lol DDOSers only target good games cause they're dumbasses who want attention

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We didn't get 5h of sb after the update, perhaps someone thought it could be arranged by causing a serverdown and didn't expect it to be recognized as DDOS.

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is game stiff frozen to, like gardens and stuff or will that all rot away?


I'd imagine it's frozen, thus why it was taken down ahead of time on it from what I understand

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is game stiff frozen to, like gardens and stuff or will that all rot away?


No game time passes while the servers are down.

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Oh joy a DDOS attack.  Wannabe hackers got nothing better to do with their time?  Go "save the world" from the "evil banks" with your DDOS attacks.

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i'm  sure rolf and his team will keep us posted as to when we can expect to be back up as they did last time this happened. :D

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rollback please. I cross server and died to drake spirits when it start lagging :( ...

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We didn't get 5h of sb after the update, perhaps someone thought it could be arranged by causing a serverdown and didn't expect it to be recognized as DDOS.


Who can we blame? I'll split the reward with ya xP


*handcuffs some national genius who can DDOS and delivers him for flogging to Wurm's dev team*

Edited by Ryamu

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Who is offering the 10,000 euro reward by the way? Rolf? The hosting company?

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No game time passes while the servers are down.


Ouch, hope it don't go on too long after


That usually results in missing horses heh

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Honestly, DDOS attacks cannot be completely prevented and since they are out of the control of Rolf and his team, there really is ZERO room for any of us to complain to the devs.


It's not their fault.

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Oh joy a DDOS attack.  Wannabe hackers got nothing better to do with their time?  Go "save the world" from the "evil banks" with your DDOS attacks.


Nah Federal can track em if they attack a bank lol. Now a gaming company attack pfft....governments don't care for us =(

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the more i think about it the more im sure it was that one idiot a few weeks back who for a few weeks kept making new toons,and spamming a link to some wurm macro hacker site.the guy was persistent,and really enraged.a wannabe hacker.and his only goal was to dis wurm,and he said plainly he wanted wurm to die.some mod or gm should know who/what im talking about,and you have his isp address

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