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Or a nice starter account, not sure which is more popular these days.


Here is something for you Chaos kiddies to get your Fight skill grinded up on.


Nice rare anvil and a snow lantern for ya in the bank too.


PM me offers.





Skills dumped at Feb 17, 2014
Religion: 0.0
   Alignment: 100.0
   Faith: 12.269714
   Favor: 12.269714
Skills: 0.0
   Paving: 14.640208
   Tracking: 2.663994
   Milling: 5.070626
   Coal-making: 12.930331
   Prospecting: 5.01641
   Religion: 5.0943346
      Prayer: 11.291498
      Channeling: 2.570792
      Preaching: 1.0
   Clubs: 1.0
      Huge club: 1.0
   Healing: 14.493307
      First aid: 30.957869
   Archery: 35.99111
      Medium bow: 9.23112
      Short bow: 24.797201
   War machines: 1.0
      Catapults: 1.3668191
   Thievery: 1.0
      Traps: 1.0
      Stealing: 2.0
   Climbing: 6.482845
   Shields: 12.596166
      Medium wooden shield: 1.0
      Large metal shield: 18.631662
      Medium metal shield: 1.0
   Axes: 30.385464
      Huge axe: 29.523571
      Hatchet: 31.719696
      Small Axe: 4.3044415
   Swords: 18.803425
      Shortsword: 3.0440297
      Longsword: 36.4726
   Knives: 11.833327
      Butchering knife: 14.045793
      Carving knife: 12.140103
   Woodcutting: 44.761898
   Mauls: 2.6343858
      Medium maul: 2.2451868
      Large maul: 3.5066326
   Carpentry: 50.61533
      Fine carpentry: 19.473276
      Ship building: 17.866697
      Fletching: 21.552435
      Bowyery: 5.7382092
   Nature: 16.758509
      Gardening: 6.0512815
      Fishing: 3.8873076
      Animal husbandry: 21.047573
      Meditating: 16.42435
      Milking: 4.15593
      Farming: 23.100452
      Forestry: 5.343583
      Botanizing: 6.939367
      Animal taming: 8.56624
      Foraging: 9.118776
   Cooking: 8.377918
      Dairy food making: 2.9190223
      Hot food cooking: 15.219006
      Baking: 5.5756035
      Beverages: 4.204395
      Butchering: 12.504327
   Fighting: 67.97861
      Shield bashing: 3.8594773
      Taunting: 1.0
      Normal fighting: 29.531628
      Defensive fighting: 19.178444
      Aggressive fighting: 24.530918
      Weaponless fighting: 2.222333
   Toys: 1.3720864
      Yoyo: 1.523201
   Alchemy: 4.1831627
      Natural substances: 10.648201
   Miscellaneous items: 45.46672
      Stone chisel: 17.173336
      Hammer: 46.658207
      Sickle: 3.7632768
      Scythe: 2.8751173
      Repairing: 17.494585
      Saw: 15.022932
      Pickaxe: 55.704815
      Rake: 16.018135
      Shovel: 40.758896
   Pottery: 6.74942
   Firemaking: 12.094347
   Digging: 56.193954
   Mining: 51.669888
   Smithing: 21.340866
      Metallurgy: 6.8332634
      Jewelry smithing: 2.8211753
      Locksmithing: 3.5699127
      Blacksmithing: 29.450243
      Armour smithing: 9.75073
         Shield smithing: 1.0
         Chain armour smithing: 8.822399
         Plate armour smithing: 23.913857
      Weapon smithing: 12.659272
         Blades smithing: 20.644236
         Weapon heads smithing: 7.115754
   Ropemaking: 4.0960937
   Masonry: 49.534115
      Stone cutting: 28.211826
   Tailoring: 7.4987817
      Leatherworking: 2.5568483
      Cloth tailoring: 18.428114
Characteristics: 0.0
   Soul: 20.357254
      Soul strength: 22.642231
      Soul depth: 21.136528
   Mind: 24.04876
      Mind speed: 20.761747
      Mind logic: 27.195333
   Body: 27.844185
      Body stamina: 24.13083
      Body strength: 26.776552
      Body control: 23.444826

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Not really, Chaos sucks because of it. But it is what it is, I don't make the system, just want out of it. Everyone just kills alts for skill. :(

Edited by Suntzu

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Shrimpiie, February 18, 2014 - Removed - Offensive language
Hidden by Shrimpiie, February 18, 2014 - Removed - Offensive language

wow dude you are the biggest fag on the sales section of the wurm forums and im avoiding buying stuff from you even if it is a good price


and i mean fag in a politically incorrect way too

Edited by Johnston2

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Posted · Hidden by Shrimpiie, February 18, 2014 - Removed - Response to now hidden post
Hidden by Shrimpiie, February 18, 2014 - Removed - Response to now hidden post

Your money is not welcome here anyway sir.

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if you buy accounts in order to bug the game then you are why working on skills feels pointless and what is wrong with the game.  kind of like botters pretty much.


im posting this assuming that discussing what the seller is selling in order to protect buyers is something that is encouraged and happens often. (it is)


free bump so hopefully rolf sees this and makes this type of behavior bannable

Edited by Johnston2

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Not really, Chaos sucks because of it. But it is what it is, I don't make the system, just want out of it. Everyone just kills alts for skill. :(

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Just walked along the street, didnt expect to see my old char being traded all around

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