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Bring back move and butcher.

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Something recently changed so I can't move around and butcher.


[01:33:46] You are now too far away to butcher.

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 You linked a message for going too far away from what you were working with, not for movement interrupting the action.


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yesterday I was able to pick up bodies, butcher and run over 15tiles while doing it.

If you leave it on the ground, I think that's what happens.


edit: if it's in your boat / cart, then that will happen, same as trying to repair my rafts while sailing.

Edited by silakka

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+1 it was better when you could butcher everything on your way home.

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+1 it was better when you could butcher everything on your way home.


I remember when we could butcher while logged out. Back in those days things were different. 

Edited by Drwebs

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Butchering/bury in inventory works while moving around. I'm pretty sure we used to also be able to butcher/burry corpses in a cart inventory while moving around. Anyway, inventory works so no reason to pursue this any farther.

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