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Add a timer for suicide when Enemies in local.

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Had this problem where some people with 70FS would rather suicide in my local rather then fight. Which is pretty lame and un-sporting, the game shouldn't allow it. If you're gunna play on a PvP server and go around to things like HoTA you should have to PvP with risk rather than just suiciding. 


What do you guys think?


IMPORTANT EDIT: Instead of simply removing the ability I would like to revise my opinion to it being on a timer. This way you cannot be trapped in an area by an enemy without being able to escape ever. I would like to suggest that this timer be somewhere in the region of 3-5mins so that it is on par with logging out as a method to avoid PvP. Full credit goes to Rosedragon for this idea, I just think it's a really good one :)

Swallowing your tongue should take time for the oxygen to be cut off from your brain as realism would dictate, however I would be in favor for the sake of balance for the timer being able to be cancelled if need be. 

Edited by Emoo

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+1, i've seen numerous people suicide out of pvp and its a pretty low thing to do imo

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-1 because us Freedomers troll the pvp threads :P



No, but seriously +1....... Why would they have even allowed that since the beginning?

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No, but seriously +1....... Why would they have even allowed that since the beginning?


Edited by Khar

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Block it or make the penalty harsher. Res stone functionality could be blocked on suicide too for that matter.

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Even if its not local range a limit, like 20tiles ranger or something would be nice. 

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PvP -> Stuck in textures -> Enemies in local -> Siucide is better than being killed without a possibility to move

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PvP -> Stuck in textures -> Enemies in local -> Siucide is better than being killed without a possibility to move


If I'd ever seen it used for that I'd be inclined to agree with you to a degree. 

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They still risk their items, and lose more skill than they would be fighting you.

The only thing they keep over fighting is an affinity/enemy wont get fightskills/they wont be on a deathtab.


I dont get why people would suicide to avoid pvp, but It is a good option to have.

Without it you could get walled in and trapped until a server restart.


-1 to removing the ability

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When stuck in textures, ask for a GM. Suicide is tbh a poor option in that example.


/stuck is another option, granted it doesnt always help.

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well when people for example go to the hota, naked, with nothing of value, and suicide to avoid any pvp, thats a bit different than if someone did it and dropped loot 

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When stuck in textures, ask for a GM. Suicide is tbh a poor option in that example.


/stuck is another option, granted it doesnt always help.


Do cases of "Stuck" receive higher priority among other support requests?

Once I was waiting 3 days for GM support. 

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I don't think gms will reply on any requests when pvp is happening, so that stuck will keep being stuck until the enemies leave :P ...

+1, maybe make it like logging off (timer base) thus if the person is locked inside a mine then he/she can still suicide.

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+1, maybe make it like logging off (timer base) thus if the person is locked inside a mine then he/she can still suicide.


i like this idea, +1 to that

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Perhaps they just didnt want you to get an easy-champ point?


Other then that, I dont see many excuses to suicide when you see an enemy pop in local, but to forbid it? Dont know, up to the suicider if he wants to be seen as a chicken (or a "weird strategic mastermind") I guess.

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Perhaps they just didnt want you to get an easy-champ point?


Other then that, I dont see many excuses to suicide when you see an enemy pop in local, but to forbid it? Dont know, up to the suicider if he wants to be seen as a chicken (or a "weird strategic mastermind") I guess.



+1, maybe make it like logging off (timer base) thus if the person is locked inside a mine then he/she can still suicide.



I can get on board with this idea +1

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I don't see how enemies nearby would prevent you from pulling out your sword, and sticking it into your gut, and giving it a real good twist. I can understand the potential frustration with not getting affinities from enemies because of this, but I really don't think that it makes sense for there to be a magical force preventing suicide when they lose skill, and drop all their items.


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+1 go down like a man if you know your going to die anyhow.

depending on your culture, committing suicide is an honorable way to die. So, going down like a man would be suiciding =P



Suiciders bring shame upon their families, and should commit seppuku... Wait...


And there you go, someone beat me to it. lol.

Edited by Arronicus

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-1  This is not a good Idea.


First off you keep talking about a Sandbox.....This is controlling.


Second If someone doesn't want you to kill them and suicides tough luck that's their right and choice to do.


Last what makes you think you deserve the right to control someone just because you see their name in chat?


Lemme see Can't log off.  Can't suicide,  whats next??


 You Can't Move because the Great Chat Magic Local has frozen you in place and now you GLOW so its easier to find you??


What is unsporting is making suggestions that kill PvP and make even more players decide not to go at all.


Sometimes I think you really do not want any kind of player base at all and enjoy your secluded private realms.

Edited by Protunia

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